Graduate Degrees in Political Science in the USA
Are you an international student and interested in political science for which you want to pursue bachelor degree. If you have decided to pursue a bachelor's degree, consider where you want to study for a bachelor's degree and whether you are interested in earning a master's degree in political science or applying for a PhD program. In this article, we have told about several options for bachelor's degree, which will be beneficial for you to know.
Where to get a Graduate Degree in Political Science in US
Once you've considered a bachelor's degree in political science, look for it in the field of study and college. Many colleges and universities in the US offer bachelor's degree programs. If you have chosen the school of your dreams that has a Bachelor of Political Science degree program, see what kind of programs the school is offering. It is important to know what programs the school offers as not all schools offer masters and PhD programs the schools that offer masters degree programs for students studying political science are Villanova University located near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. But at the same time this school does not offer PhD program. So students interested in PhD program cannot apply to this school. And if you talk about the University of Southern California in the city of Los Angeles, then it only offers PhD program. These schools offer a 5-year program to its students which include a lot of perks, student funding, two-year fellowship, and teaching and research assistantships, but this school does not accept applications for master's degrees.
Masters Degree in Political Science in the US
Do you know whether a master's degree in politics will be suitable for you or not. Masters degree in any field helps you to be more competitive in the job market; many jobs are available to you after this degree. But an upper-level degree may not be necessary for the career path you've chosen.
Earning a master's degree mainly depends on your career. If you want to work as a political scientist, campaign activist or lobbyist, then a master's degree may be a good option for you. If you have a masters degree than a bachelor's degree, then these options can help you better fulfill your career ambitions. Master's degree is of four years college and if you want to teach political science at junior college or community college level then you must consider masters degree. The Masters Degree program in Political Science is of two to three years duration and covers a wide range of subjects covered in the undergraduate Political Science curriculum. Whenever you choose a program, keep in mind the ability of the professors, the location of the school, and the reputation of the program.
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PhD in Political Science in the US
PhDs in Political Science Studies are also programs worth considering, making PhDs an appropriate degree for international students who wish to remain in academia, publishing research papers or teaching in the field at the collegiate level. If international students are interested in becoming a political science professor at a college or university, applying for a PhD program may be a good idea. PhD programs are slightly more respectable than master's degrees. Getting a doctorate is not an easy thing, so a doctorate in political science is a very good achievement.
PhD programs in Political Science take four to eight years as the time taken by the student to complete his/her dissertation through independent research depends entirely on the individual program of the school. The school also provides financial aid to students. International students in need of this financial need can be found in the form of grants. And this program pays more than a master's degree, is a bit competitive for high-paying professors and initially low salaries for college professors.