Careers in Fine Arts in USA - Know Everything about Opportunities in Fine Art as Artists, Architects, Writer & Professor

Careers in Fine Arts in USA

When you think of taking your first step in any field, first of all you think about the career in it. There are a number of career options available to students with a degree in fine arts, be it an artist, a musician, or a writer to get a job in any form. You can use a fine arts degree for large companies or from entrepreneurship to self-employment. So in today's article you will know what the career options available are after Fine Arts degree.

International students have career options in their mind after earning a degree and want to know about more career options. If you are a good and knowledgeable artist then there is no dearth of career for you. There are a lot of career opportunities in fine arts as well and you need to be aware of the reality in whatever career you choose for yourself. Mere career choice does not make a good career; you must show dedication and perseverance towards the work to be successful in your career. And in the initial phase of your career, you will have to struggle a lot.

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Artists in US

As you all know there is an artist angle, it is the one who can create and shape sculptures, paintings, designs and words. When you think of jobs after studying fine arts, they include options for art galleries, art teachers, or perhaps even amateur painters. Apart from this, there are many job options that you can think of. Talking about artists, there are many jobs in this such as painters who create cartoons or cartoons, graphic artists who show their art in newspapers, magazines and pamphlets and website designers.

Art therapy is a popular profession that is booming. In this, art therapists work with many patients and create such works of art which will lighten the mood and relax the patients. Apart from this, tattoo artists are also a very good career option, so you can perform your art on the human body. Along with this, you can also make a career as a writer; in this you can write blogs, articles, and journal articles giving information.

Fine arts jobs can also be found by international students who do not focus on the arts but are creatively capable. Some of the jobs for these are photographer, landscape designer, window display builder, furniture designer, architect, engineer, cake decorator, editor and a forensic artist. You can make a very good career in these too. And apart from these there are many such jobs which provide top paying:

  • Art Director
  • Architects
  • Creative Writers
  • Director
  • College professor of the Arts

Art Director

An art director is someone who creates design concepts and presentations for clients. As an art director, you are in charge of the workers who assist with art creation, layout, and copywriting. This is a very well paid job, for this salary is $ 91,500 USD in the US and you need to have a bachelor's degree to get this job.


Architects are those who in their job design the structures that are related to our lives that we see every day like private homes, offices and public buildings. All these are designed by an architect only. This job requires a bachelor's degree and a PhD and can fetch up to $78,400 in the US.

Director of stage/film/TV/radio

The director of a stage/film/TV/radio interprets the script and creates visions for possible adaptations of the written work. As a director you can see a very good career. Directors take full charge of artists and technical pulses, big companies are looking for such people. This job has a salary of $86,900 in the US and requires a bachelor's degree.

Creative Writers

Being a creative writer is not an easy thing, it is quite a difficult but very good profession, in this profession you can be asked to write original stories, poetry and even songs. You can be very successful in this and earn up to $64,500 in America. Bachelor's degree is required for this profession.

College Professor of the Arts

This career can be chosen by people who are able to direct students in courses in drama, music or art at the university level. For this you have to study in college and to become a professor in a community college you have to get a master's degree and to become a university professor you need a PhD. In this profession you can earn up to $68,200 in the US.

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There are some specific acts that international students can participate in which are composers, symphony members, conductors, soloists or choir singers. Musicians are those who are masters of new music or classical music. These careers are very fun, in which such people move forward that enjoy their job and art. There are some jobs in fine arts that require musical talent. These jobs have radio PR which is a voice heard on a radio.  A music journalist is someone who works with a strong background in rating and reviewing music. There are other musical works such as jingle writers who work on catchy tunes in commercials, there is a follow artist who adds a variety of sound effects to shows and movies, voice actors perform animated characters. Makes voice and speaks in advertisements in the radio. These are the jobs in which you can make a very good career Also there are some other fine arts jobs which are top paying.

  • Film Sound Editor
  • Band Manager:
  • Professor of Music:
  • Music Director:
  • Sound Engineer:

Film Sound Editor

Film Sound Editor is a very good paying job. A Film Sound Editor focuses on creating sound clips in cartoons, movies and commercials. In this career you have to get 4 years degree and in US you can earn $68,600 from this jobs.

Band Manager

A brand manager uses their creativity in the field of music as a way of building connections and marketing to their customers. In this job you don't get a chance to make music but you do plan for musician's contracts, shows and tour dates. You Can Expect $54,000 in the US from This Job.

Professor of Music

The job of a music professor requires you to have a PhD or a master's degree in which you enable students to create a passion and curriculum for music and guide them on their own successful path to music. Your average salary in this job can be $ 50,200.

Music Director

A music director works with an orchestra or choir to develop a complete program, set up shows, and rehearse. These are good career options for a person. For this you need a 4-year degree, but sometimes you may also need a master's degree for this. You can expect $49,300 USD for this job.

Sound Engineer

Sound engineers check the sound quality and range and operate the microphones in the concert hall. This job can earn you $46,500 salary and may require 4 years degree.

One should consider the options given to you for your career in the field of fine arts. You may have difficulty in choosing one option out of so many options, then do not worry about it, for this you take advice from people and research online careers.

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