With Understanding of E-Learning, Know Everything about Expertsminds - World's No.1 E-Learning Platform

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Understanding of E-Learning:

Now day's E-learning gaining popularity because of eight reasons. In last few years, intuitive learning software offering a complete learning experience along with fun and more interactive and engagement.

So what is E learning platform?  It is an online learning platform integrated with interactive online services which provide the information, tools and resources to enhance the education delivery system and management to all the stakeholders of the system as Learner, Trainer and other stakeholder of the system. Learning Management System (LMS) is one type of E learning platform.

There are many companies in the market that offers the e-learning platforms. Some of these only allow to host and sell the online courses and allowing you to run your business.

Rest of the platforms allows an interface for your user only where they can interact with your content but this cannot be a suitable choice for your customers. So how to decide which platform is best and suitable for you to host your training courses.

Everyone wants that E Learning platform should help you to present your content in an engaging way to your learner. In order to help you to differentiate between various e-learning platforms or LMS we have shortlisted some aspects, which need to be consider while choosing for the right platform according to your need.

How to choose the E learning platform:

A successful E learning platform create the robust learning experience that gives you the feel like a real classroom experience, while offering the real classroom environment (like interaction between student and trainer/instructor ,discussion ,Q&A, Quizzes, games etc.) with the help of laptop/desktop/tablet or mobile. These important learning environments can be achieved through a learning platform features and tools that create the level of engagement and interaction required by students.

While choosing the E learning platform we need to keep this thing in mind that host should be able to host different content format which can cater your learner specific learning styles.

Few examples of content format are interviews, webinar, chart, PowerPoint presentation, simulations, and audio video.

Expertsminds is World's No.1 E-Learning Company trusted since year 2005!

Frequently ask questions about e learning Platform of Expertsminds:

Now let's have a quick recap about what we learn so far about E learning platform, so let's find out the questions below-

1. What are your learner's needs?

The main hero of your program is only learner, to whom we expect that he or she learns with us. So first we need to understand their needs, for which purpose they are looking for training program. This information should be known by us. For example first check your learner what they want to learn like they want to learn a new skill or they want to improve their skill in previous process.

The interest of the learner will depend upon from which industry they belong to and then as per the interest you can apply your LMS program and then better fulfill you learner need.

The process of knowing how your organization floats the information to learner and how efficiently they manage their course will depend on the learning you are given to your learners. The whole process of giving service to learners is called as E-learning development.

To more understanding about the E- learning development let's take the example of a company, who runs much kind of training and program to be attended by their employee. If they have compulsory that every employee as per their grade need to enroll for compliance training then first the company will activate their LMS program accordingly and then all employees will attend the training program in different location. This process doesn't require one by one process.

Let's look for another example for better understanding of LMS and E learning. An organization offers an training for foreign language and they training should be given by the tutor by online, then there will be interaction between both the tutor and employee, so the LMS program will also be change its programming accordingly and satisfy the need of learner more better.

Q.2. Is your LMS mobile friendly?

Nowadays we can't expect the life without mobile phones, we carried everywhere mobile with us, the place time and other things will not affect using mobile phone. Now the learners need more flexibility in learning something, they don't want to sit for long time on laptop and computer. They feel bored taking training like this. So we need to understand that changing concept of learner about training and then as per their changes we have to change our process as well.

Let's take a survey on employee for better understanding of their E-learning requirement, ask the employee how many of them would like to do the learning outside the laptop and computer and doing with mobiles, if above than 40% says at one thing then we can activate our learning management system on their particular choice.

Q.3. Does your LMS offers integrations with features and systems?

Now what if a learner doesn't want to go from so many processes for training. So you have to make your learning program as per ask of learner, our learning process should be integrated with easy features so that at one portal, learner will find everything. This type or program will help learner to work faster.

For example suppose there is already a LMS program which offers user to open many applications for every process, they ask for single applications rather than opening multiple. So you can simply change your LMS and make it feature of Single-sign-on.

Q.4. Will you be overpaying for LMS features you don't want?

IF you're LMS less with the modern features but your learner didn't satisfy with the training then the LMS is just a waste of money. The high value LMS will create more pressure on learner and you as well. The more you pay for your LMS that doesn't meet with learner expectations then it bring only burden.

So better to choose the most popular E - learning program available in the market. Now the most powerful and in budget learning process is Sap Litmos. Many learners across the world refer this learning program for it's simply access and use.

Q.5. IS your LMS fulfill your learner need?

As we run the LMS program to satisfy the need of learner. so when we run a new LMS program then there is no doubt you have on your LMS. You are fully sure that the LMS you launch is supporting the content. There are many formats are avaible in the market both audio and video but still market has older formats as well like Mp4, AICC, Tin can etc.

So make a list of format you will need in your work and then activate your LMS accordingly.

Q.6. Is your LMS reliable or secure?

Every organization installs the LMS program but do they know about security of their LMS and later about their company secure information. It is very important to check that your LMS is reliable or secure or not? If anything wrong happen with the company goodwill due to breach of security by LMS then the organization has to pay a price for long time.

There are many secure LMS program are available in the marker like, firewall, SSL, these apps will help in securing the private data of employees as well others.

SO these are the frequently asked questions that applied in any E- learning program whether the small business or big business enterprise. The process of using E- learning program in the business is same for all. Because every organization wants to satisfy the users as well the employees and E- learning is one of the tool which helps in terms of training and better performance.

However E- learning will help the trainer to select the perfect training program for trainees. Also the better training process will return the better outcomes for the business. It is also important that the training material will be attractive so that the learners will keep coming back. So we can also say that the better understanding of your E-learning program will help you in adding more content in your process which in result helps in attracts target audience.

Understanding E- learning development:

An E-learning is a process in which the method of teaching is same but only the platform will change. As the name says E which means that the learning will be provided by online mode with the help of computer and laptops. There is no time barrier or any distance problem faced by the learner. If we can say this is learner convenient training program, where who ever want to take the training can connect them with the computer and choose the available slots and then attend the training.

This type of training program also known as computer based training as in short form CBT. This type of training very popular in the organization where new employee and previous employee are mandatory to attend a fixed number of training in a year, it is assume that attending training program will helps in increasing their performance.

There are many areas where E-learning development helps like games, mobile and GPS technologies. The devolvement will give the multimedia experience also.

How E-learning developers Revolutionize the learning Experience?

The role of E- learning developers is to design the systems and courses as per the need of learner with using of electronic media and other online tools. The developers are also responsible for design, delivery and user interface and user interaction for achieving the set goals.

The E- learner's start their career in technology field and some are in other devolvement areas. It is important that they have good understanding of E- learning program to serve better.

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