Teacher Toolkit - Know Some Useful Online Resources to develop your kid's Academic Skills!

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Some Useful Online Resources to develop your kid's Academic Skills

Studying abroad in a foreign country for a student is a great opportunity to make use of the language skills in the real world scenarios, hence giving their confidence a great boost for career development. So, how we can assist them to have successful future having experience abroad?

One of the best ways is to develop academic skills along with your written or speaking language skills. This Academic Skills usually helps learners become efficient learners. They provide students with confidence to make participation in English Speaking courses& are invaluable in the real world and also after they pass their exams.

Such academic skills helps to develop Critical Thinking ability and note taking are transferrable and these are important for successful career.

It is expected that student possess these skills when they begin their higher education. Expertsminds Teacher Toolkit shows five categories:-

  • Academic Discourse: -Skills for communication in an efficient manner in debates, discussions and presentations.
  • Academic Text Strategies: -Skills for analysing academic texts in greater detail.
  • Academic Strategies:- Skills for understanding & responding critically to lectures.
  • Composition:- Skills for effective academic writing.
  • Comprehension: -Skills for understanding academic texts and lectures.
  • Academic Discourse:-Many teachers ask the students to practice the presentations in class and it is considered as great skill to have. Though, it is considered very easy to not take into consideration students who are not speaking. By giving the students task of asking question to the speakers, we can transform the activity into an active listening task. Further, to give motivation to students, we must give prizes to people who ask the most interesting questions(Cleeve, Hampton, Mayor and Wilson, 2022).
  • Academic Text Strategies: - Beingable to look for the inference is considered as very importantacademic reading skill.It not only helps the students to understand the text well, but also to take a deeper look at the sentence.
  • Academic Strategies: - Writing Effective notes-There are many students who find it quite difficult to both listen & make notes while watching videos.
    • Effective note taking while watching videos or listening to a teacher or speaker is considered as a great skill in the real world. There are many Universities or Platforms where people are allowed to take notes.
  • Composition: Developing Coherent Arguments: -At the time of having class discussions, how great are the students' arguments. To prepare a coherent arguments is considered as vital skills for learners in higher education and one which we can practice in classroom.
  • Comprehension:-its like Identifying specific ideas in academic texts and lectures In field of further education, it is not enough to have an idea of text but learners must be able to provide the evidence for the same. At the time of class-readings activities, we must provide them with the word limit so that they are able to identify key words and important phrases in a small span of time.

Avail Teacher Toolkit Online to develop your kid's Academic Skills

There is number of involvement of resources which we can use to help prepare the students for the university studies:-

Expertsminds toolkit offers teacher or subject matter tutors with access to learning objectives (includes those too which are specific to academic skills) to help us plan the lessons which are at the right level for the students and hence will help the learners develop their academic skills in an organized way.

Another way where This toolkit help the students through three level academic skills course, University Success, designed for English language learners, preparing them for higher education in English speaking content. Three important strands are: -reading, writing and oral communication skills-developed through variety of authentic academic content.

With the combination of expert content with the academic skill development, University Success story supports the learners to be autonomous learners & hence helps them to do well in the academic courses taught in the English content.  It will also provide University assignment help that can be life changer for international students because they don't get idea in different cultures how to prepare their academic and lengthy tasks and due to following same pattern by all the universities, the international students find lots of problems during studies and they usually perform poorly in academics. But now use these teacher toolkits in which students can easily find tutor for help and get better score in academics.

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