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Importance of microcontroller

  • Microcontroller  is  a  very  simple  component.  It  is  mixed  with  high  quality  ingredients.
  • The  very  simple  computer  processor  is  used  as  the  brain  of   computer  future.
  • A  bit  of  memory ,  a  few  analog  to  digital  converters,  timers,  input/output  lines  are  added.
  • All  are  placed  in  packages.
  • A very  easy  software  is  able  to  control   it.  And  this  software  everyone  can  easily  learn.

There  are number of types of microcontroller were designed. Microcontroller helps the people a lot.

The  following  things  have  a  lot  of  influence  on  the  development  of  the microcontroller

1. The  input  and  output  devices  control  various  processes  and  devices  like  industrial automation,  Temparacher ,  I(A),  engine  performance  etc. and  after  that  it  is executed  with  immediate  effect.

2.  Basic  knowledge  is  hardly  needed  for  programming.  It  is  more  enough  to  have PC. and  simple   device  is  used   for   loading   the   programs   into   the  microcontroller.

How microcontroller does  operates:

1.      Every  devices  operate  when  the  power  supply  is  turn  on.

2.      Control  logic  keeps  everything  under  control.

3.      Except  the  quartz  crystal  oscillator  all  other  devices  are  disable.

4.      Oscillator  frequency  becomes  stable  when  power  supply  reaches  It  maximum  value.

5.      SFRs  are  filled  with  bits  reflecting  the  state  of  all  circuit  within  the microcontroller.  All pins are configured as an inputwith  the  pulse  sequence overall  Electronics  stats  operation.

6.      Program  counter  is  set  to  '0'  Instruction  from  that  address  is  sent  to  instruction decoder  and  it  recognizes.

7.      The program counter is incremented by 1 and the whole process is repeated by several times.

Microcontroller is an IC chip. It takes the input data and processes that data according to the memory program and gives the output.

It is used to control other machine and devices.

Advantages of Microcontroller:

1.      Microcontroller is cheap and very small in size. So it is embedded on any device.

2.      Programming of microcontroller is very simple to learn.

3.      We can use simulators on computers to see the practical results of program.

Applications of Microcontrollers:

Microcontrollers are mostly used in following electronic equipments :

Mobile Phones

Auto Mobiles

CD/DVD Players

Washing Machines


In Computers-> Modems and Keyboard Controllers

Security Alarms

Electronic Measurement Instruments.

Microwave Oven.

Difficulties solving microcontroller problems.

Are you looking for Custom Microcontroller Design assignment help? Designing a microcontroller homework and related problem’s solutions? Find best electrical engineering assignment help tutor for quick help and solve your problems of control systems or microconroller. 

At newly staring with microcontrollers you are face some problems in programming your microcontroller and there is nothing more frustrating than wasting hours to find the problem and still not be able to. I have worked withmanytypes of microcontrollers like TheArduino , PIC microcontrollers etc and each time I started with off with a new family of microcontrollers there used to arise a problem which took me hours and sometimes days to find out  what the problem exactly was , so I have come up with a list of problems you are likely to face while programming a microcontroller.

Here's  The List:
1] Check The Power Supply
While  Programming  the  microcontroller  we  have  to  check  the  proper  connection  of  power  supply  otherwise  it  shows  some  error.

2] Selecting Correct Serial Port
While  programming  we  have  to  select  the  right  serial  port  otherwise  it  shows  error.

3] Installing Drivers
If  you  are  using  programmer  it  is  necessary  to  install  the  drivers .  If  it  is  not  present  in your  PC  ,then  download  it  from  the  internet.

4] Pull Ups
Microcontroller  requires  the  pull  up  resisters  to  their  series  pin  to  avoid  the  errors  while programming.  But  the  pull  up  resistor  added  before  the  programming  of  microcontroller. Most  properly  10 k  pulls  up  used.

5] Software  can  not  detect  microcontroller.
this  problem  is  related  to  the  power  supply.  If  the  power  supply  is  connected  correctly then  you  have  to  check  your   programmer.

We  help  you  in  your  project  also.  We  solve  your  difficulties  regarding  project  as  early as  possible  with  full  explanation  of  your  programming  code.

The assignments related to design a micro-controller, System Design Using Microcontroller, and topics covered under the study in AVR microcontrollers are solved within quick turnaround time by tutors of Expertsminds. The topics are given below,

  • Digital IO
  • Timer and Counters
  • ADC
  • PWM
  • EEPROM access
  • Interrupts

Relevent Course : ECE 3710 Microcontroller Hardware and Software

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