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Women and Workplace Equality Assignment Help

Identification of relevant global factors to IHRM and demonstrate knowledge of the situation by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers.

Evaluate the current issue/s and/or factor/s and defend opinions by making judgments aout the relevant information, validity of ideas, and/or quality of work based on a set of criteria relavnt to IHRM concept/s and/or factor/s

Create viable alternative solution/s throughgeneration of plans to deal with the issue/s or situation/s and suggest the most suitable appliaction to the issue/s or situation/s   

Implication of the current scenario of IHRM to the UAE environment - use the relevant current policies, strategies, initiatives and plans to support the justification of the implications

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The development that has been taking place across the world has been contributed largely by the women and they are aiding in closing the gaps in various critical areas that include health and education. Despite this progress, there still persists inequalities in the area of politics and workforce and as per the Global Gender Gap Report of 2017, it has been estimated that the achievement of gender parity may take another 217 years for successful accomplishment (Duke, 2017).With further analysis and evaluation in the relevant areas, it has been determined that the role of women leaders play a driving factor in overcoming the economic equity and participation. In addition, it has also been determined that the leadership positions occupied by females is low as well (Duke, 2017). Therefore, it is important to shift the focus on empowering the role of women as leaders, so as to achieve the required gender equality and reduce the gender gap sooner than the estimated time. In the following discussion, details regarding this issue and the women leader being key factor in achieving gender equality has been discussed. Furthermore, the recommendations have been provided in the achievement of the same and its application in the perspectives of UAE has been discussed as well.

Concepts and Issues

Gender inequality or gender gap is considered as a type of discrimination of the different sexes that results in a particular individual being mistreated and disadvantageously, primarily due to their gender. This issue has plagued the women within the workplace for a long time and despite all the achievements and women's right movements that have been made, the issue still persists in the global society(Williams, 2013). It is to be noted that while gender inequality is mostly associated with women, in certain cases, the men also encounter similar situations.Gender inequality has been a common issue within the workplace as majority of the women encounter some kind of gender bias in their workplace and as a result of the same, many business organizations have been taking measures that would enable them to overcome this issue and be successful in establishing an equality in the gender and their role within the firm.Although women have been successful in establishing themselves in major positions that were traditionally male dominated, however, there still exists the issue associated with them being recognized for their roles and contributions (Michailidis, Morphitou, &Theophylatou, 2012).

In many organizations, the female leaders are not offered the same pay as that of male leaders occupying similar job positions. The major reasons behind the existence of this disparity includes gender roles and persisting gender bias. In majority of the advanced careers, the employees are expected to put in longer hours to demonstrate their commitment and therefore, this is considered to be problematic for some women (Bobbitt-Zeher, 2011). This is further augmented if the women are the primary care givers of their families and therefore, majority of the leadership positions are occupied by men. In addition, there exists powerful yet invisible barriers that prevent the advancement of women, which are further based on the cultural beliefs regarding gender, amalgamated with the workplace practices, structures, and patterns of interactions which inadvertently are favorable for men (Castilla, 2011). Therefore, it is important to address this issue and identify prospective solutions that would aid in overcoming the situation and establishing an effective gender equality within the workplace.

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Focus of the Issues and Necessity of Addressing it

Gender inequality has been a major area of discussion for a long time. The significance of the achievement of gender equality has been associated with sustainable development and economic growth. With respect to the corporate cultures, it has been identified that the mixed gender portfolio management teams tend to yield superior investment returns and also enhances the ability of attracting assets (Norris, 2019). As a result of the same, the asset management industry has been awakening towards the significance of gender diversity across the ranks, right from the investment professionals towards the executive leadership. It has also been determined that gender-diverse executive leadership leads to positive impact on the organizational profitability as well as stock performance (Norris, 2019).

Differentiating between professional migrant élites and the migrant working poor provides new questions for international human resource management (IHRM) (Metcalfe, 2010; Metcalfe & Rees, 2010). Globalization has precipitated large movements of labor across the globe. Whereas it has been noted that issues for expatriate women and complexities of fitting into diverse cultures, environmental disasters and large migrant movements pose challenges for international organizations and multinational enterprises(MNEs). As MNEs come under increasing pressure via CSR campaigning, managing the working poor and migrant labor are likely to become key challenges.

Literature of critical studies on men and associated power relations is well established (Collinson, 2014). Increasingly, there is a need to study how elites, largely men, in the global political economy shape and respond to changes in IHRM and employment. This involves examining how individuals and groups of male stakeholders at the center stage of globalization shape and weave together various forms of power in organizations, governments and international agencies (Hearn, Metcalfe, &Piekkari, 2012). Thinking intersectionally, these configurations are an assemblage, in continual play in time and space. A key area for future inquiry is thus the geography of the formulation of dominant femininities or masculinities. With respect to IHRM, it has been determined that equality in the workplace begins at the very first promotion and then develops at every subsequent step. With respect to the perspectives of the UAE, it can be stated that prioritizing gender balance and building female equity are effective means of enhancing the businesses (Dickens, 2019). It has also been determined that the government of UAE are also focused towards the achievement of gender equality and minimizing the gap. Therefore, it can be stated that with the help of effective means and measures as well as approach from the management of the enterprise, achievement of gender equality within the organization is achievable.

Recommendation and Implications - Critical Perspective

Achievement of gender equality within the workplace is highly driven by the acquisition of the leadership position by the female employees of the organization. The presence or increase in the female leaders in the workplace further promotes the significance and importance of gender equality in the workplace (Singhapakdi, et al., 2014). It also motivates the female workforce to be more dedicated and committed towards their respective roles so that they can also gain promotions in their area of expertise, thereby enhancing the femalepresence in the higher authoritative positions of the organizations (Merchant, 2012). Some of the major initiatives that can be taken for overcoming the gender inequality within the organizational context and promoting female leadership positions would include the following:

Introduce training: This support would begin with the rising awareness of gender bias across the organizations that has been demonstrated to aid in bringing awareness to the hidden biases and eliminating them. It is important for the enterprises to establish an effective baseline by providing all the human resources with unconscious bias training (Norris, 2019). For several decades, the industries are being led by men and in that process, the perception of what the leadership looks and sounds like has amalgamated around the styles that are more commonly exhibited by the men. As a result of the same, the female managers get occupied in the double bind. Consequently, those who act in a stereotypically feminine manner may not appear to be prepared for the leadership position in the eyes of their colleagues. However, those who seek to pre-empt this bias by undertaking a stereotypically male oriented approach may risk the backlash of not being likeable or warm (Folbre, 2012). When properly administered, the unconscious bias awareness training can illuminate these preconceptions of leadership (Norris, 2019).

Maximizing Success: Once any woman has been identified as a leader, it is critical for the enterprise to support her as well as maximize the chances of her succeeding in the role (Norris, 2019). Furthermore, by providing executive coaching would aid in ensuring a smooth discern and transition regarding the full value of the leadership position and role. It would further facilitate her growth by identifying her leadership style to best meet the culture of the team as well as the demands of the role (Norris, 2019). Furthermore, providing coaching would demonstrate to the organization that the enterprise is committed to her development, thereby expediting the adoption of her management style by the team.

Recommendation and Implications - Significance to UAE Culture and Environment

Achievement of economic and workplace equality for women has been an ongoing global battle and is highly prominent in certain sectors such as technology, which are highly dominated by the male culture. However, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been attempting in overcoming the gender gap that persists within the organizational culture. This is further supported by the government of UAE that aims towards strengthening the position and role of women in the organizational context for facilitating the development of the nation (Dickens, 2019). It has been determined that the female leaders of UAE tend to possess farsighted entrepreneurial vision and therefore, it is important to promote them and their position as leaders so as to achieve success and growth (Ananke, 2018). The further development of technologies and digitalization have necessitated the diversity of workforce and therefore the presence of female workforce can benefit the organization in surviving and thriving. This is majorly because the women tend to be more driven towards learning and gaining new knowledge and then communicating or spreading the same to a wider population.

It was mentioned by Dickens (2019), that legal and social barriers are hampering the access to jobs and careers of women in the Middle East and North Africa, which in turn has been affecting about $575 billion revenue every year in these regions. This was also supported by Metcalfe (2007) whereby it was mentioned that the reasons for women's limited advancement inorganizations and the public sphere includes the persistence ofbiases in recruitment and selection processes, gender stereotypes, limitedtraining opportunities and the presence of few female role models. Therefore, it can be stated that by encouraging the women human resources to participate in the decision-making processes and similar such areas of the organization would facilitate the promotion of gender equality and encourage the female workforce to proceed towards the advancement of their job roles and accept the same. Furthermore, by improving the training programs, it can be ascertained that the female employees gain equal skills and expertise as per their male colleagues and be able to employ the same within their job functions. This would further motivate them to pursue higher job roles, thereby aid in the achievement of gender equality.


Based on the discussion that has been presented above, it is evident that the improvement of the availability of leadership position by the women within the organizational context, offers more prospects with respect to overcoming the gender inequality and gap that exists in the business world. Additionally, by empowering the women and offering them with appropriate training and encouragement would further facilitate the process of achieving gender equality.Similar aspects have been identified with respect to the context of UAE, whereby it has been promoted highly that women should occupy the leadership position for facilitating the gender equality and bridging the gap. Hence, it can be said that women leadership is indeed a key factor in the achievement of gender equality.

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