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WHS Management System



The case study portrays the significance of three case studies in three parts related to WHSMS law. The case study answers all questions provided in the topic and provides significant rules, regulations and codes related to WHSMS law and provide correct information related to the case study topic for obtaining the results of provided questions in the cases.

Part 1 :

Case 1: AAA Auscarts Imports Pty. Ltd - For this case study you are required to identify and explain;

• Factors that contributed to the incident

• Relevant standards, codes, regulations and what the actual requirements of those documents were for the situation described by the case study

• The actions you would put in place in the organisation to prevent the same type of incident from occurring in the future and to meet compliance requirements


Factors are contributing to the incident Auscarts Imports Pty. Ltd Company is a recreational go-karting business situated at Port Melbourne.  The total case study is based on WHSMS Law and ways of implementing it for securing the lives of go-kart racers in providing proper safety for all the racers participating in the race. This step was taken by the company due to the tremendous amount of accident which took place in recent years (influenced by Bayram &Üngan, 2018). In total eight accidents occurred in the race track for which the officials are highly concerned about.

Rules and Codes Involved

The accidents which occurred in the race track happened due to the casual attitude and negligence of the officials of the company which was negligent about the safety measures. According to WHS ACT of WHSMS Law under the Work Health and Safety Act, 2011 suggests that any company which promotes go-karting business would have to maintain significant steps to include safety measures and stress on protective aspects and in violation, the rules the company has to bear severe effects from the Australian Code of Law.It is certain that the company is liable to be closed or has to face a significant amount of fine in order to continue its business process. The company must abide by the Australian Code of Law and act significantly according to the rules prescribed in the WHSMS Law in providing proper safety and protection to the go-kart racers (Comcare.gov.au, 2019).

Necessary steps of Future

Due to a tremendous number of accidents in the go-kart racing track the company has taken certain measures in creating protective steps for the safety of the racers on the race track (influenced by Faruq, 2018). The company also promised that it would abide by the WHSMS rule and involve absolute protective measures in providing safety to the racers in the go-kart racing track (as influenced by the views of Friend, Zontek& Ogle, 2017). The company promised that it would follow the WHSMS Law ofAustralian Code of Law for maintaining ultimate protection to the individuals involved in the race track (Work, Health andAct 2011, 2019). The company did undergo some severe measures by the Australian Law Code and has started to improve (Comcare.gov.au, 2019).

Case 2: McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd - For this case study you are required to identify and explain;

• Factors that contributed to the incident

• Relevant standards, codes, regulations and what the actual requirements of those documents were for the situation described by the case study

• The actions you would put in place in the organisation to prevent the same type of incident from occurring in the future and to meet compliance requirements


Factors contributing to the incident

McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd is a frozen food manufacturer in Ring Road in Wendouree. The company used a Magnuson brush washing machine which was faulty. The employees of that company used the machine without any technological training. During the maintenance timing of the machine, it was not isolated from the company. A general confusion between the maintenance staffs occurred. The confusion was regarding various switches of the multiple drive motor machines. Due to unavailability of generic lockout procedures, a thumb of an employee got amputated, as the machine started at the time of mending it. As per the views of Straub (2018), this was a huge incident, and the company was totally responsible for the purpose of this accident.

Rules and Codes Involved

Under theProtocol Act of Section 3in the WHSMS Law, it is clearly stated that any organisation involved in machinery usage have to provide distinctive training to an employee using the machine. Based on the statements of Walaski (2017), this rule of theAustralian Code of Lawwas not followed by the company, and the company is liable to be burdened with certain punishments by the Australian Court of Law.The Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 clearly projects about the safety measures the company should take in any condition of technological dispute (Work, Health andSafety Act, 2011). The law also states that the company is liable to pay a certain amount of payment to the effected staff who lost his thumb as it is the duty of the company to protect its employees and staffs. These were rules suggested by the Australian Court of Law for safety and security purposes for the company’s employees for their betterment (Comcare.gov.au, 2019).


Necessary steps of Future

Certain steps have to be maintained by the company in future to securely look after the company employees and staffs and provide them with protection in any circumstance. As per the views of Bliss &Krzystowczyk (2017) the company exclaimed that they are responsible and payable to the harmed employee as it is the duty of the company. The company focusedon providing particular training to all its employees who would be operating the Magnuson brush washing machine for the need for production of frozen foods. The company proposes to the Court of Law that it will take necessary steps to be careful in the future days to cautiously perform their jobs so that no accident occurs in future.

Case 3: Australian Aluminium Shopfltters Pty Ltd - For this case study you are required to identify and explain;

• Factors that contributed to the incident

• Relevant standards, codes, regulations and what the actual requirements of those documents were for the situation described by the case study

• The actions you would put in place in the organisation to prevent the same type of incident from occurring in the future and to meet compliance requirements


Factors contributing to the incident

Australian Aluminium Shopfitters Pty Ltd is glazing works for undertaking company. The company undertook a complex building construction where a worker was working in a multi-storey building in the 7th floor by using a cantilevered mobile device and a chariot to access the high points of the building (based on the views of Yadav, Nikraz& Chen, 2016). An accident occurred where the worker and his chariot fell into the ground fatally injuring the worker. This accident occurred due to a lack of fall protection.

Rules and Codes Involved

The WHSMS Law clearly stated that the company has to include its sole workers and provide them with total protection for construction-related jobs. Working at Heights Act 2003of the Australian Code of Law clearly states that a company is liable to provide distinctive protection to its workers in height constructions (Working at Heights Act 2003, 2019). According to the Australian Court of Law, it is the responsibility of the company to take care and compensate the workers family in providing a distinctive amount of money sufficient for their daily requirements (Safeworkaustralia.gov.au, 2019).The Australian Court of Law clearly indicated that the company should treat all employees as significant individuals and provide them proper safety and precaution in order to help in their work atmosphere. According toAS1657 (2018)new revised Australian Standards for Fixed Platforms, Walkways, Stairways and Ladders,the Court of Law indicated that severe steps would be taken against the company if it does not provide protection to its workers (Safeworkaustralia.gov.au, 2019). The law exclaimed that the company’s lease has to be terminated from the deal if it does not abide by the Court of Law(Safeworkaustralia.gov.au, 2019).

Necessary steps of Future

This accident clearly occurred due to disregarding the safety and protective measures which should be taken by the worker. The company is responsible for this accident as it did not provide the worker with any fall protection. Due to this cause the company promised to provide height protection to each and every individual worker working at high heights (influenced by Toy, Dunmire&Hohn, 2015). The company also provided compensation which it had to offer to the workers family for the death of their workers.

Part -2: 

Task: Your group has been given the task to review the entire WHS practice at Salad Fresh and develop a brand new WHS Management System for the organisation.



Maintenance of workplace health and safety are significant aspects in a contest of maintaining better workplace environment and increasing interest of all employees of Salad Fresh. With the aid of daily basis monitoring operational process and situation of the working environment, the management group of the organization can be able to enhance staff productivity. The company promised that it would never again perform this mistake and include distinctive safety features in the company which is necessary for the workers in providing total security and safety for working in high height conditions. Salad Fresh has faced significant issues regarding lack of workplace health and safety of all workers.

Context and related background

Different external and internal factors as well as workplace factors

External factors regarding strong bonding with Government authority can be the reason for gathering information related to the importance of maintaining workplace and health and safety. Along with that, the senior department of Government authority can provide information regarding the way of maintaining the legal and ethical business process. Internal factors including skilled and experienced manager of Salad Fresh could consider daily basis monitoring and controlling of operation process for the purpose of maintaining the safety of all employees working in the organization. As per views of Bliss &Krzystowczyk, (2017) skilled and experienced managers as well as daily basis monitoring and controlling process are significant influencing factors of maintaining workplace health and safety. In the case of having an effective working environment and maintaining proper safety of all machineries of Salad Fresh, health and safety of all workers can be maintained in an effective way. However, it has been noticed in the case study that lack of proper safety and protection of all machineries of different departments of the company has been major issues within the organization. Due to which, the particular worker has faced safety issues within the Salad Fresh.


Describing WHSMS

WHSMS is a tremendously significant management system which is essential in systematically reducing amounts of illness, injuries and fatal accidents involved in a workplace. By implementation of WHSMS Management System, a company is able to maintain a sustainable business process for maintaining significant implication of safety measures. Every business process involves safety issues and risks which the company has to avoid in a safety workplace. According to Kim Park & Park (2016), this act of management system acts as an umbrella in case of protecting injuries and fatal accidents in a working atmosphere, be that any kind of accident.

Relevant laws as well as standards and codes based on work health and safety

Under the WHS Actin the WHSMS Law, it is clearly stated that any organisation involved in machinery usage have to provide distinctive training to an employee using the machine. Based on the statements of Walaski (2017), this rule of the Australian code of Law was not followed by the company, and the company is liable to be burdened with certain punishments by the Australian Court of Law. The Work Health, Safety and Protection Act 2011 clearly projects about the safety measures the company should take in any condition of technological dispute (Work, Health and Safety Act 2011, 2019). The law also states that company is liable to pay a certain amount of payment to the effected staff who lost his finger as it is the duty of the company to protect its employees and staffs (Auststoragealliance.com, 2019). The company is bound to pay a certain amount of compensation to the affected individual who lost his valuable finger.These were rules suggested by the Australian Court of Law for safety and security purposes for the company’s employees for their betterment.

WHS policy as well as processes and responsibility of management

As per policy based on occupational health and safety, maintenance of safety and a healthier environment are major aspects in the context of enhancing staff productivity. US health and safety policy of 2011 indicates to monitor operation processes and functional criteria of different types of machinery on a daily basis for the purpose of developing the growth of the organizational growth (Workplace health and safety Policy, 2019).  Senior managers of Salad Fresh could consider significant responsibilities regarding daily basis monitoring and cleaning of the floor so as to avoid issues regarding health and safety. Daily basis cleaning process is the significant aspects in the context of avoiding issues related to health and safety and maintaining the better workforce.


Over viewing management

Company officials involved in management seemed careless about the safety and protection of the workers. It was the duty of Onpock machine maintenance officer to maintain safety and protection to the workers by keeping the machine up to the mark, but the machine resulted in having faults which could be fixed by the machine maintenance manager. As opined by Straub (2018), it is crystal clear that the company officials and the management is totally careless about the inconvenience occurred to the workers. This was a significant and terrible accident which took place, and it pointed out the negligence of the management for repairing the draining pipe of Onpock machine.

Part -3:

Task - An action or implementation plan describes a sequence of steps that must be taken, or activities that must be performed well, for a strategy to succeed. An action plan has three major elements; Specific tasks: what will be done and by whom; Time horizon: when will it be done; and Resource allocation: what specific funds are available for specific activities.


Implementing different approaches

Communication and consultation process

Senior managers of Salad Fresh could consider daily basis communication with all lower staffs so as to take immediate action and overcome a challenging situation. As opined by Touqan (2017), an idea related to strong communication will all employees working in the operation and production department is a significant aspect in the context of avoiding issues related to workplace health and safety. In case of discussing information regarding impact level of working environment on the health of employees, employees would be able to tackle different challenging situation (Auststoragealliance.com, 2019). Collaborative work with all employees and a strong relationship between senior managers and hierarchy will be significant aspects for the purpose of maintaining safety in the workplace.

Contacts as well as roles and responsibilities

Senior managers of Salad Fresh could consider daily basis communication and incorporation of all staffs by conducting a meeting on a weekly basis. For the purpose of ensuring better safety for all employees, daily basis monitoring of operation process within the organization and checking required criteria are essential. In the case of finding out issues regarding improper functional criteria, senior managers of Salad Fresh could consider immediate action by implementing strategic ideas and taking a decision. As mentioned by Bennett, KohlmeyerTaubit (2015), a strong relationship between hierarchy and staffs as well as daily basis communication is essential for the purpose of

Major tasks as well as timelines and different priorities

Different activities



Responsible persons

Organizing meeting

Week 1


Senior Managing Director

Creating a management plan

Week 2


Senior Manager

Organizing Operational Checking plan

Week 2 & 3


Junior Management  Officer

Examine the result of Protection and Safety

Week 4


Senior Managing Director

Table 1: different tasks and responsible persons for the purpose of maintaining health and safety


Implementing schedule

The Senior Management Official provided specific tasks for the company officials in order to ensure proper safety and protection of all its employees in maintaining overall security (based on the views of Straub, 2018). The Senior Manager considered the first week for organizing a meeting to discuss the overall plan of the process.

Strategic goals and objectives

Strategic goals of Salad Fresh will include proper maintenance of health and safety for all employees so as to enhance staff productivity and sales volume within a short period (influenced by Walaski, 2017).

Different objectives of the company will include:

  • To maintain health and safety for all employees
  • To monitor daily basis operation process and functional criteria of all machinery for ensuring safety
  • To measure the performance of individual employee on a daily basis

Implementing support

A senior manager has to support the company officials for establishing overall safety and protective measures for the organization.

External process of consultation

Daily basis consultation with senior managers and staffs is necessary for the purpose of gathering information regarding workplace problems.

Facilities and different resources

A senior manager has to provide proper facilities and resources for establishing total safety and protection to all of the company’s employees (as influenced by Faruq, 2018).

Documentation process

Senior Manager has to create proper documentation to its employees and workers for overall protection and safety in the workplace.

Different resources

Higher officials must provide a significant contribution to junior engineering manager proper resource materials needed to fix the Onpock machine.

Requirements for different resources

The resources will require various requirements or engineering tools for the resources which must be provided to the junior engineering manager to fix the uncovered tube of the Onpock machine (influenced by Bayram &Üngan, 2018).

Staffing requirements

Selections of proper, efficient staffs are necessary for the mission of safety and protection. The Senior Manager should involve inspection for this cause.

Training process

Proper training and skill should be provided to the workers for technical knowledge to fix the problem which is necessary for fixation of the Onpock machine (based on the views of Touqan, 2017).

Monitoring and evaluation technique

Senior managers could consider monitoring and inspecting the process of safety and protection establishment, so that the number of accidents in the organisation decreases in number.

Data collection methods

Senior managers of Salad Fresh could consider the collection of data as an important factor and take necessary steps by analyzing data

Evaluating data

Evaluation of data is essential for checking the performance of the workers and junior managers acting on the job.

Reports and strategic recommendations

Senior manager of this company should take necessary steps regarding daily basis meeting and incorporating all employees for attaining proper safety and protection of company workers.


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