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UU-DOC-801 - Quantitative Research Methods


Task 2: Critically Compare and Contrast the Two Main Research Approaches with Special Focus on their Differences

Answer: Introduction:

The term ‘quantity' refers to amount or number. Therefore, quantitative analysis is a systematic research procedure of certain phenomenon that works with the numbers or the numerical values of the variable. The method also focuses on the relationship between the specific phenomenon and its variables. In this research method, a survey may be conducted to acquire answers in order to the explanation as well as prediction of an incident, such that, the incident or the phenomenon could be controlled (Bryman, 2017). Quantitative research comes under the descriptive research, which recognize the characteristic of a noted phenomenon and investigates the co relation among the aspects.

There are certain characteristics of this research technique. The data is usually collected by utilizing a specific tool, such as questionnaire. The outcome of this research technique depends on the size of the sample. All the factors have been meticulously design by the researcher before conducting the method. The researcher also needs to have a clear questionnaire to gather data. The data are usually numerical. It often contains a table or chart format. The project may be used to make generalization of a concept in a more expanding way. The project researchers can use the computer software in order to gather the numerical data. There are mainly three types of research techniques (Brown, 2015), namely Case study design, Corelational design and Experimental design.


Case study: In quantitative as well as qualitative approaches, the case study research method is utilized. Though, in case of quantitative analysis the in-depth inspection of a unique organization or certain commercial enterprise. The main object of this kind of research method is to impart information by collecting the several variables to get an overview of a complex event. In case study research, the researcher uses a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. He uses this tool to acquire statistics or numerical facts that characterize the specific event (Qureshi, 2017). There are two types of case study or server research. Such as: cross sectional survey and longitudinal survey.

In case of cross sectional survey, a research conductor gathers data from the samples that are drawn based on population of a city or a country. It includes gathering data on a certain point of time. However, the data gathering time may differ from each other. On the contrary, longitudinal data gathering is usually conducted in different time in order to notice the changes. There are two main types of longitudinal survey that are commonly found. Those two types are Panel studies and Cohort studies. The samples can vary in different time though the population remains same.

In case of panel study survey, the researcher identifies the specimens when the researcher starts the research work. After that he adhere the respondents the certain time in order to catch the changes. He also tries to focus on the cause of the changes of the respondents. On the other hand, in case of conducting the cohort studies, a researcher identifies a specific population. While doing that the researcher lists all the members' names. At first, the research selects specific respondents from the IT population. It occurs repeatedly.

Characteristics of Case study:

There are some characteristics of case study, such as:

• This is a profound social study unit

• It is quantitative as well as quantitative procedure

• The study includes the sufficient period

• It has a continuation in nature

• In this method, a small unit of study is conducted

Limitation of case study: There are some disadvantages of the case study as well, such as, it is not sufficient of those events that exposes rarely. The subjects are also selection bias. The information that is gathered from this method is not error free. The procedure does not use calculation for a certain incident (Crowe, Inder & Porter, 2015).


Co relational design

The main object of this type of research method is to build a relationship between the various variables and the specific event. Co relational research method is also a quantitative research procedure. In this method the researcher has two or more that two quantitative aspects from the similar group of theme. He also tries to determine the whether any relationship can be made with the variables. In other word, the co relational study focuses on the relationship between the research phenomenon and the rate of decrease or increase of its variable (Kazadi, Lievens, & Mahr, 2016). It also provides the evident suggestion whether the aspects are inter connected or not.

The Characteristics of co relation design

The common characteristics of co relation design are that it is a dynamic study. At the same time it is a procedure that looks back ward. Option strategies often shoe the connection between the event and its several variables.

The limitation of co relation design

The co re relation design also has some disadvantages. Sometimes in co relation design the cause and effect relation among the event and the various variables of the event, becomes the toughest work for the researcher.

Experimental design

In this procedure the researchers tries to come to a hypothesis. At the same time, he tests the postulation by concluding the connection among the dependent as well as interdependent variables. It denotes the concept of the framework in which the investigation is conducted.

Characteristics of the experimental design: This is an experimental aspect. It also includes a set of responsible variables. It provides a treatment to a certain problem. It contains a number of duplicates.

Limitation of experimental design: This is not possible for the method to provide the experiments. It sometimes creates a situation, which is not real. It is prone to human error. The environment often influences the researcher.

Significance of the quantitative research technique: There is huge significance of quantitative research procedure. First of all, this process is more reliable as well as objective oriented. Secondly, it utilizes the statistics. Therefore, a clear conception can be made. Thirdly, the method diminishes the complexity of the event in order to reduce the variables and restructure the problem. The theory also tries to build the relation between the specific event and its variables. Thus, it establishes the cause and effect link. Simultaneously, the method tests the hypothesis.

Conclusion: The quantitative research technique is vastly used method in conducting a survey. However there are certain limitations of this method. This research procedure often has some limitations. This technique is preferable inside a library, where every situation is under control. However, in case of measuring the some vague ideas like human behaviour, is far more critical. Beside, the tools those are used in this research procedure are vulnerable. Obviously, the result measured by these instruments is prone to have errors. On the contrary, the research technique usually contain numbers or statistics, however, some events is often more difficult to produce quantitative numbers. Hence, this is another disadvantage of the quantitative research method. However, it is impossible to measure certain events in a quantitative number. In spite of all the limitations of the quantitative research method is one of the popular procedures among the researcher.


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