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Tourism Case Study Assignment Help

Broadstairs is a beautiful town on the East Kent coast, between Margate and Ramsgate. The town has seven beautiful sandy bays, a characterful high street, pretty parks and plenty of things to see and do. However, with the rise of package holidays and low cost airfares making foreign travel much more accessible and affordable, Broadstairs has been struggling to compete. The local authorities though, are keen to come up with a tourism plan that will help Broadstairs coastal area to build on their heritage and take advantage of new opportunities to develop strong economies and communities for the future. Their long-term ambition is to see Broadstairs thriving, with a vibrant, creative and sustainable economy based on strong local businesses that meet the needs of residents, visitors and investors in the town. Therefore, your task is to:

Part 1 A. Examine the benefits of producing tourism strategic plans for a coastal area and illustrate that with an example of a destination that has benefited from it. (academic and other sources must be used) B. Evaluate the importance of Collaborative Planning in tourism and justify why this approach would be useful for Broadstairs coastal area. Discuss the pros and cons of this approach.


Part 2 C. Compile a brief tourism strategy with clear vision and objectives, which will address the current issues and challenges that Broadstairs is facing. D. Describe how your vision and objectives could be implemented and identify the key stakeholders in charge of delivering those objectives. E. Evaluate how your strategy is going to benefit the residents and visitors socially and economically. 3 | P a g e You can use maps, images, diagrams, tables and other figures to help communicate what you want to say. Label all figures.

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The present report is based on designing a strategic plan for tourism within a mixed economy town, Broadstairs. It is a coastal tourism destination which is best known for Viking bay, sandy beaches, and chalk cliffs. In this place, tourists can enjoy historic places, beaches, waterfront, seaside shops, restaurants, and bars. The report sets out a clear vision and objective of the proposed tourism strategy. The document also covers the existing issues and challenges faced by Broadstairs tourism (Dredge, and Jenkins, 2011). In this context, a tourism strategic plan has been designed involving key stakeholders to provide socio-economic benefit to the residents and visitors (Edgell, 2013).

Examining the benefits of producing tourism strategic plans

The coastal tourismindustry is presently one of the fastest growing areas at a global level. Marine and coastal tourism have been attributed with ‘3s' - sea, sand, and sun, the combination of which becomes an attractive destination for customers. In this context, the industry efforts to provide better tourism experience through marine activities like fishing, yachting, scuba diving, boating, as well as windsurfing (Clavé, & Wilson, 2017). There exist various benefits of introducing tourism strategic plans for coastal areas, some of which includes the following:

Foreign exchange income - The primary economic benefit from coastal tourism is associated with foreign exchange earnings. They export and import all goods and services in conjunction with the coastal tourism house and aids in generating income to the host's economy. According to reports, tourism contributes a minimum of 30 % to the overall economy, of all the nations having access to coastal beds.
Economic benefit - The sustainable tourism strategy adds to government revenue, generates employment, and creates business opportunities. The government revenue from coastal tourism can be categorized as a direct or indirect contribution. The direct contribution includes income tax from tourism employment, tourism business, and departure tax or eco-tax charge on tourists. In addition to this, the coastal communities also get benefited from tourism through employment opportunities, which is referred to as indirect contribution. According to the world travel and tourism council, tourism will account to 275 million (8.4% of total employment) jobs worldwide by 2019 (Wray, & Croy, 2015). The jobs are generally related to hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, fishing, scuba diving, and other marine activities.

Improvement in coastal areas - Coastal tourism promotes the local government to improve its local aesthetics standards, infrastructure, health, and safety conditions. The infrastructure needed to support coastal tourism includes the airport, railway, employee's housing development, and attractive shopping malls. The inclusion of all these facilities can help in improving the quality of life tourists as well as for the local residents.

Nature protection - Coastal tourism can directly contribute to the conservation of sensitive ecosystems and habitats. For this purpose, the government has introduced beaches protection groups to protect and develop coastal heritage and adjunct parks. These groups aim to protect and conserve coral communities, sand pits, beaches, fisheries resources, and marine invertebrates, which satisfies the purpose of protecting and supporting the natural eco-system.

Competitive advantage - Towards a sustainable tourism strategic plan, more tour operators will be connected. Tourism operators prefer to work with those suppliers who act in a sustainable way like respecting local culture, improving and protecting the ecosystem and supporting the local community's well-being.

One of the best examples of successful coastal tourism is Eilat, Israel. It is located in the south of Israel in the Negev desert and on the Red Sea Coast (Hall, & Ram, 2017). Also, adding to the popularity of this destination, it is best known as the "holiday capital" of Israel. It has a large number of hotels and resorts along the coastal belt. In addition to this, there are many shopping malls, entertainment venues and nightlife for its tourists, which subsequently benefits the economy of the nation. Eilat's marine tourism also features scuba diving and snorkeling facilities in the beaches and coral reefs add to the overall beauty of this spot. One of the most famous attractions of Eilat is its "Underwater Observatory Marine Park" which hosts fishes, corals, turtles, shark pools, and attracts many tourists. For several years the government of Israel has been introducing national support programs and financial aid to improve the marine coast of this location. Additionally, there have been significant development and amendment of designed strategic plans which aims to improve the tourists' appeal of the region. In order to strengthen the position of Israel Tourism at the international market, the government, as well as local (private) agencies, signed an Open Skies Agreement in 2012 between Israel and the European Union (EU) (Hall, & Ram, 2017). The agreement allows all direct flights from EU countries to Israel and vice versa. For further easy access to Eilat, Israel has introduced a direct flight facility to this location via domestic flight services. This agreement helps in reduces air traffic and reduces the international flight prices to Israel from EU Nations. As a result of which,it facilitates an overall increasein annual tourists visits. The government also invests in public tourism infrastructures such as beaches, resorts, and underwater marine Observatory. For this prospect, they organize a training program for employees in the tourism sector so as to target international tourists with international standardization in terms of services and hospitality. Accounting the international tourists visit, approximately 130,000 tourists visited Eilat in 2018, which depicts the popularity of this destination as a result of sustained strategic planning and promotion of this marine tourist destination (Hall, & Ram, 2017).

Evaluating the importance of Collaborative Planning in tourism

Collaborative planning in tourism is an effort to proactively manage the development and growth of associated tourist destinations. This prospect of planning not only allows the stakeholders to create an opportunity to enhance the profit margin, but also promote the development of tourism (Vogt, Jordan, Grewe, & Kruger, 2016).

Collaborative planning in the tourism sector is a unique form of strategic alliance, which allows participation of a large number of stakeholders, implements innovative strategies to attract customer, and sustain the business for a longer period. The prospect enables the tourism industry to guide its mission, vision, accomplish the goal, and achieve the objective in an efficient manner by making a partnership with the help of a broader community framework. According to Farr et al (2017), collaborative planning is an opportunity for those communities who are interested in integrating tourism in their environment, economic and social endeavors. This means that the opportunity does not impose forcible action for the development of tourism. However, it creates an opportunity for the associated community to work in partnership, creates an efficient supply chain, and offers a greater return to their customers for their investment. In this section, the focus of discussion is based on the Broadstairs case scenario, in which the impact of collaborative tourism planning will be analyzed.

Broadstairs is located on East Kent coast in between Margate and Ramsgate. The destination hunts seven beautiful sandy basses, pretty parts, along with characterful high Street. The prospect of collaborative tourism planning will be an advantagefor the town to gain competitive advantage and make a mark in the local tourism industry. Since the local members are aware of the cultural issues, resource availability, and engagement ideas, the corresponding information can be effectively linked for the development of tourism prospects. In addition to this, the partnership requirements adoption of responsibility, such as creating opportunities for rent, food service, local transportation, guide or information center, as well as networking. Involved of respective stakeholders in this area is necessary for creating the network and facilitating the tourism requirements. Overall, it can be argued that the collaborative planning for Broadstairs requires an opportunity to integrate the local authorize with tourism representatives such as companies or government agencies (Garrod, & Fyall, 2017).

The pros associated with collaborative tourism planning are the following:

Sustained development-The planning approach can avoid the expenditure required for tourism development, by strategically designing the resource utilization, defining focused objectives, implementing market requirements into design prospects, and seeking customary requirements. The contribution of associatedpartners can be effective in bringing varieties of ideas and thus sustainability can be achieved.

Effective solution - A mutual contribution of several stakeholders can prove to be a cost-effective solution. Making use of the local resources as well as the knowledge utilization of cultural context can attract customers. Furthermore, a combined effort for designing and implementing ideas can be assuredby including a combined decision-making approach, informed-decisions, and using evidence-based approach (Thomas, Scott, Brebeanu,&Berkeley-Cornner, 2017).

Democracy- Stakeholder collaboration also abides by the concept of democracy and thus makes tourism planning legitimate for everyone. The community members who are most affected by tourism development can also get the opportunity to contribute to sustainability.
Some of the notable cons of collaborative tourism planning are:

Extra burden - The basic objective of this approach is to identify those individuals who are directly or indirectly affected by the proposed tourism development. However, bringing various interests together becomes an additional burden for the planning department.

Identifying legitimacy - It is important to identify the legitimacy of the potential stakeholders involved in the planning process. Failing to comply with this requirement, can lead to serious conflict, loss of resources, as well as failure to comply with the customary requirements.
Participation capacity - Despite the fact that the planning process can include members having with necessary knowledge and skills. Thus, it becomes an extra burden to identify deserving stakeholders who are essentially required within the scope of the planning process.

Additional cost - Additional cost will be a requirement by the responsible authority to compensate the volunteers of the local planning committee. This will be required for conducting case analysis and collecting information that can be directly involved in the decision-making process (Mason, 2015).

Political issue-The opportunity of collaborative planning will also be effective with the associated operational, political, cultural, and structural limits in conjunction with the participation of local members.

Brief tourism strategy

Description of the location-Broadstairs is a beautiful scenic coastal town on the East Kent coast, England. The town is nearly 80 miles from the east of London which has a smooth transportation facility and connected links to access the area. It is a place having seaside charm along with fishermen cottages, retro ice cream parlors, and chic shops, to attract customers. The location can be considered as an attractive tourist destination for families and young couples who prefer mild climate and miles of scenic English coast. The strength of this location includes (i) exciting attractions for the sightseers; (ii) suitable nightlife people of all age groups; (iii) opportunity for entertainment with lively seaside, musical bar (Lawton, & Weaver, 2015).Fig. 1 shows the seaside view of Broadstairs and fig. 2 shows the Viking bay along the beach.

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Fig. 1 Broadstairs seaside view


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Fig. 2 Viking Bay in Broadstairs beach

Mission, vision, and objective- The mission of this tourism destination isto provide high-quality service, attract diverse groups of tourists, and gain economic advantage. The associated vision is to make Broadstairs the most desirable, attractable and memorable tourist destination for the customers. The vision is in parallel to the core values of tourism prospect in the United Kingdom which includes; originality, united, innovative, and profitable (Vogt, Jordan, Grewe, & Kruger, 2016). The primary objective of this destination is to maintain and build the coastal heritage as well as grab the opportunities to strengthen the economic framework. The long-term objective is to build a creative, sustainable, and vibrant economy on the basis of strong local businesses that can fulfill the requirements of visitors, residents, and investors.In the context of creating a sustainable tourist destination, the local government has initiated work towards improving infrastructure and transportation facilities within the town. Furthermore, the objectives and mission also include creating opportunities to avail jobs to the local people and improve their living standards (Moutinho, and Sanchez, 2018).

Attractions - Broadstairs has various places to offer, not only for the visitors but also for their residents. These include blue flag sandy beaches, contemporary art galleries, traditional amusement arcades, cafes, restaurants, bistros, and bars. Some other important places to visit are Lilliput Minigolf, St. Peter's village tour, Crampton tower museum, blues bash music festival, Broadstairs water gala, Bleak House Museum, and Dickens House Museum. Alongside beaches, the visitors can enjoy surfing, biking bay, beach shops, children's ride, harbor and cliff top walk, and beach huts. The tourist visiting during Easter weekend (15th to 17th April) and autumn (29th September to 1st October) can also get free entry to the Broadstairs festival. In the adjunct food festival, there exist opportunitiesfor enjoying local food. Additionally, it also provides the facility of riding on the "Open Top Bus" to enjoy the fresh air and scenic beauty of the town from Ramsgate boating pool to the Broadstairs stone bay. For easy accessibility, the High-Speed rail link and has been introduced for the vacationists from continental Europe and London (McComb, Boyd, & Boluk, 2017).

Current issues and opportunities - Currently the tourism promotion is at its decline phase, due to a lack of interest from government and local authorities towards the promotion of tourism. This affects the economic development of this area.
Not making use of technology, lack of marketing, unable to attract people who are going to abroad destination for their leisure time.
No planning to gain cost leadership and effort to achieve sustainability (Garrod, & Fyall, 2017).

Opportunities for Broadstairs tourism include:

• Stakeholder engagement,
• The partnership of government with tourism companies, localities, and other agencies
• Promotional activities including architecture, food chain industry, and hospitality sector can attract more customers (Lawton, & Weaver, 2015).
• Improvement of beach and harbor will boost the Viking Bay, leisure boats, and fishing activities.

Challenges-By mid-1970s, Broadstairs has been facing increased competition from other cheap flights traveling from the UK to European nations, which increases the accessibility for abroad beach holidays for the local British families. This, in turn, reduces its popularity and the number of tourists within the United Kingdom and creates an adverse effect on its economy (Simancas Cruz, García Cruz,Greifemberg, & Peñarrubia Zaragoza, 2018). In addition to this, beach water pollution and lack of effective management create long-term damage to the town's reputation. The high street shops are also unable to survive with increased competition from the Westwood Cross. The shops are unable to adjust with the modern retail service such as online delivery service and weekend opening hours. Importantly, negligence by the local authority and municipality in promoting tourism and making use of advertisement and marketing paradigm in promoting this destination affects the tourism prospect to a significant extent (Carlisle, Johansen, & Kunc, 2016). 

How the vision and objective could be implemented

The prime objective of the Broadstairs coastal community team is to flourish and bloom the economy of the town. In addition to this, its objective also includes increasing civic pride by reducing littering and anti-social behavior. Further, it also aims to improve the income flows to its local community and thereby encourage more business investment. Consequently, the increased economy will meet the requirements of its residents and draw the attention of the visitors (Hall, 2007). The described vision and objective of the tourism strategy can be implemented by the community team through the following ways:

• They can collaborate all the organizations having interest as well as knowledge regarding Broadstairs town and its tourism aspect. These organizations can work in coordination to support and frame the economic activity within the town. The various organizational sectors include transportation, healthcare, recreational, food, and hotels and restaurants.

• Further, the local government can also take an initiative to promote the significant and attractive assets of the town. These assets include the beach, bars, cafes, bays, Picturesque harbor, Crampton tower museums, award-winning St Peter's Village Tour, and Dickens House (Dredge, & Jamal, 2015).

• The government needs to concentrate on the reconstruction of the town center. For this purpose, it has to restructure the old buildings, bring new business ideas, and improving the civil realm in the town. In addition to this, tourists within the UK can be encouraged to visit through multi-lingual marketing strategies or introducing seasonal rail offers and golf packages (Petrova, & Hristov, 2016).

• The government and community team should support the vision and economic objective by incorporating Compton tower trust (CTT) plans within the council policies. In conjunction with this, foreign students should be motivated to study in UK universities and collaborated English language schools. These students enhance the potential of international tourism to the destination.

• Working in collaboration with other coastal community teams of Kent for a common forum can result in the development of the town in a better form. A coordinated effort will result in a share of knowledge, experience, and solution of the specific issues which surrounds the Kent District. It would also help in influencing the partners in generating ideas and examples of the best suitable practice(Lawton, & Weaver, 2015).

• In addition to this, the government should support the access of funding into the town which will help to make the proposed project to execute. The funding can also be used for tourism marketing purposes through television, newspaper and social media.

• For creating a strong backbone of the town, the improvement on three key sites should be focussed. These sites include Retort house, Pierremont hall, and Crampton tower museum. These sites constitute a sustainable mixture of commercial activity, mode of leisure, and residential community in the town

• Another key project should incorporate the establishment of harbor and beach infrastructure without hampering the natural ecosystem, marine habitats, views, and historic buildings. Most importantly, it should focus on Viking Bay as it is the key tourist attraction.

Stakeholders are responsible to identify the key issues and address solutions in the partnership which is related to the development of the region. Broadstairs coastal community team can organize a monthly meeting to review the overall progress and review the project work for further improvement. In this monthly meeting, key stakeholders will be invited to strengthen the proposed policy and act accordingly for the delivery of the Action Plan (McComb, Boyd, & Boluk, 2017). Some of the key stakeholders and their responsibility towards objective accomplishments are:

• Local municipality - The local municipalities are involved in the monthly meeting for strategies related to regional tourism. All the action plans are designed and financed under its close supervision. The provision of employment opportunities is also decided by the local municipality.

• State and federal government - State government and federal government are responsible for developing the town structure and transportation facility to the destination. They should focus on introducing cheap flight prices within and outside the UK, to increase the number of tourists both national and international.

• Broadstairs Town Team - It is the project leader and works in collaboration with other stakeholders like landlords, retailers, and leaseholders to execute the local action plan.

• The Broadstairs Society - It is associated with the beach management plan, destination management plan and refurbishment of the local infrastructure. It is also involved in the auditing of public toilets near the beach and town center.
• Broadstairs and St. Peter's Town Council - It works with the leaseholders and property owners for improving the appearance of infrastructure.

• Broadstairs tourism and leisure Association - It is involved in auditing the current offerings provided in the tourism brochures. It Identifies important information in brochures and translates them in other most required languages. Apart from this, they also recognize the best practice incorporated within the catalog which is suitable for the visually impaired tourist (Dragouni, & Fouseki, 2018).
Evaluation of strategies

Implementing long-term objectives for coastal tourism, the Broadstairs coastal community team will collaborate with relevant stakeholders to bring sustainability in tourism development and promotion. Important perspectives in this regard include encouraging and growing independent service and retail sector business for the local community is one of theprime opportunities and objectives. Economic activity of the town will be supported through active business engagement, for example, organizing conference, festivals and other niche events for attracting and widening especially interested customer groups. Certainly, these efforts will enable the local community stable in terms of economy.

A well-maintained environment for the public will be achieved in collaboration with the local municipality and developing authority. In this regard, the development committee aims to protect and enhance the historic built monuments. Restoring beaches, public places, gardens, parks, infrastructure, and museums will be effective in the creation of a supportive and pleasant public environment for both residents as well as visitors.The community team further aims to improve tourist's experience on their visit to Broadstairs. For this purpose, the team is refurbishing the Crampton tower museum, beaches, improving visual, organizing engagement programmes for international tourists. Providing effective transport facilities for localities as well as visitors is again a mode to promote tourism. Transport facility includes rail service, airway service, and other local transportation like bus and taxi.

The strategic and planning team focusses on providing local employment opportunities. According to the report, Broadstairs share a larger percentage of working residents. The town has a population of 25000, with a high proportion of older residents who are retired but still active in nature. It has a higher number of self-employment rate for 16 to 64-year residents is 19%, and for medium and large coastal communities, the employment rate is 20% (Petrova, & Hristov, 2016).Further, it also emphases on improving the facilities related to public health and hygiene. The team believes that accessing local leisure activities and facilities in the town is an effective way to maintain public health. Kent public health observatory is responsible for maintaining the good health of community residents and visitors.
Socio-economic benefits of the residents and visitors from the strategic plans:

• The aging population within the community have the maximum requirement for services and care, as well as rising demand for health care service. With the implementation of the public health care facility as a part of tourism strategic plan, these aging community residents will be benefited the most. Similarly, emergency healthcare centers are also opened for the tourists and will also be helpful for the residents.

• Earlier primary public service in the region is accessible from neighboring towns, now it is available in Broadstairs after the refurbishment of the town. The public services include electricity, environmental protection, health care, public buildings, transportation infrastructure, public schools, and telecommunication (Dredge, & Jamal, 2015). The main office of these public services was previously located in other major cities. However, after developing the Broadstairs tourist destination, access to these public services facilities has been made available and easier. Visitors also get access to all these facilities during their vacation stay in the place, which promotes safe tourism.

• Tourism strategic planning also facilitates opportunities for local high skilled employment. For this purpose, the local government provides training courses to enhance their basic skills like soft skills, and numeracy which later on can help to boost their productivity.

• Restoring of Coastal community housing markets boosts the confidence of the local business sector. It acts as a driver for economic growth as well as support for the shops. This seaside shop is also a major form of attraction for the outsiders as it reveals the local culture and tradition (Dragouni, & Fouseki, 2018).

• Improvement in the appearance of coastal townscape by including public facilities like car parking, toilets, street furniture, and green space not only improve the aesthetic of the region but also provide a fresh environment for the people. Visitors also get a memorable experience of visiting a neat and clean destination.


In summary, tourism development within a coastal area is highly dependent on the physical, cultural, environmental and socioeconomic features of the region. The government should consider the chief issues related to the failure in tourism (Dredge, & Jamal, 2015). In addition to this, the government should develop tourism through regulatory and legal policies in sectors like transportation, marketing, waste management, destination management, and water supply. Hence, an effective tourism strategy not only attracts tourists but also helps in enhancing the economic status of the town

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