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Examine major theories and empirical research in literacy.

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Theories in Literacy


There are different theories developed for the purpose of reading and writing in a given educational environment that will ease the purpose of learning for the students. However, the teachers need to deploy new techniques and ways through which they will be able to provide proper education to the students (Ellis& Murtha, 2014).

Vygotsky's Educational Theory focuses more on social interaction among the students and thereby tends to develop thecognitive skills and other learning abilities in a given environment(Ellis& Murtha, 2014). This report will thereby discuss the approach of this theory, will include the cognitive foundation, sociocultural foundation and linguistic foundation, and subsequently will discuss the best practices and keprofessional approach of the teaching staff in a given educational environment.

Analysis of at least one of the theoretical and evidence-based foundations of reading and writing and summarize how the historical processes have evolved over time.

Theoretical Foundations of Reading and Writing
Vygotsky's Educational Theory focuses on the role of social interaction while teaching the children about reading and writing strategies. As per his theory, it is mentioned that learning is a universal aspect and thus there is a need to develop culturally organized human psychological functions in a given environment(Ellis& Murtha, 2014).

He emphasizes on the development of certain skills such as - reading aloud, shared reading and writing, guided reading and interactive writing, instructional planning, designing of literacy environments, supported reading and writing exercises, and assessment of the performance of the students based on their learning approach(Ellis& Murtha, 2014). It will thereby allow the students to put more emphasis on the social processes and social development, develop relationships with other students and thereby enrich their learning experience in a given environment.

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Cognitive, linguistic, motivational, and sociocultural foundations of reading and writing development.

Cognitive Foundations
The Cognitive Foundation of this theory suggests that there will be psycholinguistic guessing game developed that will allow the student to read sample text, understand the purpose of reading, identify the form of the text, think of the general character, project the purpose of author, and provide necessary support to different forms of reading and writing(Ellis& Murtha, 2014). It will thereby allow the students to learn from the theoretical perspective and they will thereby apply their cognitive skills in other tutoring sessions of a given educational environment.

Sociocultural Foundations
From the sociocultural foundations, this theory views that students will be able to learn in communities where learning is valued more. Hence, there is a need to develop a literacy club, train the teaching workforce and make them deliver learning lessons that will allow the students to learn on their reading and writing skills in a given environment (Smagorinsky, 2013).
However, it will vary across cultures and thus the theory emphasizes more on the values of social interaction. The role of the parents will be important as they need to guide their children and make them learn about the reading and writing skills in a given environment.

Linguistic Foundations
From the linguistic perspective, it is necessary for the teaching staff to use special tools that will not only make the students learn how to read and how to write but will also make them learn about different languages(Smagorinsky, 2013).
The theory places more importance on the language perspective and will insist that the teachers communicate in the same way the students will be able to understand. There will be a dialogue established between them that will ease the overall learning process for the students in a given case scenario.

Motivational Foundations
It is now important for the students to motivate them and make them learn by participating them in group-based tasks, improve communication between them, provide them with written exercises in a group that will not only allow them to read and write but will also motivate them to shape their social skills, and finally will insist the teaching staff to deploy performanceanalysis mechanisms(Smagorinsky, 2013). The teachers can thereby measure the performance of the students based on different evaluations; they can accordingly take necessary steps for future improvement.

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Best practices in word recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and reading-writing connections.

Best Practices

The best practices for reading will include - changing the pace, developing specific instructions in response to the learner's needs, creating instructional groups and prescribing specific activities, and thereby making sure that students are able to complete their reading exercises(Smagorinsky, 2013). Similarly, for writing, the best practices include - practicing on 30 second rule, communicate sufficiently, provide headings, understand the purpose of task given and thereby complete the writing exercises within the given timeframe.

Principles you will incorporate into your professional practice to improve all students' reading development and achievement.

Principles of Professional Practice

The principles of professional practices include - using the knowledge of both theories and practical examples to make the students learn and understand in an easy way, developing the learning frame for the students, presenting small amount of material at any time, guiding the students on their queries, providing support on different exercises, focusing on development of social and cognitive skills, preventing students from the development of any misconceptions, and evaluating the overall performance of students in a given learning environment(Smagorinsky, 2013).

This report highlights the importance of Vygotsky's Theory on Reading and Writing and how students will get benefited out of it. There are different perspectives discussed of this theory and it is found that the theory suggests different ways for improvingreading and writing among the students.

The emphasis is more on social development skills that can be later be deployed during different exercises and tasks given in a given learning environment (Lee, 2014). Also, there are different professional practices discussed that allows the students to follow the guidelines of this theory and thereby develop the required reading and writing skills in a given learning environment.

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