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The Potential Market Segments for the Mother Care Company Assignment Help

Assume you work at Mother Care UK whose traditional target market, babies within your region, is shrinking. This segment is projected to decrease over the next ten years. Recommend other potential market segments and discuss the criteria you should consider to ensure that the identified segments are useful.

  •   Explain in details and give full examples to illustrate your thoughts.
  •   Each potential target segment must have a name that reflects the content of the target segment.
  •   Each potential target segment has to be profiled in terms of demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics.

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The rising competition of the global market has been encouraging the organizations to employ new strategies that would allow it to gain strong competitive position in the market. The marketing strategy that is employed by an organization allows it to gain more recognition in the market, thereby strengthening its competitive position. Marketing of any product is highly dependent upon the target segment of the market. Proper market segmentation is the first stage of ensuring successful marketing of the products from which the organization aims to achieve success (Kotler, Burton, Deans, Brown, & Armstrong, 2015). In the following report, a market segmentation plan for Mother Care plc UK has been developed so that the organization can overcome the issues of decreasing target market segment in the United Kingdom and the associated regions.

Target Market Segment

Mother Care plc is considered as the pioneer of one stop shop for the parents and the shop specializes in providing the customers all the necessities for the babies and their mothers, under one roof (Mother Care plc, 2018). As Mother Care has successfully established itself in the digital market and has over 40% of its sales through the online portal with nearly 80% of it via the mobile application, it can be determined that the new target segment should be associated with the online market so as to ensure better success (Mother Care plc, 2018). Furthermore, as Mother Care is also associated with the sales of clothes for 0-6 month babies, to gain more attention of the millennials, Mother Care should diversify its clothing range and increase its clothing range age group as this would offer more exposure to the organization.

Target Segments

The potential target segments for Mother Care UK encompasses the millennial population who are adept with the digital technologies and hence shall aid in the expansion of the ecommerce of Mother Care UK. The significance of this target segment can be determined upon development of segment profile based on demographic, psychographic, geographic and behavioral characteristics.

Geographic segmentation: The geographic segmentation is based on the geographic locations and boundaries of the consumers (Cleveland, Papadopoulos, & Laroche, 2011). As Mother Care has been focused on enhancing its sales and operations through the online media, therefore, there is a huge geographic region that that organization can explore through the online media. Therefore, the geographic segmentation for target segment of Mother Care products are not limited or confined to a single geographic location or boundary.

Psychographic Segmentation: Psychographic segmentation of the target market is based on the attitudes, values, aspirations and similar other criteria of the consumers. The lifestyle, personality, traits, values and opinions of the consumers impact their purchase decision (Weinstein & Cahill, 2014). With respect to the case of Mother Care, the psychographic segmentation shall be based on the attitude of seeking variety in the product and those who prefer to make their purchases online after gaining the required information regarding the product or company from the different online sources. Therefore, the millennials serve as the most suitable target segment (Medland, 2017).

BehavioralSegmentation: Behavioral segmentation segregates the markets by behaviors and the decision making patterns that are employed by the consumers such as purchase, lifestyle, usage and consumption. The classification is primarily based on the behaviors of the customers and encompasses the use or application of technology laggards. The usage, rate, benefit, types, occasion and purchase decision form the basis for the segmentation for targeting the customers (Goyat, 2011). With respect to the case of Mother Care, the behavior of the millennials to rely on the online platform for gaining information regarding any product and thereby make decision for their purchase, make them suitable targets of the market segment for the online platform of the organization (Jankowski, 2018).
Demographic Segmentation: Demographic segmentation is based on the various demographics of the consumers belonging to the target market. Demographics are determined based on age, sex, race, religion, family and so on (Wedel & Kamakura, 2012). With respect to the case of Mother Care, the demographic segment that have the required potential to be targeted include mostly the mothers and new parents from different regions and races. Furthermore, the age range of the target market ranges from the babies of 0-6 months, which can be extended up to 18 months and the young parents and mothers, while the new target would include the millennials as well who are either parenting or are associated with the parents of target babies (eMarketer, 2017).

Based on the segmentation that has been made on the different parameters, it is evident that Mother Care should target the millennial segment as their potential consumers as this segment presents more opportunities of prospect than the traditional segment of babies of any region.

Potential Target Segment

The millennials form the most suitable target segment in the modern market. This is largely due to the rise in the use and advancement of technologies. As Mother Care has been aiming to enhance its online market presence, the shift towards the digitally enabled millennials from the traditional segment would provide more exposure to the target segment and enable the organization to improve its sales, thereby strengthening its competitive position in the market. The millennials offer a more stable target segment if they are offered with more customized purchase options, which eventually aids to build strong loyalty amongst them, regarding the brand (Oracle, 2015).

Target Evaluation Criteria:

- The segment size and potential growth: There are about 79 million millennials in the UK alone, against the 48 million Generations Xers. Furthermore, 41% of the millennials do not have any landline at home and rely completely on the cellphones for communication.
- The segment attractiveness structure: 56% of the millennials think that technology help people to use their time in a more efficient manner. 31% of millennials earn enough money to lead the kind of life they want.
- The company resources, objectives and values: Mother Care has been investing on the development of its ecommerce site and mobile application and therefore, targeting the millennials would be highly beneficial for its business.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The discussion that has been provided so far has evidenced that the new potential target market that should be considered by Mother Care plc is the digitally enriched millennials group as they are more inclined towards making their purchase via the online mode. Furthermore, this would also allow the organization to gain more recognition in the global online market, which would further add to the sales via the mobile application or the corporate website, thereby enabling it in overcoming the market competition.

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