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The Lab Report Assignment Help

1. Describe the purpose and hypothesis of the experiment. (What are you trying to prove or see?)

2. List/show the materials used.

3. Describe the procedure. (Describe the steps of the experiment and what you did so that a classmate could replicate if they wanted.)

4. Describe and display the results. (What happened? Hint: Some of the data may be easier to show in charts or with graphics.)

5. Answer the following explanatory and interpretative questions:

- Why do you think you achieved the results that you did?

- Did anything unexpected happen?

- Do the data/results support the hypothesis? Why? (Show using specific references to the data.)

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As a scientist, experiments a part of analysing and evaluating the real-life mysteries within the boundaries of the laboratory. The specific experiment is related to Earth science, which is performed in the laboratory. Photosynthesis is one of the significant activities of plants and the essential need for earth survival. The water vapour is provided off by plants as part of the photosynthesis process. In this lab report, the in hand experiment under a laboratory will be analysed thoroughly to provide evidence of water vapour reduction in the photosynthesis process.

Purpose and hypothesis

The purpose of this laboratory research is to find out the way water vapour is provided off by the photosynthesis process of plants.
The hypothesis of this experiment is to analyse the photosynthesis of plants and the role of water vapour in this photosynthesis process.

Required materials for the experiment

Few materials are essentially required for this experiment, among which the safety equipment is also necessary. The different materials which are highly required for this experiment are two bell jars, one potted plant, two glass plates, petroleum jelly, cellophane, anhydrous copper sulphate, one control pot without a plant, goggles for eye protection and fitting clothing for working in the laboratory (Andrews et al. 2015).

Experiment procedure

2 hours of time is enough for conducting the entire experiment. For developing the setup 10 to 15 minutes is required (Sjollema et al. 2016). In the initial step, the researcher has to cover up the base of the stem and the pot. Just after that, the control ports on each plate will be covered up. The inverted bell jar will be used for covering up the pots. In this condition, the entire set up need to place at the sunlight outside the laboratory. The entire process for the setup needs to note down. Besides that, the soil of the pot needs to be preserved properly for reducing the impact on the experiment results.

After keeping the setup in the sunlight for about 1 hour, water drops are seen in the inverted bell jar. This colourless drop of liquid need to be proven as water drops, which are found from the control setup. For that, anhydrous copper sulphate is used to specify the existence of water in the bell jar. The use of this chemical will turn the colour of the water drop into blue. Waxy cuticle is present in the leaves for preventing the drying out or desiccation process. The closing of stomata includes the presence of carbon dioxide. The process of opening the stomata includes the transfer of gases from the surface of leaves. It is a well-known fact that plants reduce water vapour to the environment. According to the studies related to Earth science, it is a proven fact that bacterias, plants and Protestants generally absorb energy from the sunlight (Kaushik and Menasria, 2017). This absorbed energy is used for generating sugar as part of the internal activity of the species. This process is mainly known as cellular respiration which is used for developing ATP which is considered as a source of energy. However, living things are able to change the fuel in the presence of sunlight. The fuel is turned into chemical energy. In this process, the necessity of green pigment chlorophyll is highly required for the plants. Photosynthesis is known for the use of water for developing and releasing oxygen in the atmosphere. The leaves are considered as the main organism for the photosynthesis process. In this process carbon dioxide and water are able to enter in the cells of the leaf. As a result of the inter photosynthesis process, both sugar and oxygen are developed as a result. Therefore, this process is considered as the significance of Earth science (Guseman and Dardick, 2018).

The scientist also uses the cross section of left finds living the significant feature of the photosynthesis process. For this research, the main focus has to given on guarding the leaf against drying out. The open stomata in the photosynthesis process are able to generate oxygen from the leaf.

Explanation of the results

The colourless drop of the bell jar turns into blue from white in the presence of anhydrous copper sulphate. This evidence has properly shown that the research result is similar to the research hypothesis (Andrews et al. 2015). The reduction of water vapour turns into water drops which are present in the bell jar.

Significant answers

The reason behind achieve results. This research was able to properly demonstrate that plants are reducing water vapour as part of the photosynthesis process. Moreover, the physical evidence of photosynthesis is possible with this laboratory research. It is significant that real environmental changes in our daily life can be easily proven in laboratory settings.

Unexpected occurrence

The unexpected occurrence is part of every experiment. However, for this experiment, the use of dangerous chemical and fire was not required. Besides that, the research is entirely successful. Therefore unexpected happenings are not part of this experiment.

Result supporting hypothesis

The assume hypothesis is to find out the vapour provided by the plants after photosynthesis. The research result has shown some colourless water drops in the bell jar. The colourless liquid drop and water vapour at different from each other. Therefore the use of copper sulphate has helped in analysing the nature of the liquid drops find out in the bell jar. As a result, the white liquid drop turns into blue. From the proven results of earth science, it is evident that the presence of anhydrous copper sulphate turns water into blue colour. Therefore it is proven that the colourless liquid drops are liquefied water vapour.


In light of the above discussion, it can be apprehended that the real-life scientific assumptions and activities can be easily proven in the laboratory atmosphere with specific techniques. Photosynthesis is one of the required and necessary daily life activity of plants. Therefore, using few experiment equipment and materials helps in analysing the photosynthesis process with the use of sunlight. The laboratory report is enough to understand that water vapour is provided off by plants in the process of photosynthesis. accepts instant and short deadlines order for The Lab Report Assignment Help solution – order today for excellence!

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