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The Grim Sleeper Serial Killer Case Assignment Help

Please submit a one page paper on “The Grim Sleeper Serial Killer Case”, a title page, a separate reference page, and contains cited and referenced facts about the topic.The essence of this assignment is to address the issues, legal considerations, and concepts that arise from initial investigation through adjudication of the “The Grim Sleeper Serial Killer Case”.Please incorporate all aspects of the criminal justice system from investigation, to arrest, evidence, court proceedings, and eventually sentencing.

Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer.  For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

This assignment is not just reporting case facts. Do not just report the case. This assignment is looking for you to take the case and explain to the reader how the system works and the legal burdens needed to move a case along.

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The Grim Sleeper Serial Killer Case

In the legal case of the Grim Sleeper who was a serial killer that had murdered ten and even tried to murder one more victim belonging to Los Angeles, California. His real name was Lonnie David Franklin Jr. but was given a nice name as a "Grim Sleeper" due to the silent murders he would conduct during the time period of a 14-year. The crimes were conducted during the time period of 1988 to 2002 (Clark, 2017).  It was during July 2010, that resulted in arresting of the Franklin considered being the prime suspect after a series of delays within the legal trials that eventually started in February 2016. It was on May 5, 2016, it resulted in getting charged to murder nine women along with one teenage girl. Even on the date June 6, 2016, it was under the jury recommendation that allowed a trial of the death penalty, and finally on the date August 10, 2016, it was under the orders of the Los Angeles Superior Court which witnessed the sentencing of the death of the ten victims listed under the verdict.

On a personal front, the criminal Lonnie Franklin, Jr. who was bought up in South Central Los Angeles, California had two children from his marriage. He was born on August 30, 1952, and was discharged from his services during his tenure in the United States Army on July 24, 1975 (Lee, 2017).

As evaluated from his criminal record in his initial stages of crime based activities that started in 1989 it resulted in the charges of committing criminal activities of conducting theft along with the one charge of misdemeanor assault. He was also charged for the battery and was tried within the prison for the theft charges (Simkin, 2018).

 In the legal case of the Grim Sleeper who was a serial killer that had murdered ten and even tried to murder one more victim belonging to Los Angeles, California. His real name was Lonnie David Franklin Jr. but was given a nice name as a "Grim Sleeper" due to the silent murders he would conduct during the time period of a 14-year. The crimes were conducted during the time period of 1988 to 2002 (Clark, 2017).  It was during July 2010, that resulted in arresting of the Franklin considered being the prime suspect after a series of delays within the legal trials that eventually started in February 2016. It was on May 5, 2016, it resulted in getting charged to murder nine women along with one teenage girl. Even on the date June 6, 2016, it was under the jury recommendation that allowed a trial of the death penalty, and finally on the date August 10, 2016, it was under the orders of the Los Angeles Superior Court which witnessed the sentencing of the death of the ten victims listed under the verdict.


On a personal front, the criminal Lonnie Franklin, Jr. who was bought up in South Central Los Angeles, California had two children from his marriage. He was born on August 30, 1952, and was discharged from his services during his tenure in the United States Army on July 24, 1975 (Lee, 2017).

As evaluated from his criminal record in his initial stages of crime based activities that started in 1989 it resulted in the charges of committing criminal activities of conducting theft along with the one charge of misdemeanor assault. He was also charged for the battery and was tried within the prison for the theft charges (Simkin, 2018). accepts instant and short deadlines order for The Grim Sleeper Serial Killer Case Assignment Help solution – order today for excellence!


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