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The Battle of Gettysburg Assignment Help

Write essay on Battle of Gettysburg

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The Battle of Gettysburg brought forth a paradigm shift in the socio-political narrative prevalent in the US, espousing a liberal, free and independent society. The battle of Gettysburg took place over threebattles, which took place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on 1st July and lasted until 3rdJuly 1863. The magnitudeif death and destruction in the battle was of enormous magnitude, with the outcome of the battle raging in between the Union Forces and the Confederate forces, being a turning point in the Civil War.

The battle of Gettysburg was bloody for both the parties involved, with causalities ranging from 23000 for the union ranks and 28000 for the confederate ranks. The surrender of Robert E lee's army at the Appomattox Courthouse marked the surrender of the rebel forces and drew the curtains on the war after 3 years. First handcorrespondent reports from the battleground highlighted the events of the war, dexterously presenting the facts regarding the event. The correspondents reported that the rallying Northern ranks, forced the enemy factions to retreat with sustaining heavy losses andpushed the heavy onslaught of the rebel armies back (Archives.gov.,2019). Historical accounts state that the battle was a cumulative effort from the armed militia and the local population of the country, with songs commemorating the bravery and the part played by ordinary citizens such as Old John Burns, who in an act of undeniable bravery and valour, entered the fray of the Union Ranks with his Flint-Lock Musket. The battle was commemorated in the address delivered by the then President Abraham Lincoln ion November 1863, four months after the war. Lincoln honoured the causalities for the Union Ranks with dedicating them with the national cemetery and paid his tribute to the deceased. His address honoured the sacrifice of the populace, defining the war in essence to be necessary for sustaining the ideals and the nation (Lincoln, A., 2000).). The two minute and 273 word address was venerated for its emphasis on unity, equality and freedom and the significant part it played in building the nation, 11 years after Lincoln's death.

The Battle of Gettysburg stood for the ideals of Liberty, which founded the basis of the nation. The event marked a dawning of a new age for the country, with its values of freedom being sacrosanct and protected by the Government for, of and by the people.

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