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Teenage Parenting affects Child Development Assignment Help

How does Teenager Parenting effect Child Development? 

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1. Introduction

In the recent time teenage pregnancy has become an important topic in the media, journals and in other lawmaking agencies. In U.S. more than 30,000 younger women and one tenth of the women in the age between14 to 19 year gets pregnant every year. The live births due to these pregnancies are around 650,000 every year. In today's time more than 90% of the teenage mothers keep their babies, but this arise the problems of teenage parenting. Teenage parenting has many negative impacts on the child. As the teen mothers have to face high level of stress this have has negative impact on the babies. Moreover, as the depression rate is high among these teens they generally have suicidal tendency, which makes the problem for both the child and parent (Morinis et al., 2013, p. 960). Also, the impact of awful teenage parenting influences the child towards criminal behaviors. Additionally, poor teenage parenting leads to poor growth and development of the child mentally and physically as well. This assignment is going to discuss about the issues in teenage parenting, how it affects the child and the steps that must be taken to resolve them.

2. Developmental status of Children Born to Teenage Parents

In accordance with study regarding the focus on development of children under teenager parents it has been witnessed that the mother, who are younger than 18 years old compare to mother who are older or older than 18 years gave birth to more undeveloped or delayed developed children. According to researcher underdevelopments of speaking and thinking of children has impacted by risk factors of teen mothers most of the time (Hamburg, 2017, p. 123). According to the researcher limited education capabilities and lack of well paid job of teen parents can made significant negative impact on the child. It has been also stated by the researchers that the spatial and non-verbal among such children can be attributed to very essential socio demographic dissimilarities in certain circumstances. Involvement of parents in activities such as playing, reading and helping in daily chorus as well as leisure activities such as painting or singing is very essential for supporting the development of child psychology.

The researcher has undertaken a longitude comparison between the children of teen parents and older parents. By the research it has been witnessed that children who are nurtured under adolescents compared to children who are nurtured under decent aged parents has lower IQ development and slow growth in maturity (Goossens, Kadji & Delvenne, 2015, p. 501).Children who has younger parents has poor performance in almost every aspects i.e. spelling, reading, verbal performance and arithmetic compared to children who has well educated and rightly aged or experienced parents.

Hence, it has been concluded that children born under younger parents conventionally faces many issues regarding their development. Unfortunately no researchers are unable to provide any clear explanation of development of such issues (SF, Mahboobe & Firoozeh, 2015, p. 257). So it has been determined by many researchers that those deficits could be educational and financial disadvantages, lack of proper parenting experience, early marital breakups, social isolations. Thus almost about five out of ten children are born under the teenage parents it is extremely essential to identify the origin of the issues regarding the development of child psychology under teenage parents cited in this following literature.

3. Medical Facets of Teenage Childbearing

In several reports it is being said that teen pregnancy has various complications than the adult pregnancies. It is said by several researchers that pregnant teenagers have high rate of depression, hypertension, anemia, and extended labor than the women of who bear child at the rightful age between the ages of 20 to 35. The pregnancy issues in the teenagers are due to their immaturity physiological condition.

However, in a report it is found out that there is a positive linear relationship between number of complication and the maternal age. The researchers found that there were fewer complications in the teenage than the adults (Ibabe et al., 2013, p. 524). There was no proof of immaturity regarding their physiology. In this study the participants were taken in for free, and were also provided with high quality parental facilities that were available at that time.

Moreover, the fact that the teenager hide the fact of their pregnancies, thus they are not transferred to any kind of prenatal care facilities in their early time of pregnancies. While other studies supports the reasoning that with proper prenatal facilities there would be less difference between the pregnancy in the adults and the teenagers. Thus, it can be understood that the relationship between the maternal age and pregnancy experience and giving birth may not be directly related fact (Ruedinger & Cox, 2012, p. 447). Also it can be understood that with proper prenatal care facilities to teenage mother can help the teen mother to have less complication during and after the pregnancy. If the teenage goes to the prenatal care facility at the right or at the time of early pregnancies then it might be helpful for the teen age mother. Moreover, the modern prenatal care facilities are very developed these days; they will properly guide the teen in all terms of what to do and what not during her pregnancy.

In various other reports it is also said that children's of the teenagers are more likely to be of low in weight. Additionally the teenage mothers have low gestation period that might affect the child growth and may create condition of immaturity in the physiology of the child and have other health issues with low birth weight.

4. Impact and Consequences of Teenage Parenting

4.1 Child Development and Maternal Attitudes

There are very less studies in that exist in maternal attitudes and child development. But there are some studies that explain that this relation of maternal attitudes and child development do exists. As it is known that the parents influences their child the most. In study it was reported that disturbances in the attitude of the mother regarding her child in early age may lead to differences in the relation of the child and mother in future (Modesto-Lowe et al., 2014, p. 944). Also, in another report it was explained that the parental acceptance, warmth and support is directly and positively related to social, intellectual, emotional development of the child. Conversely, without acceptance, warmth and love negatively impacts the child's emotional and social development. Although, the maternal attitudes affects the mother and child relationship but the demonstrations of this effects are not available vastly in the research papers. Maternal attitude can be held as a factor that differentiated between the adult mothers and the teenage mothers.

4.2 Mother Infant Interactions and Child Development

In the previous time, a number of studies have centered the spotlight on relation of mother and child and how it affects the child's later ages of growth. Sanders (2012), reported a significant relation between the mother- child connections and measure of the child's proficiency. McCarthy (2014) also found the mother-child connection style at age 3 was more powerfully connected than at the age of 7.
Rudoe (2014) reported that infants or the child's who were less talked to, or less touched, or given no opportunities scored lower in exams related to development. In a study it was reported that the performance of the children's increased from 6 months to the age of the 4 year had mothers who were more loving to their child's. Finally, it was also reported that child's with proper parenting and affection also has positive impacts on their health like they had proper weight gain and had good mental development (Sanders, 2012, p. 346). In another report it was reported that ill-treated and mistreated infants or child's have characteristics that include low weight in birth, and other mental and physical problems and other illness.

4.3 Teenage Childrearing and Home Atmosphere

There is little amount of research that suggest teenage mothers provided a quality environment at home for their child's than the adult parents. There are various styles of child rearing and parental styles some of them are like authoritarian, permissive, neglectful, and authoritative. In authoritative parenting, it is easy to recognize the authoritative parents as they are marked by the high expectations for their children's (Rudoe, 2014, p. 294). This type of parenting creates healthy environment for the child and it helps in development of the relationship between the child and the parent. One of the traits that are noticed in the authoritative parents is that his kinds of parents are open in communication with their children's. This factor allows the parents to insight in the child's life and it helps the parents in understanding the child more.

Neglectful parenting is one of the harmful types of parenting. This kind of parenting hampers the child's life and obstructs the child's mental growth. The children's have no trust foundation with the parents in this kind of parenting. The negative effect of this style of parenting is the child having a bad communication with parents; this additionally effects the child's communication with his or her friends and other people's.

Permissive parenting is another harmful style of parenting. The parents in this case are nurturing. The negativities of this style overpower the power of love and nurture. The lack of structure in this style of parenting causes the child to have little or no discipline and control. The damaging effects of this style of parenting insecurities in the children's, the child becomes self centered, poor in academics, having problems with the authority, poor social skills (McCarthy et al., 2014, p. 349). Authoritarian parenting is also known as strict parenting. In this case the parents are very demanding but are not much cooperative with their children.

The home environment plays an important role in the life of the child. If the home environment is aggressive and disturbed, then it gives a bad influence to the child.

4.4 Child Development and Socio-economic Status

Socioeconomic status or in short SES is a sociological and economic total of person's work background and the person's economic condition with addition to a person's social status in the society. To elaborate it determines the person's income, education and work role. Socio-economic status can be divided into three parts or levels such as the high, low, and the middle (Lachance, Burrus, & Scott, 2012, p. 1827). Teenage parents are mainly falls in the category of low category of socioeconomic status. The teenage parents have low income and education thus they fall in the category of low socioeconomic status. This obstructs them to give the child the basic facilities and the proper guidance to their child's. This held's back a child's development criteria.

Socioeconomic status is definitely related with the status of child at birth and the quality of environment they will grow up in. Low Socio-economic status children's have to grow up in an environment that might not be suitable for the child. They may not get proper nutrition and medical care that is required for them at time of their growth. The low socio-economic statues of the parents do not allow the parents to provide the facilities child requires.

5. Developmental Outcomes of Children of Teenage Parents

In a report by Svoboda (2012), focused on the development of the children of the teen parents, where 87 mothers of age less than 18 at the time of pregnancy and mothers of more than 18 years at the time were matched. The mothers were matched on their socio-economic status, race they belonged to and weight of their child. The children's of the teen mothers scored lower in the test, as they were low in terms of education, were dependable on others and were easily distract-able than the mothers at the rightful age. In various other studies too it was found that the children born to the teen mothers performed less in various fields than the children's of the mother who were pregnant at their rightful age. The teen parents lack the knowledge of the child development. They lack the terms of good parenting practices and knowledge of parenting. That is an essential part of child development.

The children's of the teenage parents lacks various attributes of life that is going to make him better in all fields of life and education. The children's of the teenage parents use more commands, use less affectionate words and in various cases they use less amount of words to talk to their children's than the language used by the older parents (Lachance, Burrus, & Scott, 2012, p. 1827). This creates a bad impact on the children of the teenage parents and affects them in later stages of life. Research says there is much notable difference in the skills of the children's of teenage parents and children's of older parents.

A number of study reports that perinatal mortality rate is higher in case of the teenage mother's than the older mother's. Perinatal mortality is the death of child or the infant in the first week of birth. In addition there is another term neonatal mortality, which is also high in the case of the child of the teen mothers. Neonatal mortality is the death of the infant within the first 28 days of birth (McCarthy et al., 2014, p. 349). The IQ level of the child of the teenage parents is also affected. The child of teenage parents has lower IQ in comparison to the child of the older parents. Various physiological and mental problems also arise in the child. And the child has to struggle in various stages of life. Moreover the children's too have problems regarding socio-emotional development.

6. Analyzing the Status of Teenage Mother

In most of the cases, young mothers have significantly low nutrition. The Adolescent mothers are conventionally weak and face several medical issues due to low diets as well as lack of iron and calcium into the body. During pregnancy the requirements of iron and calcium increases more which resulted in often cases of iron deficiencies (Lee et al., 2017, p. 559). Pregnancy and breast feeding is the core origin of iron and calcium depletion in young mother body. Lack of proper nutrients and iron during pregnancy resulted in tag of war for the proper iron and nutrients betweens the fetus and adolescent.

A significant issue of the young mother is contraception and planning of family structure. Repeat pregnancy is very conventional for young parents, it reach up to chance of 50% in few years. Most of the teenage finds that first attempt of contraceptives such as use of birth control pills, condoms and foams are ends in failure (Khatun et al., 2017, p. 112). So this resulted in unplanned family population, and lack of proper concentrative and parenting experience.

Another important aspect which influences the status of teenage mother is their situation of living environment. There are several variations in living situation of teenage mother. There are some mothers who live with their adolescent husbands in their own house, some stay with husbands or their family while the others had no husbands and stay with their friends and some live alone with their children. According to research the presence of grandmother or any elderly character presence if supportive resulted in strange and supportive and well developed behavior of the children (SF, Mahboobe & Firoozeh, 2015, p. 257). So in this respect it can be described that living situation made significant impact on development of will, behaviors, environmental response and psychology of the children and also influences the mother in nurturing the child.

7. Analyzing the Status of Teenage Father

There are several researchers and theories have identified many aspects of importance regarding the impact of teenage father on children health and psychology development. According to research the relationship between father and mother, household environment and the relation between father and child is the most important factors for development of children (Lee et al., 2017, p. 559). There are various risk factors works regarding the young fatherhood for the future of the family. In most of the cases adolescent fatherhood happens unplanned, many males found themselves in this state during adolescent years of their life. Majority of the time adolescent fatherhood are force to men by their unsafe sexual activities and use of contraceptives. In compare with older father the teenage fathers has lack of competitive skills and experience regarding their profession, they also do not have sufficient educational qualifications or degrees which makes them inferior to conventional employees within the organization.

Factors regarding the knowledge, interest on their child, financial earnings and performance of care-giving behaviors are the most essential elements to understand the status of teenage parent and their impact on infant. In order to create a healthy relation a father need to take developmental perspective approaches (Lee et al., 2017, p. 559). The father is the most highlighted icon on the children eye an in this regard most of the development of psychology and behavior are defined by the interaction between father and infant.

8. Recommendation for the Care of Teenage Families

The recommendations that are to be considered for the care of the teenage families are:

I. Cheering and encouraging the father to take care of the child and also the other members of the family must come to help in this case (Lachance, Burrus, & Scott, 2012, p. 1827). The child must be taken to healthcare facilities along with the teen mother for health checkups on a routine basis.

II. The young parents must be provided with proper education at their visit to health care facilities. Several important topics must be taught to them like nutrition of the child and mother, prevention injury to the mother in time of pregnancy and how to cope with minor illness such as fever, diarrhea (Ibabe et al., 2013, p. 524). They must be provided with printed list of do and don'ts at the time of pregnancy and also after child birth.

III. Health care facilities should have the knowledge about the parenting centers, and associations for the young parents and several schools (Morinis et al., 2013, p. 960). They must instruct the young parent to get involved with those communities for acquiring better parental skills. Also there are non-governmental organizations which also provide facilities to the young parents and the children's.

9. Conclusion

The following assignment has observed the impact of teenage parents on the development of children. The assignment has reviewed the development status of children under adolescent father and mother s. arising medical issue that occurs in low aged pregnancy, occurrence of perinatal and neonatal issues and how children psychology, behavior and mental developments depends on the criteria of their parents, living environments and social economics of the family that are defined by the qualification of teenage parents. Thus at the end it can be concluded that teenage parental has very significant mostly negative impact on the development of child behaviors, psychological and physical developments.

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