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Team Management Assignment Help

1. What factors are associated with the violent and antisocial behaviour in a group?

2. How the creativity tools work effectively in solving the problems of team?

3. Should the team members be defensive if their ideas are challenged or rejected? If yes, then why? If not, then why not? accepts instant and short deadlines order for Team Management Assignment Help solution– order today for excellence!

1. The factors that are associated with violent and antisocial behavior of group are : 

 Lack of cooperation

 Dominating attitude of the team leader

 Lack of proper communication and exchange of opinion

 Over-burdening with work pressure

 Unfair treatment or personal preference towards any particular member of the team.

2. Creativity tools work effectively in solving the problems of a team because creativity involves innovative skills (Van den et al. 2018). For instance, if a team member is unable to insist customer to buy a product from them by using promotional strategies, the other team member can easily convince the target customer through his soft skills and communication method.

3. Team members should be defensive when their ideas are challenged. This is because every single idea reflects common opinion of the team (Van Doorn et al. 2017). Therefore they can justify the ideas clearly and state the benefits of its implications when challenged. Such an approach will promote unity among team members.

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