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Tata Motors Talent Management - Case Study


Question 1: Define high-potential talent and outline the benefits of identifying high potentials. How is high- potential talent defined in the Tata Motors context?

Answer: In an organizationan high-potential talent is considered as a high potential employee these are the select group of people which are considered as the sun or the cream of the organization. In true sense this category of people without whom un can function an exist in the organization.

These are those set of employees whose skill excel as compared to other employee, on the more their commitment towards the organization and the fulfillment of the goals of the company is stronger even if compared to the stakeholders and the founders of the company.

The benefits of the high potential talent can be listed as follows: -

  • Highly Skilled Employees: These employees mainly carry high skilled and professional set of competency level as compared to other employees as well as management.
  • Positive attitude as well as great adaptability: Such employees always have good attitude and adaptability especially in difficult timings (Baltzley, 2016).
  • Initiative and Innovation approach: These employees have a great sense of good initiative employees and are always open to innovation.
  • Easy to understand the complex project: The are smart people and can adapt to any level of complex problems and situations and can act and react in a balanced manner.
  • Additional responsibility: They are always keen and welcoming to take new work and responsibility. They are always open for the more accountability and promise to deliver them with at most sincerity.

The Tata Motors talent management in context on the high potential employee mainly vdeals with following manner: -

The company has taken serious steps towards the high potential identification program - the Fast Track Selection Scheme1 (FTSS). On the more, this is just the beginning the organization ensures that following elements as well which include the concept of robust talent and initiatives, they are measured on the desired outcomes. Further, they are constantly measured on account with the alumni of the FTSS as well. The company must reflect each and every aspect on account of the maintain rigor and consistency in selection over the years (Latukha, 2016).

Adding more, to the whole concept the Tata Motors is one organization which is renowned for providing and cultivating a great culture of excellence and immense skill talent and potential employee. The organization promotes the concept of the flagship talent as well as the management programs which develop the concept of Fast Track Selection Scheme which is known in the organization as the FTSS as well as the main Management Career Acceleration Track which is known in the organization as the MCAT which is the key of all working.

None the less, the high potential talent are the key sources or the human assets of the company and hence, lead to identifying and developing the future and the prosper leaders of the company.

Question 2: To what degree is Tata Motors' FTSS program aligned to its business strategy?

Answer: FTSS Program is called the Fast Track Selection Scheme is a home-grown or an internal system function or a flagship succession planning program. Thus, this plan of action ensures a process system which works around people who are existing for more than around twenty years and had alumni providing or having one of the best jobs and responsibility in the company. The selection process is rigorous and deals with many efforts which involves a massive level of success rate level and ensure to provide a concept of the inputs which lead to developed and motivated employee which can beat all the challenging assignments.

The FTSS Strategy ensures that the employees lead to a plan which brings the level of increasing the cognitive skills as well leads to sharpen the functional learning of the employee and provides a much-polished version of the employee. In real sense the plan of action was to ensure that this strategy on human resource will lead to provide an initial jump to improve the talent of the potential employee. Later led to a position where it became super essential to check the same to ensure that a check and measured and evaluated as well as monitored at and every level.


Looking at the company specific and its working action on the FTSS system in the TATA environment its works across all the levels and all the department in the organization. operations. It ensures to provide an element which leads to a concept of the brain's enhancement. The program has become an integral part of the company.

As it deals with incorporating direct reports and processing everything under the small group action. It includes the concept of external experts' option, which lead to provide a great level of objectivity and leads to provide a highest level of standards which provides a concept of third party marking which being completely on the unbiased level of assessment.

On the more, the management of the company provides the pie chart analysis as well, and the employee are so motivated that the employees strength of about sixty eight percent agreed for the same. This led to a position which provides more than eight three of the employees to assure that they will improve their situations.

The FTSS process is so indebt in the organization and its work action led the employee to thank the management to enroll them under such process and helped in surviving such a talented process. As a matter of fact, it leads to positive impact on this process engagement thereby, ensuring the element of the aspiration among the employee and the essence of motivation level. and the immediate graduates and the young entrants in the organization.

Question 3: How can the process owners of the FTSS program ensure that the changes made to the program help Tata Motors achieve its objectives. What else should the process owners incorporate in the FTSS?

Answer: To ensure that the process owners benefit the maximum from the FTSS program and lead to provide human assets and capital appreciation. It is at most necessary to takes serious steps which include the concept and environment of rigorous effort which is strict and highly monitored at the same time it is well processed.

As a matter of fact, the inputs include the concept of the training schemes which are actually best or rather excellent according to their class levels and leads to provide a concept where the roles drafted and evaluated are highly challenging in nature.

The human resources department ensured that the format was drafted in such a manner that it picked employees which formed a small group of three or rather four, later updated to the grade promotion to the level of TM5 grade and thereby, leading to provide bigger projects and promoting much higher visibility of projects.

To explain the aspect in real action the FTSS was defined under three schemes: -

1. Executive Selection Scheme (ESS) - This element was much focused on the concept of general management and its competencies level in the placement level or any functional area in the tata motors.

2. Operations Managers Scheme (OMS) - This scheme focusses mainly on the level of the operations management and its concept of the competencies level which mainly concentrates on the placement level which are mainly on account of the plant-based process and the functional areas.

3. Commercial Managers Scheme (CMS) - The last scheme as Focus on the area of ??the commercial management competencies and leads to ensure a level of the placement in sales areas along with the marketing areas and it finding the talent potential employee.

Further, the process owner ensured that the ESS Puzzle was fitted in the bigger picture, and lead to potential identification process. The senior management led to ensure that the positively make a change by adopting two concepts, first being the robust plan of action as well as the objective plan of action n order to ensure that the selection process is processed correctly. Second being the focused format of action which led to development plan and better planning of the talent.

The managers processed a concept which was rigorous but simple to initiate which ensured that the competencies are defined as per the employee's credibility and skills level. On the more, it is not unbiased and fair in all terms (Fajcíková, Fejfarová, & Urbancová, 2016).

The further changes made by the company and its operation structure was on the selection process which eradicated the group discussion by a written test. This led to grading system which clear explained the element on the quality and not on the number excelling the test.

The other change which is quite evident that the company must matched is the concept of quality and quantity as well as the cost marking which is again a very important element which must be considered for correct processing of the high potential talent employees.

Question 4: What are the skills Tata Motors must develop in their fast trackers to prepare them for a future role?

Answer: The development process is one of the most difficult and tiring process faced by the organization on account with the fast trackers to prepare them for a future role. The biggest road block was to prepare twenty old employees or new entrants to shape them for future leadership. To ensure it happens the management made mandatory changes in their functions and way of observation as well as the even units.

Thereby, eliminating the role and space called the comfort zone and actually putting them into the muscle-build experience which are mapped through across-functional moves and environments. On the more, the management in real sense lead to a condition which was to expose theinitial fast trackers to have a business view an idea of ??its operations in context to the macro level which eventually lead to promote the concept of environment which led to develop great professional networks and working process.

As a matter of fact, to build the new trackers opportunity to ensure to gain confidence in making big decisions as well as providing a condition of real simulation conditions were mapped through the essential live and actually work action projects being assigned.

The management took a step advance by first introducing the employee to process which are the most a likeable which further, helped in developing their skills further, as well supporting and benefiting such departments which earlier was not possible.

The other development process which was rightly handled is the ESS Process which is wisely linked with the employee and the current management process. This ensured that the organization were processed as well as emphases after the selection is not on thetechnical expertise. "


The other aspect which needs to be worked is the FTSS program, In live situations it sodifficult, however not impossible. Actually, the development program for the FTSS program was drafted in a manner where the candidate can be jumped from its casual method through sophisticated aspect. Thereby, around a three to four rather than the levels jump. Thereby, leading to peace and happiness. Therefore, on the larger basis the development was done mainly to improve the adaptability, on short term but also on the long term basis so that the potential talents are well in placed and financially ruled as dependent branch, which is singly handed by the fourth element will be choosing the right foreman and placing it into right and a corrected manner which goes on for year and year.

Question 5: Detail the steps involved in designing a high-potential talent identification program.

Answer: Understanding the company system and how does the pyramid as well as the mummy help is a much ancientbelieve. As a matter of fact, the same redesigned through the right designing a high potential talent can help the company save immense money as well as ensure to provide a better and healthy source so that the aim can be achieved. As a matter of fact, the high potential talent identification is a much-complexed version which ensures a process of a reasonable level of assurance and understanding of variables. Thereby assuring a stable growth of the fast trackers as well as the senior or middle level management whether being the old ones or the new ones.

The five basic or the universal process or steps involved can be categorized and detailed as follow: -

Step Number 1: It includes the aspect of ensuring that the alignment is done on ahigh-potential employee or the high potential target are identified as well as the company assures that the business strategy is re organized according to the new identification and the levels at which they are identified (Pruis, 2011).

Step 2: This step includes the element of validation of the identification process formulated int the step above. This primarily assures the concept of the predication of the data in terms with the element of the high performance and better skill utilization and presentation.

Step 3: This step deals with the action stage where the management assures the development of the employees through practical and real life experiences and thereby it is said or stated as an position which is called "ready now" as in ready for the action or the real work to be processed in the development process (Pruis, 2011).

Step 4: This step explains the results achieved where the classification is done on account of the retainment or the withdrawal of the high-potential employees which is mainly computed through the level of differentiated measures of total rewards points earned. It deals with stating the work done in terms with benefit or losses. Thus, providing a fair idea as how the employees are working towards becoming the potential talent.

Step 5: This step deals with monitoring as well as the evaluating along with analyzing the effectiveness of the method applied while performing various skill set to actually attaining the tag of the potential high-level employee. As a matter of fact, this is the analysis segment which explains the aspect in a much-balanced version.

Thus, it is evident that the step by step process leads to assure a highly potential talent to be identified which actually is super critical for the business in today's era and actually adds to a much more differentiator in the aspect of theHuman Age element (Mathur & Agarwal, 2016). None the less, it acts as an organizations which are successfully identified and developed in a manner which is treated as an subject where the leaders lead to become highly potential talent and the cream of the organization and thus, leads to gain a measurable financial performance which proves to be highly advantages over their peers and at times even over the management and top officials.

Question 6: Briefly explain the pros and perils of implementing a high-potential talent identification program in an organization?

Answer: Considering the subjective perspective of the whole element any process if enrolled in the books can have two considerations, just like the two side of the same coin. There is a possibility where the same concept can lead to provide various positive results and at the other hand, can lead to a complete disastrous and lead the organization to a complete shut down or pay off situations on account of weird and rewarding situations.

Considering the aspect of the implementing a high-potential talent identification program it carries both element the pros which being the positive side and the perils which being the negative aspect.

Analyzing the pros, the same can be explained as follows: -

  • First and foremost, it is a key to the succession planning process and leads to provide an element of healthy growth culture as well as a situation of a better competitive advantages. A high potential program can in real sense help in combating this issue and segment to actually accelerates and speed up the development of its leaders as well as the new staff recruitment.
  • Second viable advantage is the positive impact on the business and its performance in terms with the forward way of thinking and learning. It actually helps in reaching towards a higher edge of importance as compared to its peer and other colleagues (Sparrow, Hird, & Cooper, 2015).
  • The other added advantage is the Employees are more committed and engaged as they act and respond like a professional who are much accountable in nature and have a greater sense of commitment and engagement. Thus, there is always a higher level of encouragement and accountability.

Analyzing the perils, the same can be explained as follows: -

  • The cost is the foremost concern which can be led to a complicated affair and can at times lead to a controllable situation. There is a huge possibility that implementing such programs can lead various hidden cost which are not pre identified leading to reach a much more complicated level of expense uncertainty (Sparrow, Hird, & Cooper, 2015).
  • The other major target is the time factor which is also lengthy and many a times a predictable. Purely, because this form of exercise can take time as it deals with qualitative factor and quantitative factor. By enlarge such elements deals with human behavior and their way of reacting to the certain set of given equation. This may lead to confusion and complicated equations and results on various time and action statement. Thus, it is very evident that the human behavior being un predictable, it may lead to a condition where the results are also un promising and un decidable.
  • Lastly the issue may arise on account of the never-ending disputes by the Human resource as well as the Managment conflicts. Mainly because the HR main objective is employee welfare and its upgradation and upliftment of its skills and talent. Where as in terms with the Management the main agenda is mainly on account with the overall business prospects and aim to reach the goals of the organization without keeping anything in mind and or providing any other level of importance to the objectives to be met by the organization .

Thus, such programs are both proactive and pro disastrous depending on how the management and the officials manage the implementation and the desired results achieved. Thus, a balance is essential to ensure that the implementation is successful and fruitful.



Answer 1: High potential talents are referred the top talent and the rising (talent acquisition) within an organization. As discussed by Nayak, Bhatnagar, &Budhwar, (2018), high potential talents are able to build and lead a team that can outperform the competition. These individuals are best in their work and always look for leadership opportunities. They are the one who ensures to get the things done with high efficiency and often have potential to cover more work (or task). It is important to note that these personalities have the capability to work well in an autonomous manner. They continue to develop new skills and capabilities, and normally does not buckle under pressure. According to the report by the Corporate Executive Board (CEB), it is inferred that high-potential employees hold three common features; ability, inspiration, and engagement(Daubner Siva, Ybema, Vinkenburg, & Beech, 2018). These features help them to rise and achieve success in difficult situations. Their "ability" is a combination of learned skills and innate characteristics. Their "aspiration" motivates them to take responsibility and challenges, which eventually results in rewards from the senior roles. Similarly, the "engagement" characteristics illustrate that emotional as well as rational commitment and their intent to stay within the organization.

Further, based on the CEB report, it is identified that high potential is far more valuable than mediocre employees for the organization. The existence and identification of high potential within a company create a competitive advantage for the future and help it to stand out of its specific industry. These employees are also a good source of leadership who not only excels in their work but also motivates their co-workers to work hard and improve their skills(Felstead, Gallie, Green, &Henseke, 2019). The work done by these employees is of superior quality and has a minimum chance of any error. Therefore, their existence within the company hugs in improving the quality of work as well as the overall productivity. Unlike other employees, the high potential employees are able to work efficiently under pressure, thereby maintaining the quality of work.

Tata Motors is well known for cultivating a culture of excellence in its workplace by recruiting high-potential employees. In this context, it has started a talent management program "Fast Track Selection Scheme" and the "Management Career Acceleration Track". These training are considered as the appropriate mix of theory and practical citizens that help in developing the talented brains. The company considered these two approaches as the key tools to identify and develop future leaders of the company. These programs are not only intended to identify talented individuals but also create a journey for the employees through benchmarked selection criteria. For high-potential employees, the programs also include career development tools such as high impact projects, classroom training, and rotational assignments(Van Vianen, Rosenauer, Homan, Horstmeier&Voelpel, 2018). In this context, Tata Motors also gives the opportunity to newly recruited young high potential employees to take up the responsibilities at the entry management level. The company makes all possible efforts to retain these talented employees through its high potential programs. It provides them the full freedom to make mistakes, experiment, and learn through the journey value creation, thereby maintaining employee satisfaction level.

Answer 2: The business strategy of Tata Motors is to produce "low cost" vehicles, in order to get a greater scope to make high-profit margins and achieve greater market share. According to the report by Agnihotri& Bhattacharya (2018), this is also a marked strategy of Tata Motors to achieve cost leadership and competitive advantage in the market. With the"low-cost strategy", the company is able to find unmatched value for the money of its customers by providing a variety of range of products. However, it always invests and focuses on its R&D department which facilitates it to bring new innovations and discoveries in terms of technology and product range. In addition to this, it had also followed a strategy of acquisitions and joint ventures for launching new products in different market segments(Jhunjhunwala, Kaur &Mutagekar, 2018).


The fast track selection scheme (FTSS) is considered as a benchmark criterion that aims at providing unique opportunities to the workforce of Tata Motors. The concept is well-explained in the report by Karabag, Borah, & Berggren (2018). This opportunity helps them to accelerate their career's pace in the company. It focuses on evaluating each candidate's managerial and leadership features and facilitates them with a platform where they can develop and explore new opportunities within the organization. For this purpose, the organization provides rotational assignments, intensive training, and educational inputs. The eligibility criteria for FTSS is that the employees need to be a permanent employee with 2 years of experience. Along with that, there is a need to have graduation as the minimum education qualification. The selection process includes online tests, group discussion, and power interviews, assessment centres, and final interviews. Participants need to attempt and qualify both paper 1 (logical reasoning, language comprehension, and quantitative technique) and paper 2 (general knowledge, functional appreciation)(Snehvrat& Dutta, 2018; Karabag, Borah, & Berggren, 2018). The selected candidates will be provided with rotational assignments for more than 1 year. Further details of this strategy and associated procedures are also detailed on the company website. It is important to note that the educational and leadership inputs are provided to the selected candidates through premier institutes. There will be impetus nominations as an approach for general management initiatives. Additionally, the candidates are provided with enhanced developmental support under the "Anchor Me" initiative. Thus, the FTSS is considered as a developmental platform for the entry-level managers in order to fast-track their career towards the upward phase of the organizational hierarchy. This approach not only helps the employees to improve their position but also a plethora of different developmental inputs which is needed for organizational development. These employees are considered as an excellent asset for the R&D department of Tata Motors, and thereby sustaining the idea of "low-cost strategy". In this context, the business strategy needs strong leadership as well as management skills who is able to mentor and guide co-workers, which is possible through the FTSS selection process(Agnihotri& Bhattacharya, 2018). The selection process identifies potential talents in general areas along with the commercial and operation management, thereby increasing the company's productivity as well as cost-efficiency.

Answer 3: The fast track selection scheme (FTSS) helps Tata motor company to ensure that the early identification of talent as well as providing them the opportunity to nurture them into potential leaders (Karabag, Borah, & Berggren, 2018). However, with due course of time, it is identified that the FTSS is inefficient towards identifying and retaining high-potential employees according to the changing business environment in Tata Motors. There exist certain complexities within the program for its effective execution. The challenges within the business of the automobile sector have transformed drastically resulting in an exponential rise in employment opportunities, whereas, on the contrary, there exists a scarcity for high potential employees to fill these opportunities and positions (Schottli&Pohlmann, 2019). In order to fill these gaps, the company included certain changes in the screening process of FTSS. The mortified program primarily includes rotational assignments, internship training as well as educational inputs. Whereas, timely amendment to these strategies were made on the basis of progress overview, mutual agreement by higher officials, as well as situational demand of market context and stakeholder' view. The FTSS program is available in three different streams.

  • Executive selection scheme (ESS): The ESS emphasizes competencies of General management and is considered as appropriate for the placement in any of the functional area. The employees scrutinized through ESS are able to handle the business in any of the functional areas efficiently. They have broad areas of knowledge and experience in different areas to work upon(Anand& Singh, 2018).
  • Operations managers scheme (OMS): This scheme emphasizes the competency level of operations management and is considered appropriate for placement of employees in plant based functional areas. These employees are specialized in automobile design and production and hold a minimum qualification of mechanical engineering. These employees also play a critical role in the R&D department for designing new technology and innovative structure for vehicles within the low-cost strategy(Karabag, Borah, & Berggren, 2018).
  • Commercial manager scheme (CMS): This selection scheme emphasizes on the competencies related to commercial Management and is considered appropriate for placement in the department related to sales and marketing. These employees hold extensive knowledge related to the effective marketing strategy of product, thereby gaining a substantial amount of profit. The employees participating should have a mandatory degree of business administration. They are able to find an appropriate platform to advertise and market the product to the target customers(Venkateswaran& Roy, 2018).

In the revised FTSS program, there are four steps which comprise of online test, group discussion and power interview, assessment centre, and final interview. The minimum qualification level as the eligibility criteria is graduation along with 2 years of minimum experience(Snehvrat& Dutta, 2018).

Despite these changes, the company needs to incorporate the basic eligibility qualification as post-graduation. This will help in screening employees having a higher degree of education as well as knowledge. For this purpose, the age limit for participation should also be maximized by 2 years. Candidates will be should be allowed to participate in the FTSS on the basis of their past performance within the organization. In this way, the employees having exceptional performance throughout the years will be competing among each other and the best out best will be selected.


Answer 4: The FTSS program and other mini-assessments for talent management intend to select Stonington employees within the organization and thereby improve their overall competency level (Karabag, Borah, & Berggren, 2018). In order to develop the skills of high potential employees or fast trackers, these talent management programs help in developing leadership skills. The leadership skills are aimed to achieve in operation beast as well as marketing based department. The leadership training helps them to become ready for future endeavours like team leader or project manager. The leadership training can we photo customized according to the business requirement effete unit. In this context, the training program should include interactive games, analytical lectures and relevant case materials(Venkateswaran& Roy, 2018). However, it is important to note that this approach will not only help them to give a learning experience but also help them to become independent in their respective areas. This would be able to have good control over dealing, particularly in face-to-face interaction and simultaneously building group cohesion. Therefore, the company should incorporate different levels of teaching such as long-distance learning, social media platform, and other interactive techniques.

Furthermore, Tata Motors also offers data administrator services (TAS) for candidate selection and recruitment. It is basically a 12-month intensive training program that intends to hire employees from two different sources, that is, in-house recruitment within the Tata group of companies and selection from top Business school. In this way, the company creates a pool of exclusive sets of managers providing a platform for the young talents to identify and explore their potential. In India, it is considered to be one of the most exclusive corporate training programs that aim at hiring future management leaders for Tata Motors(Jhunjhunwala, Kaur &Mutagekar, 2018). Therefore, it is advisable that the company should create more opportunities for employees and outside candidates to be identified as high potential and become the future general manager and functional specialists. For this purpose, they should be provided with cross-functional training that facilitates them to move across the borders between the different business segments. Since, Tata Motors work according to the business strategy of low cost, therefore the high talent employees should develop the skills related to problem-solving, creativity, critical thinking, and innovation. According to the report by Snehvrat& Dutta (2018), irrespective of the department of employees in Tata Motors, they are required to incorporate these skills to move upward in the hierarchy level. The standout skills in the future for the high potential is creativity in terms of product design and marketing strategy. One of the best examples of the creative approach in Tata Motors is the "Tata Nano" (Verma, Alenezi, Alkandari, & Amira, 2019), which is not only cost efficient but also requires less fuel per kilometre. To move ahead in the future, high talent requires to excel in problem-solving skills. They will need to deal with complex problems and evaluate among several options and finally implement the appropriate solution. Similarly, Innovation and critical thinking are also required in employees in different departments such as customer service, marketing, and product development.

Answer 5: In Tata Motors and other multinational companies, the companies have employed special unit leaders who are responsible for talent identification, management, and development. An overview of the talent identification strategy can be obtained with the fact that company uses referrals for hiring which will be based on the individual level expertise and experience (suitability) to the job requirements. Next they will provide necessary training and learning. Finally, they will focus on retention of the employee for a longer term such that the talent developed can be helpful for the company, in the long run. In general, there are four basic steps need help in identifying high-potential employees within the company.

Step 1 - In the first step, this required to implement a formal identification process. This is basically an annual or 6-month event that allows employees from different areas of the organization to participate. It is a thorough process where the business unit leaders and HR members calibrated for identifying the best performer (Daubner Siva, Ybema, Vinkenburg& Beech, 2018). The criteria for evaluation includes the behavior me to replacement the values, mission and vision of the company, and the competencies required to achieve the future objective. In this context, it is the responsibility of the evaluation body to ensure that the participants are aware of the evaluation criteria. Upon selection, the candidates are informed through a formal email and justifying the reasons behind it. This approach acts as a benchmark strategy for acknowledging their hard work and commitment towards the company.

Step 2 - The second step is to build a personality development strategy. In this context, the evaluators identify the rate of growth in each individual from the date of joining the organization. The discussions with the candidate begin from their long-term approach. A mentor or supervisor is assigned to each candidate for their development process(Karabag, Borah & Berggren, 2018). The actions and approach taken by each candidate towards their progress is monitored and recorded. Furthermore, the time frame needed by each participant to complete their goal he's also recorded. In this step, Levi has also fix regular update meetings for discussing their learning process and it is important for their future role.


Step 3 - The third step is to provide high potential candidates new and adventures opportunities for challenging them. For this purpose, they are assigned with bigger and meaningful tasks to identify their critical thinking ability, problem-solving skills, and creativity(Verma, Alenezi, Alkandari, & Amira, 2019). Furthermore, there also included in important meetings and discussions, and their solutions are also included. These candidates are further exposed to situations deacon Street and engage themselves in innovation and creativity. The results of these sections are further debriefed to identify their level of progress and takeaways.

Step 4 - The final step of high talent identification establishing a high potential program. For instance, the FTSS and TAS programs in Tata Motors(Snehvrat& Dutta, 2018; Karabag, Borah, & Berggren, 2018). High potential talent groups are constructed to expose these candidates to other top performers. An environment is provided to his employees where they are able to share and learn new ideas. A system is created for ongoing growth of these candidates through a course of leadership training.

Answer 6: A high potential talent identification program aims at the development of employees for creating a pool of talents that are available for future leadership roles. According to the report of Oseghale, Mulyata&Debrah, 2018), the success of any company depends on the skills and talent level of their employee. At Tata Motors, this program is considered effective because it also plays a key role in the succession planning and translation of knowledge from experienced personnel's to the new comers within the company (Joshi, Sinha, Dixit & Shukla, 2018). For such company which is willing to maintain growth and achieve competitive advantage, the program facilitates internal high potential development. With the retirement of baby boomers, the program helps in transforming new talents as future leaders, thereby maintaining the performance of the company. Secondly, it has a positive impact on the business. The companies involved in high potential talent identification programs are considered as forward-thinking learning organizations. The identified talent I provided the opportunity to learn new skills and leaving their creativity an inconsistent as well as cost-effective, which will eventually have a positive impact on the bottom line. Third, the selected high talent employees are found to be more committed and engaged in the company. According to Lim &Teo (2019), when a company invests in talents, define to be more closely attached to their work and company. High potential employees have generally a picture in their mind about what they are doing and also have an understanding of their next step towards career growth. This in turn tends to help in the overall productivity and performativity of the organization.

Finally, it is also revealed that high potential employees are always open to help co-workers to develop through their insights and experience. Apart from the pros of high potential identification program, it has also some perils associated with it. According to Agnihotri, & Bhattacharya, 2018), when high-potential employees are informed about their high potential, their expectations from the company also increases. They expect promotions as well as a hike from the company. If the company denies their demand, some of the candidates also trade of terminating the company. Furthermore, coworkers who are not identified as high potential feels neglected as well as useless for the company, which in turn reduces their overall productivity.


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