Support Strategy Assignment Help
Write a support strategy and plan for the selected solution. The support plan should include operating conditions, resources, configuration management, and change management controls at a minimum. Create a timeline associated with the plan of action to implement the solution. Include a summary of the plan of action. accepts instant and short deadlines order for Support Strategy Assignment Help solution – order today for excellence!
1. Introduction
Patient safety, a key dimension of quality of the health care, involves carrying out strategies for reducing all unnecessary harm to patients associated with health care.In keeping with the international recommendations, the today's healthcare organizations have made the decision to enhance Quality and Safety in Healthcare, respecting and further rounding out the actions which are currently being carried out thereby in the exercise in the provision of health care services.The objectives of this reportis mainly been aimed at further enhancing the healthcare services such as patient safety culture and health care risk management, the training of the professionals, the implementation of safe practices, the active involvement of the patients and citizens and international participation.There is still a great deal as yet to be done toward truly bringing about a change in the culture of the NHS health care organizations and in order for the leaders, the clinics and management organizations to become the driving force behind this change with the actual active involvement of the patients and their caregivers.
2. Frameworks for Strategic Planning
The planning intervention aimed at preventing or mitigating the necessary harm associated to health care and further enhancing patient safety. The planning is committed to the safety culture, focuses their efforts mainly on four key aspects: cultivating the safety culture at all levels; evaluating and promoting a good safety-related climate; increasing quality and the so-called human factors or non-technical factors of the professionals; and developing safety elements at the clinical unit level. Numerous patient care practices have similarly been proposed for preventing medication errors, especially in the hospital setting. These practices involve some major differences with regard to cost, degree of complexity for implementation, evidence of effectiveness and impact on patient safety, different initiatives therefore having been carried out for selecting the essential practices on which top priority should be placed for their implementation on the part of health care authorities and institutions (Geraghty et al., 2017).
2.1 Strategy in Operating Conditions
The framework for Operating Conditions are focused mainly on two major areas: the change of the professionals and the implementation of care practices.
• Care Culture - Ascertaining an organization's patient care culture is the first step toward its further enhancement. The care culture-related research has been focused mainly on evaluating the safety climate (the safety-related attitudes and perceptions of the professionals) and their association with different clinical outcomes, as well as the satisfaction of both professionals and patients.
• Safety Culture - The organization should be committed to the safety culture focus their efforts on four key aspects: cultivating the safety culture at all levels; evaluating and promoting a good safety-related climate; increasing training in patient safety and the so-called human factors or non-technical factors of the professionals; and developing safety elements at the clinical unit level.
• Human factor-The importance of the human factor in further enhancing patient care has grown over the past few years, there currently being several experts who are recommending training the health care professionals in this aspect and favoring the incorporation of the human factor-related principles into the organization by taking into account physical aspects (design, equipment, etc.), cognitive aspects (the professional's status and situation, communicating skills, teamwork ("from the work team to teamwork") and organizational aspects (the organization's culture (Speziale, 2015).
• Training- Training in patient safety is the first step toward further enhancing the safety culture and is an indispensable element in order for the health care professionals to understand why the patient safety-related initiatives are necessary and how they can put them into practice. The importance of training the professional is patient safety has been pointed out by the World Health Organization.
2.2 Strategy in Configuration Management
• Safe medication use - Special interest has been focused on the importance of medication errors on the part of different international agencies and organizations, which have stressed the need of implementing safe practices which are effective for reducing these errors.
• Safe surgery - Safe Surgery Saves Lives -This multimodal program suggests working in four areas: preventing surgical wound infection; preventing the wrong site/wrong patient/wrong procedure; further enhancing the safety of surgical equipment; and safety in handling anesthesia.
• Safe care - Nursing has taken care related to the prevention of some adverse events very closely into account, such as falls or pressure ulcers, having reached quite a generalized consensus as to their prevention and the use of and heeding risk assessment scales.
2.3 Strategy in Change Management Control
A positive patient care-related culture in the health care institutions is an indispensable pre-requisite for preventing and minimizing patient safety-related incidents and being able to learn from past errors in order to reduce the probability of their reoccurring. For the purpose of further enhancing patient care culture, it is necessary to continue carrying out actions aimed at measuring and enhancing the management control, informing and training all professionals in safety-related aspects, fostering training in effective care, training the working teams in risk management, fostering leadership in safety, reporting and learning from the incidents and keeping the professionals information of the details of the evaluation of their medical services centers, stimulating their active involvement in the enhancements proposed.
1. Promote the medical services centers availing of a safety plan (their own or institutional) which actively involves all of the professionals and is known by all.
2. Promote the leadership of the professionals for assuring that the patient safety plan objectives will be achieved.
3. Favor the evaluation of the care climate in the health care organizations and the dissemination of their findings, as an aid in the implementation of safe practices.
4. Foster basic training in patient safety of all of the health care professionals at all levels of their training and development.
5. Disseminate the knowledge and experiences concerning patient safety to all levels of the National Health System (Amor, Talbi and Almubrad, 2018).
3. Risks associated with implementing
The main limitation of the systems is infra-notification, some of the causes of which include the organization's lack of safety culture and the professionals' fear of finding themselves involved in lawsuits due to a lack of specific law to protect them. This fear has a bearing on the quality of the data obtained from these systems and on the best use being made of the information recorded. These systems have been found to usually achieve a greater deal of active involvement on the part of the professionals when they are voluntary and anonymous.
4. Timelinefor Strategic implementation

As a result of the decentralized funding within the framework of the Patient Safety Strategy within the 2019-2023 time frame, it has been encouraged that different projects and best practices be gotten under way in nursing care which have made it possible to further enhance the aspects related to the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers, fail-safe patient identification, the further enhancement of the prevention of accidental falls, the prevention of infection with the Hand Hygiene strategies, the reduction of catheter-associated bacteremia or ventilator-associated pneumonia, and the safe use of medications. Nevertheless, the safe care practices have not been implemented in full, and the degree to which implemented has varied greatly nationwide. Some of the possible causes may include the nursing care plans barely existing at all and the scarcity of specific information systems making it possible to evaluate the same.
The following are the major steps need to be followed for effective strategic implementation.
? Set out plans for action in patient safety at the medical services centers with annual objectives, evaluation and planning for dissemination of the results.
? Incorporate clinical leaders who will promote the implementation, development and evaluation of safe clinical practices at the centers/on the units.
? Include patient safety as one of the aspects to be addressed in the plans for taking on new professionals.
? Periodically evaluation, by way of validated tools, the safety climate of the organization as an aid toward knowing the weak points and strong points regarding patient safety (Hudson Smith and Smith, 2018).
? Reach a consensus regarding a minimum basic training curriculum in patient safety for the professionals which includes concepts on safe clinical practices, communicating, teamwork and health services factors which have a bearing on patient safety.
? Promote the basic training in patient safety of the health care professionals during their undergraduate schooling, specialized training and continued training.
? Identify, disseminate and share at the national, regional and local levels best practices, information and experiences on patient safety by way of different means such as congresses, workshops, conferences, webpages, etc.
? Periodically disseminate the updated recommendations for the purpose of preventing unnecessary health care being provided which is of very little value or which is harmful for the patient.
The planning has been proposed for preventing medication errors, especially in the hospital setting. These practices involve some major differences with regard to cost, degree of complexity for implementation, evidence of effectiveness and impact on patient safety, different initiatives therefore having been carried out for selecting the essential practices on which top priority should be placed for their implementation on the part of health care authorities and institutions. The purpose of preventing adverse events, the implementation of which is considered a top priority. Several of these measures are practices related to the safe use of medications: prevention of errors due to similar-sounding or similarly-spelled medication names, control of concentrated electrolyte solutions and medication reconciliation at care-providing transitions. However, the programs dealing with significant risks which can greatly influence the effectiveness of the strategic implementations.
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