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Student Management System Assignment


Your team have been selected as security consultant assisting the workforce. The workforce is particularly interested in the following from the Privacy perspective:
• What laws or regulations the University A needs to comply with?
• What are the obligations of University A under those laws / regulations / other related policies and procedures?
• Why are those obligations important? If breached, what is the consequence?
• What does University A / this workforce need to do demonstrate the compliance?
• Any other areas that need to be considered in the initiative?


The Student management system for University A is very important to ensure administration and management of student information. The system will be based on a powerful database management and manipulation to meet the needs of the student and the university. The project will also provide for a more flexible way of managing student data and maintaining their very important information. It is also useful as it helps in the saving of valuable student time while also reduces a lot of paperwork during student admission and tutoring. In the end, this project is meant to help local and international students to keep track of their student records including contact details assignments, marks details, personal course details, library catalogue and the rest(Hu, 2016). In the present day, the internet has become one of the most important tool in education and a majority of people in the world. This has much been facilitated with the innovative smart gadgets which have also been incorporated in schools and social arenas. Most people, including students continue to perform a lot of activities over the internet among which is the storage of important database in respect to their area of interest.

In the following student management system a lot of quality data can be retrieved. There will obviously need for student information systems for the management of student information. Also in the university there are a lot of departments of administration that are vital in the maintenance of university information and the overall student database for any institution. It is also important that student track records are maintained; such information will include name, address, academic performance, school attendance, lesson completion, fee payment, projects assesment among other specific information that is related to the various departments(Hu, 2016). This will include the collection of important data, administration of different modules (where all the modules are going to be digitized). For example in the even that a student will require their completion certificate, they are going to check the different details regarding the student like admission number, name, year of study, attended exams and other details. In this regard, the system will be a once stop center where they can log in and access the exams department to find the results(Wong, 2015). The following section will look at other aspects of coming up with student management systems policy.


Importance to students
The user experience of the student management system of the students and the staff will be fragmented across the whole system and different user interface style. In this regard, the system will be able to deliver a human centred design which will allow for the delivery of various important functionalities that are consisted with different platforms(Wong, 2015). In the end, it will allow for improved user experience between the staff and the students in the university.

The system is also important as it will help reduce cheating in academics since it will have a management module that provides the data required for research, academic planning, accreditation and self-studies. In this regard, staff are able to analyse data and respond to various student questions of which students will be required to register or submit exams for marking to qualify(Sutton, 2016). It will also be able to make a follow up on individual students and discourage any form of cheating since all exams and student assignments are going to be submitted online. The system will contain various databases and spreadsheets that will provide for a holistic view on the status of the student's course. With the implementation of the student management system, it will promote education and exam truth across the whole lifecycle of the student as there will be no additional database, separate reports need. This is because the module will be able to minimize errors with a consistent course plan, real-time delivery of academic advisory from an intuitive web interface and support for a timelier certification of degrees.

For Employees (both in contract and permanent)
The Student User Interface is going to be fragmented across the whole systems and user interfaces styles. In this regard, the university will be able to deliver a coherent human centred design which will allow for the delivery of much more important functions for employees that are consistent among different platforms(Sutton, 2016). In this regard, it will be able to improve the user experience for both the contract and permanent employees at the university.

Laws and Regulations
As part of implementation, the university will have to meet all the requirements of the law related to its activities. This means that it will have an obligation in regard to all the learning activities as outlined in the system. It has an obligation to its staff, students and other employees to ensure that the meet requirements of the student management system. When the university fails to comply with the law, then it is bound to have very serious consequences for all users in the system. This will be seen either through damage of student finances, records and through the damage to the university reputation. Also the university under the common law has to follow several statute that are meant to govern its activities, meaning that the best approach will be to come up with a proactive stance for its legal obligations each day(Osborne, 2006).


Notification of access rights
It is required that the university notify each student currently enrolled of their rights to access the student management system. This should be included in the university prospectus and other publications where the student will know that they have the legal right to; review and inspect their academic records, raise complaint and seek amendment to any record that the student might fee to be misleading, inaccurate, or in violation of their rights to privacy(Osborne, 2006). The university should also accept to disclose any personal identifiable information that is contained in the student educational records, except in the event that the disclosure is done without consent. In case of any issue a complaint should be filed calling for the failure of the university to comply with the relevant act(Osborne, 2006). In the complaint, the student can raise issues on the right to inspect and review their educational record, failure to amend their personal information, and a determination of who constitutes the legal educational interest of the student.

Rights of Review and inspection of Education Records
The other important law of compliance is for the university to allow for students to access their educational records as provided under the law. However, this should be done upon request, where reasonable time will be given, and should not be more than a month after receiving the request(Osborne, 2006). In this regard, the university is supposed to respond to these requests and interpretations of these records. In the event that circumstances may prevent the student from exercising this right to inspect and review their education records, then it will be important for the university to provide the student with copy or requested records, or provide for other arrangements for the student to review and inspect the requested records(Dai &Ren, 2016). Also, the law does not allow the university to destroy any record in the event that there is pending request to review records.

Limitation of Access
The university is also provided with the right to limit access or records in the event that the education records contain information of more than one student, in this regard, the student may also be informed of a particular information about the student. In this regard, the university may not allow the student to review or inspect educational records that include confidential letters and statements regarding recommendations placed within the education records, unless these records are used for the sole intended purpose(Dai &Ren, 2016). Confidential statements and letters of recommendations that are placed in the education records of the student which include the right to review admissions, application for employment and receipt of honour and honorary recognition.

Obligations of the University
The university has the major obligation of ensuring the functionality of the Student management system. This should also be developed in regard to stakeholder demands, existing workflow and an interlink of the multiple department that will be used to ensure there is uniformity of data in all the modules. For the university to be able to ensure this, they will have to ensure that the student management system is has a simple user interface that students and other staff will require little or no training, there is room for operational efficiency, the university will also be required to eliminate any form of inefficiency. The will also be required to ensure there is a monitoring and decision support system, an integrated online application workflow that has a unified data model, easy reporting accuracy(Dai &Ren, 2016). Lastly, they will be obligated to ensure all examinations, academics and administration are automated within the system.


Importance of Obligations

The above obligations are important as they ensure the following:
First, it eases university marketing, registration and online application. In this regard, all the aspiring student applicants will be able look up the different university programs, availability of admission in each programs. Also, the university marketing department will be in a better position to schedule, plan and conduct different conferences and document all responses to each event (Dai &Ren, 2016). In addition, applicants at the university will be able to self-register using the online portal by filling out virtual application form, uploading all the required information that also include the required documents. Communication will also be automatically sent using the student portal system for each event.

When the university is able to meet its obligation in the implementation of the management system, the student performance will be monitored. This means that academic coordinators will be able to create a course time table containing all the relevant details, in reference to all the faculty. Also, the faculty will be able to update attendance for all the lessons attended by the student. In this regard, the management of different lessons will also be improved(Sutton, 2016). This system will also help in the management, planning and monitoring the progress of each lesson, and the course faculty. In this regard, lecturers are able to upload study materials and students are going to download by accessing their dashboard.

During exams, the student management system will also have an exam section that can conduct, create or manage individual student examinations in addition the tutor will also be able to enter marks and apply various methods of evaluation in calculating and publishing of the final grades. For the foreign students, the meeting these obligations are also important as they ensure that all online exams are done by accessing questions and answering them online. This was reduce the labour of university attendance, while the previous performance will be updated(Sutton, 2016). With installation of an internal research organisation survey system, students and the institution is also able to conduct various surveys online and learn about the progress of the university. With the student portal students will also be able to access their faculty marks, fee details, time table, announcements, personal details, final marks download and grades. Meeting these obligations makes the university a paperless institution, increasing the efficiency of the university simplifying the whole university management.

Ways to demonstrate compliance
Improved University Organisation- in this regard, the information being transmitted in the university should be administered in the shortest time possible. In most cases, the university management is very limited and staff often has to experience delays and a lot of challenge when it comes to keeping and finding papers and fines. By complying to the student management systems, this will reduces the amount of paperwork to about zero, and it will also help the organisation to look for data on demand much faster(Sutton, 2016).

Reduction of Costs- when considering the resources and time that goes in the maintenance of data in the form of hard copies like books, files and papers; this will be lowered by implementing an student management system. The system does not consume physical storage as it is usually online, this also means that all information will be safe from physical damage related to any unwanted elements that include insects. Also by complying with the management system this will ensure that the man-hours spent in the retrieval and management of data is reduced to minimal.

Automating School Administration - it is also important that for the university to ensure compliance, they need to automate all the administration to artificial intelligence. This will ensure that decision makers only need to enter the system using a number of issues before they finally make a decision regarding education and learning(Sutton, 2016). In this regard, anything evolving the school like providing results for exams, issuing of student notices will need to be done automatically. The system compliance is thus important as student results can just be declared in a matter of minutes. Also notices and other event announcements care delivered each day in the student portal increasing efficiency in the delivery of information.

In summary, the student information system for the university is very vital and should be developed with the use of friendly interface. There should also be the option for multiple languages to ensure that foreign students do not feel left out. A username and password should be generated by student so they can be in control of their personal information. In general the system is going to benefit students in keeping and managing their records including that of the employees and tutors. This is because as student management system makes it easy for student's data to be securely stored and retrieved easily.


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