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Standards for The Teaching Profession Assignment Help

Step 1

PCT to read ‘Our Code Our Standards’ and write a summary on their understanding of each of the standards for the teaching profession. Teachers should also read and reflect on the key cultural competencies from Tataiako and assess where they are at currently in relation to each. This is to help gain an understanding of the core documents which guide the teaching profession

Standard 1 &Tataiako

TeTitiriti o Waitangi Partnership/TangataWhenuatanga

Demonstrate commitment to tangatawhenuatanga and TeTiriti o Waitangi partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Standard 2 &Tataiako

Professional Learning/Ako

Use inquiry, collaborative problem-solving and professional learning to improve professional capability to impact on the learning and achievement of all learners.

Standard 3 &Tataiako

Professional Relationships/Whanaungatanga

Establish and maintain professional relationships and behaviours focused on the learning and wellbeing of each learner.

Standard 4 &Tataiako

Learning-foucused culture/Ako

Develop a culture that is focused on learning, and is characterised by respect, inclusion, empathy, collaboration and safety.

Standard 5 &Tataiako

Design for learning/Ako/Wananga

Design learning based on curriculum and pedagogical knowledge, assessment information and an understanding of each learner’s strengths, interests, needs, identities, languages and cultures.

Standard 6 &Tataiako


Teach and respond to learners in a knowledgeable and adaptive way to progress their learning at an appropriate depth and pace.

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Standard 1 &Tataiako

TeTitiriti o Waitangi Partnership/TangataWhenuatanga


This is about enhancing inclusive learning. It is necessary to demonstrate a commitment towards the Treaty Waitungi that aims to fulfill the three P's, namely partnership, protection and participation of the Maori learners and ensures that the literal difference between the English text and Maoris is reduced (Smith,Anderson& Blanch,2016)
As a teacher it is crucial to recognise the status of tangatawhenue in the society and make proper learning curriculum for them. The Education Act 1989, defines education of early childhood and as well as care centres as the premises that are being used regularly for educating atleast 3 oreven more than 3 children. Service curriculum needs to reflect on the tangata whenua and the teacher thus should give these children to grow and understand the cultural heritages, histories, languages of both the parties of TeTiriti o Waitangi (DeLuca, LaPointe-McEwan & Luhanga,2016).
The teacher should teach how to integrate tereo and tiganka so that there is a culturally developed classroom that is based on connection and respect. Maori students and their culture should be treated well.
As a teacher I should know how to align my teaching style and my curriculum to the cultural belongings of the Maori learners. It is important for me to focus on these learners so that they get their respectable position in the society.

Standard 2&Tataiako
Professional Learning/Ako


Professional learning and its engagement is important irrespective of caste, creed, culture and religion. As a teacher the students who are differently abled should also be taken care of. It is significant to state that sometimes my own assumptions and beliefs may overpower my sense of an all- inclusiveness, but that needs to be put under control as a teacher. A teacher should remain unbiased and must engage in giving full support to all types of students right from students who belong to the higher society to the downtrodden and even to the disabled. (Parr &Jesson, 2016).

A teacher needs to take feedback from their students, educational professionals and even colleagues and thus know how to develop a collaborative problem solving environment. I have to engage myself in professional learning and put that learning into my practice of teaching the students. In the modern generation there are number of assistive technology for the disabled learners and as a teacher keeping information about all such technologies and related innovations and research is important. A teacher must know how to culturally involve myself with the Maori learners and involve in self -learning so that this can be used for enlightening the Maori students(Haggerty & Alcock,2016).

Standard 3&Tataiako
Professional Relationships/Whanaungatanga


A teacher must follow the guidelines of maintaining professional relationship as well as behaviours that is concentrated on well-being of the learners. All the students must be engaged in a reciprocal and collaborative form of learning and even their families should be involved. Maybe a regular update of their progress can be given to their parents(Ritchie, 2018).

I should even maintain a collaborative learning pattern while trying to teach a particular concept to my colleagues, other professionals , groups within the society and so on. While dealing with this it is necessary to maintain an effective communication and spread a message of how all the students especially the Maori leaners can be well collaborated in the teaching learning system and in doing so developing an accurate leadership pattern is also necessary (O'Neill, 2017).

It is my responsibility to involve the Maori learners in the professional genres and help them get a social position and optimum respect in the workplaces. Maori learners,hapi, iwi, all who are there in the Maori community should be brought in the main streamline and consider them equal with other societal beings in the New Zealand community.

Standard 4 &Tataiako
Learning-focused culture/Ako


It is the sole responsibilities of the teachers to create a learning-focussed relationship and ensure that there is an active participance of all the learners and each should be responsible in the teaching learning process. While getting involved in the teaching learning process, it is crucial to develop an environment to foster trust and make the students understand the situation in which one can take risks.
The standard also proclaims that all physical, emotional and social safety of the learners is maintained and ensure that all the learners can get an access to the learning materials.There is no discrimination and thus help learners develop a confidence in their own culture, tradition, languages and so on (Fickel et al., 2018).

Maori learners must be given equal opportunity and there should be a special focus on the culture and tradition. It is my responsibility as a teacher to create an environment wherein uniqueness and diversity of the students are well maintained.

Standard 5 &Tataiako
Design for learning/Ako/Wananga


The learning design should be formed as per the interests, needs, languages, cultures, traditions of the leaners and the curriculum should be made as per this values. It is necessary to undertake appropriate teaching approaches and see that it is aligned with the learner's capacity. The curriculum content, progressions and pedagogy must be well considered and collection of proper assessment information is necessary.Identification of the needs and development of each learners is necessary and thus planning curriculum that can reflect the culture and tradition of the local community as well as TeTiriti o Waitangi partnership important(Fickel et al., 2018).
As a teacher it is my responsibility to harness all the ideas and capitals brought by the leaners and thus give them an all engaging classroom. Learning must be designs as per the national regulations and policies and the Maori community must not be ignored while doing so. It is necessary to deal with the community in a robust dialogue so that they achieve what the teacher is trying to teach.

Standard 6 &Tataiako


A teacher must know how to respond to their leaners in an adaptive manner and teach in a manner that can help the students make progress in an equal manner. A special attention must be given to the Maori learners and undertake a shared responsibility to help them gain educational success (Gaffney & McAnelly,2019).

A teacher needs to undertake appropriate strategies ,learning activities and approaches and even adapt technology in order to develop the learning of the students. It is necessary to help learners to get solely involved in the learning curriculum and ensure that there is appropriate progression among all. All the learners especially the Maori students must be given opportunities and make sure that they are not left behind in the educational system. Learners can also get learning from each other and know how to collaborate and develop an agency on their own learning(Gaffney & McAnelly,2019).

As a teacher of the Maori learners it is significant for me to develop my own learning and even see that my Maori leaners are getting a place in the teaching learning system.

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