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Spanning Tree Assignment Help

Explain why timers are needed in the Spanning Tree Algorithm. What problems occur if timers are not used? What can happen if a timer is set for too long of a timeout?

Explain the algorithm used when two or more switches (bridges) are trying to determine who is the root node.

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Answer 1:
Spanning Tree Algorithm is the Kruskal algorithm which is able to fin the edge for the least weight possible for connecting the trees. Hence, the spanning tree is the subset for the Graph G which has the verticals covered with the minimal edges. They do not have the cycles also. 

The times are listed below:

a. Hello: This is for measure the time in between the bridge for the different data of protocols where there are different units that are sent for the port.
b. Forward Delay: The delay is for the time of 15 seconds by default to list and learn about the transition state.
c. Max Age: This is for controlling the time length which is for the port bridge and for the configuration of the information. The time is 20 sec by default.
Hence, for the configuration, there are another time related parameters which are the message age and that is not considered to be the fixed value. It contains the length of time which has passed since the root bridge is originating the bridge control data. The value is effectively able to contain the information on how from the root bridge one is able to receive the bridge protocol data.
If the timer is not used, then STP will provide the loop prevention functionality which does not provide the fast network convergence when there are changes in the topology. Hence, the STP will not be able to help in determining the transitions of state. Also, it will converge faster with point-on-point links where the bridge protocol data for the timers will also fail as the BPDU will not be sent in time to convert the port to the edge port (Hou et al, 2016).
In case time is setout for long, and for overrun, there will be timeout error. Our Timer Execution will Attempt is set to 3 and the timerout is in minutes for the timer which is 20 minutes. The challenge is about loading the records of the data from the vendor to OutSystems, but after the time for the record count is exactly same as prior to the load of data.
Answer 2:

The Spanning Tree Algorithm is used for the two or more switches for determining the root node. The understanding is based on the costs of the spanning tree which is the weight for the different edges, and they are the costs which includes the design of networks. They are for the cluster analysis, image segmentation and the handwriting recognition. The spanning tree is for the switch that begins with the special network frames of bridge protocol data units which is for the costs of the path and then determining the distance for the next bridge. Here, the data is able to work on segments of 100-Mbps where the costs are considered to be more. The sender BID is for the switch that sends the data (Li et al., 2016). The root bridge is chosen for the results between the switches. Hence, every switch is considered important and is for the switch power that is set for the network. It is able to send the data and the BID for the root where the location is mapped for determining about the path costs and then for handling the root bridges as well. There are switches which are determined with the designated ports. The connection is sent and for receiving the packets for a particular segment. This is through having the ports per segment and the looping issues are also settled in this. The consideration is that the network is configured based on the single STP, where there is a trunk that is set for the root bridge. Hence, there are bridges as well, where the switch is able to easily communicate through the root bridge and also for the other ports that have been designated. They are for determining and maintaining the loop-free network, where the event includes the root bridge which begins to fail or configure the different problems of the network. Hence, the switch has the particular number of the inputs and outputs that limits the hosts for connecting to the single switch and to the larger networks which could be used for the proper process of interconnecting number of switches. 

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