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Social Media Assignment Help

Select one (1) of the topics below for your argumentation essay. Read the documents and attend the lessons on argumentation. Participate in the class debate practice to prepare for this assignment.

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Intelligent Argument Essay Topics

1. Social media make people well-informed but angry and depressed.


The main objective of the essay is to present an overview of the influence social media has on people, most notably adolescents. The aspect of depression as a result of the usage of social media sites would also be presented accordingly. As a result, the relationship between social media and mental health disorders would be implied accordingly. The essay would also imply the steps, measures and precautions to be undertaken with regard to the usage of social media in order to reduce the occurrence of mental health disorders. The positive aspects of the usage of social media would also be discussed and demonstrated (Radovic, Gmelin, Stein & Miller, 2017).

Thesis Statement

Social media sites have both positive and negative influence over youth and teenagers depending on the aspects the users delve into. In other words, social media helps a person to be informative but at the same time it also causes mental health disorders amongst users.

Social media and depression

In the recent past, social media sites such as Facebook has caused mental health disorders amongst teenagers to a huge level. It has also been observed that suicidal thoughts have been prevalent amongst the youth as a result of the usage of social media. Social media sites have also led to anxiety disorders, amongst adolescents, most notably the pictures posted by their friends and peer groups (Shensa, et al., 2017). Additionally, cyber bullying through social media also has detrimental effect over teenagers, most notably lewd comments which are normally considered to be vulgar and inappropriate. The negative influence is also inclusive of the sharing of content in social media which may spark an outrage due to the loathsome and defamatory aspect of the content. Teenagers and youngsters are also influenced by peer pressure as a result of the frequent usage of social media (Jelenchick, Eickhoff & Moreno, 2013). As a result, it has a negative influence amongst them thereby leading to the huge risks related to mental health. In addition to the detrimental effect of the psychology of the person, it also causes impediment and hindrance over activities carried out on a day to day basis both professionally and personally. It also affects the academic progress of students to a huge level thereby resulting in the negative impacts over their grades and marks as far as the assessment criteria of the respective schools and colleges are concerned (Elhai, Hall & Erwin, 2018). At the professional level, the activities which get affected as a result of the frequent usage of social media are inclusive of the tasks to be carried out in the jobs as per the requirements and policy of the organization. At the personal level, the activities which get affected as a result of the frequent usage of social media are inclusive of the relationships held amongst friends and relatives thereby leading to unfavorable outcomes.. Such an aspect is prevalent to a huge level amongst those teenagers and adolescents who are frequent users of iPhone and Smartphones. Besides social media sites, news content in the internet may also cause mental health issues amongst frequent users of the internet to a considerable extent depending upon the perceptions and apprehensions of the user in question. The negative effects as a result of the regular use of social media are also inclusive of the disorders related to sleep such as insomnia (Baker & Algorta, 2016). It may also lead to eating disorders thereby resulting in the loss of appetite of a person to a huge level. It would eventfully affect both physical and mental health of a person on a combined basis.

Positive aspects of social media

Despite the negative influences social media has on the youth, there also some favorable aspects connected to various social media sites. For example, Facebook has many communities and forums where people can connect with each other in order to air their views and present their opinions accordingly with regard to the issues and discourses in question respectively. Social media also helps in the reduction in stress amongst users thereby providing a platform to unwind themselves (Drouin, et al., 2018). In academic institutions, the usage of social media is encouraged so that it facilitates the ease for the students to form online groups and communities in various social media sites in order to discuss about the topics of the respective subjects and modules accordingly so that the issues and problems can be addressed properly and appropriately. In some instances, the respective professors and lecturers are also inducted into such kinds of groups and communities so that the queries relating to the topics of the respective subjects and modules are addressed appropriately and accordingly. As a result, it would have a high possibility for the students to achieve the desired academic results. It would also help in the fostering of amicable relationships amongst the students and the professors. Additionally, the information related to the activities pertaining to the respective students union would also be provided through the means of social media. There are many communities in social media which provide relief for the users with respect to anxiety and depression amongst youth. Social media has also proved to be a means of leisure amongst adolescents to a massive extent thereby helping them to connect to the world to a huge level (Hoge, Bickham & Cantor, 2017). It has also proved to be quite effective and efficient pertaining to the expression of mental health issues by the youth and teenagers in a confidential manner as far as the aspect of the sensitivity of the social media users are concerned. As a result, social media enables people to share their problems in a proper and appropriate manner. Many charities related to mental health also have groups in various social media sites so as to spread awareness amongst people with regard to the issues concerned with mental health thereby resulting in the removal of stigma and apprehensions associated with mental health disorders. It is imperative that a vital role is played by social media to address the issues related to mental health.


It is suggested that social media must be used and accessed in a control manner. Parental supervision is necessary for early teens with regard to the usage of social media. Posting of explicit content on social media must be strictly banned and prohibited. Stringent action must be taken against those who are indulged in activities related to cyber bullying and posting unusual and derogatory comments and social media. People who are affected by posts on social media must seek help as early as possible in order to be provided with a desired solution at the earliest.


As observed from the discourse presented above, it can be implied by stating that the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of social media are justified and appropriate. The aforesaid discourse has highlighted the stress caused by social media amongst the youth and adolescents. The aspects related to the reduction of stress as a result of the usage of social media have also been discussed and demonstrated accordingly. The mental health issues pertaining to anxiety and depression have also been considered. Appropriate suggestions and recommendations have also been provided with respect to the controlled usage of social media.

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