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Social Conformity


Question: Discuss how you were socialized into a new culture.

Answer: Introduction: Socialisation in a specific life experience is what determines the present illustration context. With socialisation, the natural element that contributes to the experiences is the cultural consequences. It is the cultural reflection that creates effectiveness within the socialised surroundings. One such culture specific situation that I was exposed to come across a social interactive event was manifested through social conformity. Social conformity within workplace surroundings as an evolutionary earning process within social group environment is the present project statement that I shall reflect upon through a real life experience. It is post my internship within a reputed organization that I received an offer letter to join their firm as an assistant trainee employee on a permanent basis. Out of 12 interns of our college only two received such an offer. Getting selected as one of those members to the firm was overwhelming for me. To be recognised as a potential candidate to offer my skills and capabilities made me extremely glad. It is owing to this new phase of my life as a formal professional employee serving towards an organization that I got introduced to an all new cultural setting (King et al. 2015). The workplace atmosphere created a massive impact upon my sense of social and cultural concepts.

Discussion: Although I worked on a part time basis within the same organization delivering my services for 6 months at a stretch, I was restricted to perform only within the section of internships (Hobman and Walker, 2015). I believed that performance style as the intern and the full term employee has made a great shift in the world around me. In order to create socialisation as an effective cultural appropriateness, I have engaged into cultural change environment in my office environment. On my very first day at office I was introduced to an all new workplace ambience which seemed completely different from the prior. The managerial authorities and different hierarchical roles were introduced to me as the superiors to my position. My immediate reporting head came forward to clear out my roles and responsibilities at my work desk. There seemed to be a definite level of confidence and positivity in the vibe of the office. However, I also simultaneously sensed a feeling of power concentration to superior and high level authorities only. As the very initial stage of my professional workplace experience I got to know about the social structure that they formally establish across the organization. My professional guide at the office made me aware of the strict regulations and roles that are essential to be performed by me without any questioning or doubts in mind (Acerbi et al. 2016). "There are a line of regulations that you are expected to abide by to ensure your commitment and dutiful responsibility towards our reputed and esteemed company". I observed that there were quite a lot of papers that I had to go through in order to be sure of the conformity and compliance that I am expected of from the company end.

I gradually developed the keenness towards learning and accommodating myself well in integration of the organization environment. On my occasions of interaction within the team as a potential team member, I tried to participate with equal interest, excitement and activeness (Fiske, 2018). A cultural newness was experienced by me by exposing me to socialised situations. Socialisation was inbuilt when I was introduced to a new workplace situation other than learning experience. Every time I projected a definite opinion, viewpoint or a particular thought process, I was overshadowed with others' directives. I have noticed that encouraging my perspectives as a junior is never acknowledged, accepted and regarded as highly as the others. I eventually realised that higher authorities within the organisations se at varied hierarchical layers impose the social influence upon the junior members to direct, assessment and monitor them. It is under this feeling of social subordination and cultural norms I had to shape my personality and skills in a definite manner. It makes me realise the huge difference in social flexibility and regard that I enjoyed as an intern and the present model of workplace structure. There is a significant disparity between the cultural freedom and liberty I was conferred with then and the diversity of opinions that I have to face presently.


On reflecting upon the cultural or socialised experience, a particularly specific to project assignments and calculative work outcomes that I was more often exposed to specific group and social relationship matters (Forsyth, 2018). It owes to perform these assignments that a sheer team formed performance was expected to be projected. Having minimum group exposures in my past workplace ventures, I was subjected to a whole new bundle of experiences. The more I let the other people give their opinions, the greater are possibilities to widen my knowledge span. I eventually learned how to mould my opinions according to that of my surroundings and their opinions. There has been a gradual yet progressive change taken place within me with respect to the social influences and social directives that was openly exposed to (Koski and Burkart, 2015).

Be it my colleagues, managers, superiors or leaders in the team or workplace at large that have a large extent of contribution to be created towards me and my working styles. My performance within the organization has allowed me to create a definite sense of social conformity which enables me to establish my opinions in an effectual manner (O'Hara et al. 2015). I would not call it rational less compliance towards the team members that is highly expected from me as a team member, rather I would like to term it as the sense of conformity, within the definite work culture, to get back to the team opinions to derive collective impacts. It is out of the team conformity element that I have been able to create effective understanding and realisation about the measures in which I was wrong and the places in which I shall be corrected. The entire team exposure procedure has allowed me to recreate my personality configuration and judiciously make use of my skills.

The attribute of social conformity has penetrated into my mind where I have earned to acknowledge others' opinions. There has been a constant state of performance nurturing through these social conformity effectiveness. There are significant characteristics that build up the foundation for of my professional as well as personal performance manifestation. When my colleagues project their opinions, I now tend to conform to their perspectives. Previous I had the tendency to oppose the others' opinions and establish my own viewpoints in against them (Falk and Scholz, 2018). It is through this process that I have created the natural social inclination to take the decision made by other higher authorities into serious consideration. Taking forward to their perceptions I build up my progressive and subsequent steps in the process of achieving better results. I have eventually witnessed that such a continuity of thoughts relayed within social situations especially at my workplace teams have proved to be exceptionally successful and excellent in yielding results.

Conclusion: I have developed a definite cultural evolution sense through the experience of socialisation process within my workplace surroundings. By the virtue of social conformity I do not necessarily place my view as the out and out visionless compliance with others in the tea or organization. It certainly does not imply that despite wrongful or misjudged opinions I tend to blindly conform to the team situations. It is rather the mutual regard, acceptance, acknowledgment and respect that I have derived from continued exposures to my team that has potentially built up a cultural integrity through the strong sense of social conformity (Bott, 2017). By social conformity I believe that better social culture gets incorporated to create harmonious ties of bond among colleagues at work. It not only fosters the collective outcome of the team but also helps build a solid personality on a personal level. Social influence, social persuasion along with cultural friendliness has developed the value of social conformity keeping my personal perspectives intact and incongruence with others in the social group.


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