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Social Change Assignment Help

Social Change 

There is a variety of elements that human services professionals should consider when they are developing and evaluating human services programs. Some of these elements include conducting a needs assessment, developing a problem statement and hypothesis, and determining goals and objectives for the program. Additionally, human services professionals can evaluate how programs can or did elicit social change as they develop and evaluate programs. 

In this Discussion, you will present your Final Project to your colleagues. You will explore how your program might influence social change in a community in which it was implemented. You will also consider how your program could be evaluated in terms of its goals and objectives as well as its ability to elicit a desired social change. 

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Summary of the Program

The program will be for the homeless people of the Washington to make them available of decent shelter and sustainable source of income. The purpose of the program is to create such a society where everyone can live peacefully. The purpose shows the expected outcomes of running the specific program. The result of the program is bound to be improving the quality of life of the homeless people those who are regarded as "lowlifes of the society" by some of the people (Kettner, Moroney & Martin, 2017). The program will gradually lead them towards the better society for the homeless people.

Influence of the Program on the Social Change

Mental illness and domestic violence are increasing in the society, and these are the two leading causes of homelessness of a large number of people in the Washington. For example, in 2018, almost 70 people are subject to physical violence in Washington that led to several men and women towards homelessness. 56% of the people of Washington suffers from mental illness and does not receive treatment (Donaldson, 2008). So, there is a need to deal with these two issues where the efforts can be put to reduce the cases of homeless people and make the program successful. The program will advocate to tighten the current laws of domestic violence. It will also suggest to improve the existing systems dealing with the cases of mental illness. The advocacy will lead to "advocacy for social justice" and "advocacy for social benefits".

Effectiveness of the Program

The effectiveness of the program can be evaluated by providing shelter to the homeless people of Washington, moving them in permanent houses and executing an assistance programme for keeping them in their homes. It might not only decrease, but also remove homelessness from Washington.

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