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Skills needed for CEOs Assignment Help

Read the following article:

1. 'Three skills CEOs need most' 

Based on this, what would you say are the key characteristics of effective business leader in the global environment?

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Globalization has called for a different set of leadership qualities and characteristics from managers and leaders. The report details the qualities needed from Global business leaders. Specifically the emphasis is more on the capabilities and abilities needed to take up the challenges, capacity to face the uncertainties and ambiguities, which are not seen before. Further the personal qualities needed by today’s business leaders like aptitude to keep personal relations, power to dictate the positive growth of the organization etc discussed in the report. Global compatibility skills like diversity tolerance, racial discrimination tolerance, aptitude and capacity to tolerate multiple languages, adaptability for range of values and beliefs etc are discussed in detail. Further the report discussed on the business leadership at different levels and provided illustrations of few successful business leaders who are not CEOs. As a whole the report details the significance of self management, the functions of CEOs in general and the type of characteristics they need to posses in global arena etc. Some of the key business skills of global significance like innovation, capacity to adapt to changes and enforcement of the positive managerial relation are some of the key factors emphasized and illustrated in the current report. 

Leadership challenges are not same like before, with increased globalization and with loss of trade and commerce barriers on global perspective, the nature of leadership requirement has changed. A global business leader at present need to possess a range of skills and capabilities, which are different from traditional business leaders. A global business leader, now need to possess the necessary competency and capabilities to manage and lead global work force, Knowledge of inter cultural norms, values, beliefs, language, skills, motivational factors etc is necessary for him to take up day to day activities effectively.  Further the emphasis is given on the fact that the global business leader need not be at the apex management position in the organization, viz., CEO.  A successful business manager can be at any level in the organization. The following part of the discussion is focussed on the characteristic of contemporary and global business leaders and the illustration of successful business leaders who are not CEOs (Drucker   2008).

Characteristics of Global business leaders:

(i) Capabilities and Abilities

Today’s global business leaders are expected to be knowledged of the management principles and theories comprehensively. Since the changed work environment if offering stiff competition and altogether a different and broad challenge to face with, business leaders are expected to possess the necessary competency to take up the challenges.  Global business environment do create uncertainties and ambiguities which were never before and this will need business leaders an aptitude to take up decisions in tough situations, capacity to formulate quick and effective business strategies swiftly to adapt to the situations. Global business leaders need to look at both inside and outside of the enterprises, they should able to understand, interpret and do modifications as and when necessary to sustain the organizational sales, growth and stakeholder returns (Bandiera, Guiso and Sadun.  2011).

Relationship development is at the helm of the leadership competencies. Business leaders should able to maintain relationship with all stakeholders of the organizations. Not just consumers, rather they need to possess the necessary competency in developing strong relationship with entire set of stakeholders in the business operational cycles. 

Capacity to appreciate the change and innovation in the organization, change adaptation and promotion, enforcing positive change management conveniently are other business skills needed by the business leaders as per the business strategic requirements (Lafley 2009).

Attitude to shape contemporary key business activities in accordance with the future requirements and vision makes up important aspects of the business leadership. Business leaders should able to shape their strategic operational plans as per the future road map and vision for the organization. 

Leaders should able to balance customer centric interests with internal focus as well (Interests of employees). Should able to face the business dynamics and sustain competitive advantage of the organizations.

(ii) Personal characteristics:

Very demanding nature of business at present demand for personal characteristics which insists capacity to manage self. Understand self better to know both the strength and the weaknesses.

Should remain open and receptive to the feedback from stakeholders around.  Should remain proactive and possess aptitude to change themselves consistently to meet the demands of the market.

Aptitude to understand people is one of the key criteria needed for business leaders, this in essence provide capacity to develop positive and constructive relationships which can in turn help leaders to develop themselves and the organizations. 

A business leader need not always be at the level of CEO to exhibit these traits any leader or any worker at any level of the organization should have the competency to manage themselves and thereby can bring out positive impacts to the organization sustenance.

Finally it is not the position or power that dictates the positive growth of the organization, a proactive vision of the employee and capacity to change themselves to meet the objectives of the organization will provide the necessary positive outcomes. Hence to comprehend today’s business leaders at any level should possess capacity to manage them and should adapt to the situations and should be ready to face the challenge of uncertainty (Lafley and Martin 2013). 

Skills include

Culture diversity tolerance, multi-language talents, cultural norms, beliefs and values knowledge, being broad minded to overcome discrimination attitudes Etc.

Example of the Business leaders who are not CEOs

Wipro- Premji the founder chairman of the Wipro groups of companies is a notably business leader, who is not CEO but yet provided great vision and leadership to the company to transform it into multi-billion dollar company on the global scale.  Mukesh Dhirubai Ambani the chairman of Reliance is not CEO but is successful in providing the vision and leadership to the organizational key personnel and achieving great growth rate.


To be successful it is very much required for leaders to possess a unique set of characteristics, which have become even more complex in contemporary globalized scenario. Also successful business leader need not be a CEO at all times, he can be at any level of the organization. An organization success does not depend just on the apex management capacities, but at every level, the capabilities of the people will decide the ultimate business advantage. 

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