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Significance of Organizational Structures for Strategy Implementation Assignment Help

Explain why organizational structure is so important in strategy implementation.

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Discussion: The significance of organizational structures for strategy implementation

There is much to do with the organizational structure. Organizational structure is expected to be flexible enough to let the organizational strategies to get implemented. A particular type of organizational strategy requires particular type of organizational structure. For example, strategy of decentralization of power and decentralization of authority and control needs a different type of organizational structure. A decentralized organizational structure with multiple players and decision makers is needed for implementing an organizational strategy of decentralized autonomy and decision making. At the same time if the organizational strategy requires quick response time and if it is required to take actions promptly and immediately, then the organizational structure that needs to be implemented needs to be more centralized and monopolistic control will be needed in such occasions. Hence it is a matter of planning to let the either structure follow the strategy or to change the strategy as per the structure. But one this that is evident is that all organizational structures cannot be suitable for all organizational strategies and all organizational strategies cannot be suitable for all types of organizational structures. For an organization to effectively deliver its plans and strategies there is need for the organization to effectively design its organizational structures (Morden, 2016). Structures and strategies need to be interwoven seamlessly. There is need for the workforce to work collaboratively and should achieve a common goal, hence there should not be any scope for task overlap as well there should not be any confusion in the workforce. Only then it will be possible for the organization to implement its plans effectively. Hence there is need for the strategy and the structure to be coherent. When the structure is not designed in symphony with the strategies, there is every chance for getting complications like task overlaps, confusions, inefficiencies and lack of accountabilities. When there is such confusion and lack of clarity and responsibility it is possible for the failure of the tasks in the organization. A right strategy needs a right structure for implementation. Hence an organization is required to have a systematic planning and prior work to set up an organizational structure, and this inturn is expected to decide the strategy of the organization. Hence a foresight is needed in designing the organizational structure and to set the subsequent strategies as appropriate to meet the objectives and the goals of the organization (David, 2017).

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