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Self - Assessment Assignment Help

Identify and describe your management style in an interpretative report, using the CVF conceptual framework (Quinn et al. 2015). The steps involved let you situate yourself within the parameters of management mastery and draw out aspects of your style which are evident from the following exercise.

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Self - Assessment 

The Competing Values Framework survey as proposed by Quinn et al. (2015) helps in analysing the personal skills such that it could be helpful in self improvement.

From the analysis of the spider web, it can be evident that my performance in each of the quadrants is not even. From the analysis, it can be evident that I am not efficient in some roles that could have been helped me in becoming an efficient manager in a hotel. According to this person it can be said that Being a good innovator (Ivasciuc & Epuran, 2015) which implies that one is responsible for making changes for the betterment of the team. I am also a good director and co-coordinator which help me in conveying my messages to my team members. However, I lack proper monitoring skills and I am a bad facilitator. Being a manager at a reputed hotel in the country has helped me in being more productive and co-coordinating with others. Thus, considering the results as evident in the spider wheel, I work myself in inventing better ways to motivate and guide team members to work in a team and also teaching them for being productive at the workplace.

Thus, I am more like following an Open Systems Model. It helps in organising a very effective team (del Rosario & René, 2017). I need to develop my internal flexibility and control like investing more on developing my mentoring ability of understanding the needs of the employees. This could help me in polishing my management skills for managing the team to perform at their optimal level at the hotel. accepts instant and short deadlines order for Self - Assessment Assignment & Solution – order today for excellence!

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