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You will make a brief argument about the most important skill you bring to your team, supported with appropriately selected evidence.

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My main contour is confidence which can be described with the two associated factors such as in-depth knowledge and being proactive in nature. Confidence and analyzing the situation helps in determining the correct actions.

In-depth knowledge is an add on to the confidence, which helps in completing the given task. As I was supposed to deliver a quick presentation to the clients, the team with me lost focus and mentioned it to be not prepared, but as a team leader, it was my confidence and in-depth knowledge related to the topic which helped in delivering a good presentation. In the session, I was able to answer all the questions with utmost sincerity and wisdom. It was one of the biggest supporting moments, which helped me to embark an independent journey towards my career goals (Kong, 2017).

Also, to add on to confidence, being proactive and desire to finish work is required to translate an individual goal into a vision. Once during a failure of the project deliverables, our company was at a brink of losing its credibility, but it was sheer hard work and bring proactive in the project, which helped in saving it. According to Bens (2014) confidence is a strong foundation upon which the work can be delivered with positive productivity and quality.

I have sheer confidence and zest to tackle challenges in my life, which is my greatest strength. It helps in bouncing back to normal phase of life and delivering a success story. It is important to acknowledge the sense of the trust, which the team holds upon its members to get work done.

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