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Security Services Limited - Case Study

MITS4001 - Business Information Systems, Victorian Institute of Technology, Australia


Question 1: Analyse how SSL may identify the value that it obtains from its current portfolio of information systems and evaluate the techniques that may be used in assessing future IS investments.

Answer: The company SSL has been working on the different range of services which are for the companies, individuals and the public sector. It includes the combination of factors that includes the organic growth and planning. The services offer the armored transport which includes the cash and cheques which are in between business and banks, cash from banks to the business with wider range of wages with conveyance of higher value items. The provisioning is based on security services for business that includes the security guards and the analysis for the security devices (Laudon et al., 2016). It comes with the regular security measures and provisions of domestic services. The planning is based on the provisioning with handling the security standards and then handling the prisoners who are working in the offices in the county town in England and Wales. The divisional responsibilities are defined through working over the activities which are associated to the individual business with PTD (Private Transport Division) is based on the negotiation and then planning on the regular transport with specific items that are based on the single transportation task. SSL needs to work on the limited scope for growth and then working over the applications based on financial ledgers and route planning. The Business Security Divisions are for experiencing the steady growth with recent development that has been set with increased theft of computer in smaller to medium hi-tech companies. The sales and marketing is based on the sales consultants is based on the management of the installation section. There are no specific dealing through purchasing section with equipment set through procurement. The recent division is based on the marketing standards where there are no major specific dealing with marketing that holds about more than the advertisements. The financial sections and the functions generally range the stand-alone PC based financial ledgers that are set for handling the carry out in-house through using the Pegasus payroll package with the stand-alone PC (Petrovicet al., 2017). There is a need to plan about the divisions which are defined through responsibility for the local management and then handling the material procurement and installation. The costs and the revenues are defined through handling the coordination with divisional head office working on the responsibilities to collect financial data and then handling the SSL Headquarters with establishing a strategic and operational direction.

The coordination is done through planning the accounts payable and receivable manner which will help in providing a financial and management accounting information. The divisions are based on the divisional headquarters with IBM AS/400 with the minicomputer that are set for the number of PCs with running business productivity. The spreadsheet is linked to the AS 400 with allowing the downloading of the data with the PCs for the further analysis. SSL headquarters are considered to be the challenge with representation in the diverse and yet related range of life. The planning is done through IS challenges with re-keyed relatively mainframe based financial system (Chang, 2016). The divisional nature of the SSL is about activities and planning about the date that are for the different re-keying of the financial data from the different divisions.

Question 2: In many parts of the company, it is clear that SSL do not have a coherent IS strategy. Analyse how it may construct an IS strategy that is supportive of its business strategy and the benefits that it would derive from this.

Answer: IS has been focusing on the reducing the costs with handling the process of automation with implementing on the applications. The sustained competitive advantage comes with the business decisions which is depends on the upto-date. The organization SSL has been working on guiding the integration with the management and delivering the information to support the business goals. The focus is on the information with handling the business needs with the current environment that helps the data from applications with the business process. The information standards are set with handling the different changes and supporting the roles of information and technology (Theorinet al., 2017). The development of the strategic information system is based on the process of creating a portfolio that is set through achieving the organizational goals and objectives. The critical success factor is based on the problem areas where the database development and implementation is through understanding influence the organization.


The IS function is based on handling the management function with gaining the IT experience that is forcing with IT specialists. The part of the business is based on the steady growth with continuing with the organic growth where there are sales data with the PC based sales ledger and the monthly sales figure. The marketing standards are based on specific function to deal with the marketing geographic standards. The finance sections are set through the range of standards with the information is communicated to handle the head office on the hard copy. The key issues with the division with the expansion with the customer base by the increased the number of the customers. The marketing of the new services and the security audits with the emphasis is on the needs and then plan about the security systems.
IS planning with the SSL with the business and the functional area with the involvement of the senior management is very important and then planning about handling the visibility of the different organization of IT (Sligoet al., 2017). The strategic information system planning is based on the use of scarce resources which is allocated through handling the use of resources. The strategic information system is based on handling generation of the good returns with getting investors.

The strategic information management needs to work on achieving the objectives with efficiency and the customer satisfaction with the public and the non-profit organizations. The specifications is to the organization with providing a better access to the people and managing the costs of ownership. The organization need to plan about the changing conditions that combines with the decision making like the budgeting and staffing models. IS systems are set for handling the Enterprise Content Management which is considered to meet the short-term with the long-term business goals (Dumaiset al., 2016).

Question 3: Analyse the strategic potential for greater investment in information systems and technology at SSL both from a divisional and company-wide perspective. Could business process re-engineering be a useful tool in maximising the potential of IS and IT within the company? Explain and justify your answers.

Answer: Strategic Information System is based on the development of response with the competitive advantage with the delivery of product and service at a lower cost. The salient feature of the world of information with helping business and organization to work on offering the tools for helping the companies to apply metrics and analytical tools. SIS is computer system includes the functions and the services that are applicable to the strategic business opportunities with the product and the operations of business. The service is supplied through the technological profile with handling the profitable standards. Here, IS standards are based on supporting the activities and then handling the efficiency, control and effectiveness.

The development of review, documentation requirements with selection criteria with defining the appropriate selection with IT project proposals and then analyzing the risks, benefits and the costs (De Vasconcelos et al., 2016). The management of the tools and the techniques with the funding decisions. The documentations is based on the examination through analysis of the project risk, benefit and cost. The expansion of the customer is based on increased customer number with marketing the new services and then emphasizing the needs with maintenance on the security system. The planning is based on the office responsibility for the local management with handling the sales activity with the procurement and the installation. The costs and the revenues are managed through current coordination that are set with handling the collation with passing to SSL headquarters, with whole setup is based on establishing and operational direction which is set for providing the management accounting information.

Business Process Re-engineering is based on the focus with the improvement of the customer service and handling the cut of the operational costs (Beckmann et al., 2016). The focus is based on the business with holistic focus on the objectives and how the processes is related to them. The practice is based on the rethinking procedures and then redesigning the ways about how the work is done. The organizations tend to re-engineer with reducing the costs. The use of modern technology is based on the enhancement with the decision-making process, with the reengineering that comes with the goals and then focusing on creating the products and services. The analysis is based on the workflow with the optimization with end-to-end processes with the elimination with customer with value (Turelet al., 2016). The technology is based on the promotion with the products as solution with the redesigning and improvement of the business processes. The technology and cost reduction and dramatic change affects the people and the culture of company.


Question 4: Describe the current location of IS functions within SSL. Recommend the best location for IT services in the future.

Answer: IS functions needs to work on the challenges with handling the PC running routing and then handling the rostering software with the regional PC that is linked to AS/400. The operations are based on the divisional nature with SSL that the activities at the old mainframe with the financial system that are set for the general and the management-oriented standards. The re-key factors are coming from the financial system of the data from the divisions. The expansions is based on the increased number of customers with the marketing of new services and then emphasis on the needs with maintenance of security system. The planning is done to be work on the responsibility with sales activity and procurement of material and installation. The costs and revenue with local level that are set for handling the current coordination with branches to collate and then pass to SSL Headquarters (Tarhiniet al., 2015). The single transportation tasks are based on the arrangement by the customers based on ad-hoc sales. The sales are depending upon the divisional firms with the marketing sections that are defined through limitation of the scope for the growth. The transport section is based on the business operations with the scheduling that are set through the routing and the security team. The conveying is about the amount of cash and the cheques with the business and banks that are for the cash from banks to business for wages, with the provision of security service for business. The planning is based on the provision of domestic security services with security devices that are set through handling the courts and prison. The contracted-out service with Home Office and then carry out to the Home Office Standards.

The information security measures need to handle the information system, computer system and business process (Alvarez et al., 2016). The argument of advantage is based on the information system that helps in learning management system, with the critical information system with information technology. The planning needs to be done for the different components and then handling the production of the information system with the data and procedures. The data warehouses and the enterprise resource planning with the focus is on the support group with collection of the application programs with the functional area (Krajewskiet al., 2017). The automation is based on the influencing with handling the development, using and then application of the IT in the business. Here, there are series of the methodologies and processes that are set for handling the IT systems with the life cycle to handle the development of the information system. The planning is set for the recording and then storing the expressions which are defined through recognizing the problems and then specifying the information issues.

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