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Sales Force Assignment Help

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What are the various issues and challenges associated with evaluation and compensating a sales force?

The issues and challenges foreseen in implementing the evaluation and compensating the sales professionals in the US would be dependent on the customer feedback and for the adherence to the individual achievement of the sales target (Kovach, 2018). Often the customer's do not provide quick feedback or are not keen to provide feedback even though they are happy and satisfied with the customer's it may result in customer dissatisfaction. In the modern world, customer's are king's but it is also important to know if the products or services produced by the company are equally satisfying and providing enriching experiences. The sales professionals would try to use the manipulative approach in order to influence customers and target customer quick sales.

How effective will the new sales force compensation system help GSK and what are the pros and cons of such a system?

The pros of building an incentive-based sales force compensation systems would lead to aggressive growth and sales, as sales professionals would focus on the sales factors. For the company, it would help to grow it, but for the sales professionals on an individual front, they would be solely dependent on the high sales rather than planning a long term constructive approach.
The cons are that the sales professionals would try to inbuild high growth sales models through influencing customers and manipulating them. They can also resort to unfair practices in order to expand more customer base.

How can the system be improved further?

It is important to have performance incentives which are dependent on the multiple factors and not solely on the customer inbuilt experience with the sales (Burns, 2016).


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