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Role of Policy Analyst Assignment Help

The topic of this discussion is based on Chapter 8:  Public Policy and Public Administration. For this assignment you will adopt the role of a policy analyst.  Policy analysts research and provided an analysis of information to recommend policy options to government.  

In your discussion, explain which one of the concepts you believe provides the best approach in formulating a policy solution and why. accepts instant and short deadlines order for Role of Policy Analyst assignment – order today for excellence!

The proposal by Trans Mountain Corporation, to twin the existing Trans Mountain oil pipeline ( started in 1953) and expand the Westridge Marine Terminal, got approved in 2018 however didn’t get enough confidence of most of the people and hence needs to be analysed again in detail so as to understand the sentiments better. (Global News, 2019)

As a policy analyst, the decision of Governor-in-Council to approve the project and invest every dollar earnings of Federal Government into the clean energy transition is quite appreciated. To implement the same, Government is engaging directly with Indigenous communities to walk through all the potential impacts of regulatory authorizations on Aboriginal and Treaty Rights and other outstanding issues relating to the project. This two-way communication about the project to get it successful open hearted welcome is extremely essential. To combat Federal Court of Appeal's findings that Canada was unwilling to meaningfully accommodate any solutions to the project. The government, after having two-way dialogue and listening to concerns and probable solutions, has amended six conditions. (, 2019) These amendments include Changes to TransMountain Corporation's tracking and accountability for its current and future commitments ,more involvement of Indigenous communities in the development of marine response plans and in monitoring construction activities, engaging with them in more meaningful consultations to ensure transparency , post-construction environmental reports and better management of the potential impacts of the project on cultural and sacred sites. These amendments include 360 degree approach to maintaining the project and gain more confidence of the Indigenous communities. (, 2019)

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