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Role of MSN-Ed Nursing Educators in Translational Medicine Research Assignment Help

In your own words, define translational research and how it connects to your role, either individually or in collective practice. Describe how you might use it in your current or anticipated future setting. 

My role as a nurse MSN-ED

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Translational research applies the knowledge of basic biological concepts, tools, technique and clinical trials to meet the critical medical needs. It is often referred as efforts made by clinical researchers to carry knowledge from “bench to bed side“. Translational research is particularly designed to improve the health outcomes of patients. Translational research are classified into evidence based research, pre-clinical research, disease targeted research and specific area of interest aimed at improvement of human health and longevity via novel discoveries relying on the relevance of the human disease (Choi et al, 2018). There are various stages in translational research such as T1, T2, T3 and T4 involving complex network of shared knowledge of collaborations among clinical practitioner. T1 and T2 involves conducting research study among cell line and animal models. T3 and T4 involves conducting the study among human participants and patient care settings. 

Nursing educators play immense role in bridging the academic and clinical settings. The key features of nursing education are promoting innovative education, quality of care delivered in health care settings. They help to prepare the future nurses for the diverse healthcare environment with strong communication skills, flexibility and critical thinkers. The potential role of nursing educators involve preparation of nursing students to current and future clinical settings as well as academic settings (Catalyst, 2018). Interdisciplinary research and educational training of nursing educators play immense role in the development of translational research especially at T3 and T4 stages whilst a clinical trial is being conducted among patient care settings. Bidirectional nature of translational research requires the nursing educators excelling in curriculum and research training to achieve innovative methods for improvement of health outcomes among the patient both collectively and individually especially in the patient care settings. Scarcity of educational program in translational research is the major intricacy in translational research which could be get rid of strong role of the nursing educators in this field. 

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