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FIT3165 - Computer Networks Assignment - Monash University, Australia

Task - A request for proposal (RFP) to design a new Wired & Wireless Local Area Network LAN and Backbone wide area network (WAN) network design report

Case Study on Return2Fender Transport Company

Answer -


The network design plays vital role in communication which share the information and distribute over the large geographic regions. A public transport company "Return2Fender Transport Company" requires to connect the office building over a wired Local Area Network (LAN) and Wireless LAN. At present this company has 700 office employees in Sydney, 200 employees in Melbourne and 100 employees in Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane. The wireless connection is available in each multimedia desktop which provided for office workers. Due to business improvement, the Melbourne branch has idea to increase the number of employees substantially. This report discusses the proposal for Return2Fender Transport Company which includes the network design in wireless and wired network.


The primary objective to design network for this case study is given below

  • Expand the network size in Melbourne office for both wired and wireless LAN from 200 work station to 1000 workstation.
  • Design wired and wireless LAN for 10 storeys building to seat for increased employee.
  • Connect existing office network through WAN and both office in Melbourne should support both wired and wireless network.
  • The new network design should support business applications such as email and web for staff desktop which has high resolution video conferencing using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
  • Wired LAN should predict the peak time data traffic in the network.

Wired design

a) Layout plan with network topology for a floor level.

The wired network is known as Ethernet networks which is common type of LAN technology. The connection of two or more PCs, server, printers and other network devices are connected with Ethernet cable is called as wired network. Ethernet cable is very fast in the wired network with the network speed of 10 Mbps (Megabits per second) to 100 Mbps. This network can also be a part of wired and wireless networks. In wired network, to connect a PC using Ethernet cable and each computer must have an Ethernet adapter or it is called as network interface card (NIC).


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This card can be installed in a computer internally or externally. Some of the PCs are support build - in NIC which can eliminate the separate external card to use to connect the wired network. In wired network has three main topologies to connect the network such as star, bus and rind topology. In our network design, we have suggested bus network topology which do not required any central PC and all PCs are connected on a single LAN circuit. In this network, the signals are broadcast in all directions and it use software to identify the PC to receive what type of signals.

The main advantage of this network topology is, no centralized hub required and if any computer not working then others will not affect by the failed computer and they can transmit the messages to another. In ring topology any one node is failed then complete transmission of the network will get failed and in star topology, the central point of hub failed then complete network will get failed and communication will break. The star topology required more cable to connect individual devices and network performance will depends on centre of the hub. For the above two reason we have selected bus topology to not break the communication in business and it is easy to maintain and simplicity. The disadvantage of in this network is only one signal can transmit at one time. In case two signals transmit the data at a same time then it will collide and signals failed to reach to the destination. The range of the wired LAN network can be within a 2000-foot radius. The drawback of this network in data transmission will be slow for this distance. The major benefit of wired LAN network is network bandwidth will be high which interference will be limit through the network connections. The wired network will be more secure in many situations in business environment. The major drawback of this network is rewired each and every time when we go for change of location.

b) Switch/Wireless Access Point location, vertical cable paths & Switch/Access Point functional specifications

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The distinguish between wired and wireless network is network cables and radio frequencies. The wired network can allow us to transmit the data very fast and more secure connection but it can use only in the short distance about 2000 feet. The wired network range may be varied by terrain and it is 150 to 300 feet for indoors and 1000 feet for outdoors which can depends upon the location of the network. The wired LAN network is inexpensive because all network devices to connect the wired network such as switches, hubs and cables are inexpensive. The wired LAN network performance will be more and Ethernet connection can provide 10 Mbps bandwidth in traditional but fast Ethernet technology can provide 100 Mbps which can available readily to install but cost will be little high. The fast Ethernet connection will be sufficient to share the files, games and offer high speed internet access. The Wired LAN network use the hubs which can suffer the network performance in case of more usage of the network simultaneously. Instead of hug if we use the Ethernet switches then we can avoid the network performance problem and cost of the switch will be little higher than hub.


Switch Specification:

Here we have selected core switches which has responsible to connect the all Power over Ethernet (PoE) to access the switches in the floors for Wireless LAN AP. It is also capable to provide the required bandwidth, policy-based routing and Quality of Service (QoS) which includes the voice, data, video, images to support the multimedia desktop. The core switch offers Gigabit Ethernet connection for each PoE access switch in each floor. It is also support layer 2 and layer 3nswitching network which can capable to provide high speed of network performance. This type of switches supports all basic protocols such as static route, uni-cast routing protocols, RIPv1, RIPv2, IGMP (internet Group Management Protocol) and inter VLAN routing. It is also support ACIs, SNMP, Web Management, DHCP interface and also support VLAN.

Access Point Specification:

The Cisco access point 550/560 provide a simple and cost effect to offer more secure, network performance for all staffs and guest so network can connect anywhere in the office. It is also providing the secure network for guest and other users and it is also ability to support multiple authentication, configuration roles and high bandwidth.

Recommendation and justification of the structured cabling selected, Access Point (AP)

Ethernet cable is very fast in the wired network with the network speed of 10 Mbps (Megabits per second) to 100 Mbps. This network can also be a part of wired and wireless networks. In wired network, to connect a PC using Ethernet cable and each computer must have an Ethernet adapter or it is called as network interface card (NIC). The bus network topology which do not required any central PC and all PCs are connected on a single LAN circuit. In this network, the signals are broadcast in all directions and it use software to identify the PC to receive what type of signals. The wired network can allow us to transmit the data very fast and more secure connection but it can use only in the short distance about 2000 feet.

The wired network range may be varied by terrain and it is 150 to 300 feet for indoors and 1000 feet for outdoors which can depends upon the location of the network. The wired LAN network is inexpensive because all network devices to connect the wired network such as switches, hubs and cables are inexpensive. The wired LAN network performance will be more and Ethernet connection can provide 10 Mbps bandwidth in traditional but fast Ethernet technology can provide 100 Mbps which can available readily to install but cost will be little high. core switches which has responsible to connect the all Power over Ethernet (PoE) to access the switches in the floors for Wireless LAN AP. It is also capable to provide the required bandwidth, policy-based routing and Quality of Service (QoS) which includes the voice, data, video, images to support the multimedia desktop. The Cisco access point 550/560 provide a simple and cost effect to offer more secure, network performance for all staffs and guest so network can connect anywhere in the office. It is also providing the secure network for guest and other users and it is also ability to support multiple authentication, configuration roles and high bandwidth.


Wireless LAN

a) Layout plan with network topology for a floor level.

The wireless network uses the radio wave instead of wired connection between computers. The most of the business and organization wants to expand their wired network or they will change completely to wireless network. In wireless network all network devices can share the information without any network cable which increase the device mobility but coverage range will be limited. The wireless networking is classified into two types peer to peer networking and infrastructure wireless network. The peep to peer network is also called as ad-hoc network which consist of number of desktops connected with wireless network interface card. So that each and every desktop can communicate to other wireless desktop directly and they can share the files and other network devices and this network may be not connect with wired network unless a computer can behave as a bridge between wireless and wired network. The wireless network infrastructure consists of base station and access point. Here network access point is behaved as hub to provide connection to wireless desktops. It is also connected and bridge to wireless LAN to wired LAN and allow wireless network can access the wired LAN resources.

The basically wireless networking standards are classified as four types by Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and wireless standards are defined by the radio frequency for wireless network which has 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g. The wireless standards differences are based on speed of connection and radio frequency. The standard 802.11 and 802.11b are slow speed at 1 to 2 Mbps and 5.5 to 11 Mbps. The both standards are operated on 2.4 GHz frequency. The speed of transmission can be depending on number and size of the network and inference in the radio transmission. This network will be reliable but drawback is inference which can reduce by the range of the frequency and quality of the signal. The maximum bandwidth of the wireless standard 802.11b is 11 Mbps which support 54 Mbps on fast ethernet. This network provides the great network device mobility in Wireless LAN and it is less secure than wired LAN due to communication take place through air so it can easily intercept by another channel frequency.

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b) Switch/Wireless Access Point location, vertical cable paths & Switch/Access Point functional specifications

Switch Specification

The wireless LAN switch is EXSW400 is suit to design wireless network which will be central components of WLAN network. This wireless switch can support single and multiple offices which provides an uplink for fast ethernet to connect the wired LAN a four ethernet port for PoE to connect the access point. This wireless switch can deliver data, voice, video with robust and provide the mobile connection all wireless clients. This switch reduces the complexity of WLAN and provide high performance to predict the network services with existing wired network.

Access point Specification

The medium size enterprise can use CISCO Aironet 1700 series wireless access point for wireless 802.11ac standard which fulfil the requirements of wireless network to deliver the better network performance than another wireless standard. It is also providing the radio frequency features to improve the wireless LAN network which includes the rate of connection up to 867 Mbps. This access point supports more clients, it supports heavy media application and in case mobile usage increases then it will use multiple wifi devices to support wireless LAN.


Recommendation and justification of the structured cabling selected, Access Point (AP)

The wireless network uses the radio wave instead of wired connection between computers. The most of the business and organization wants to expand their wired network or they will change completely to wireless network. In wireless network all network devices can share the information without any network cable which increase the device mobility but coverage range will be limited. The maximum bandwidth of the wireless standard 802.11b is 11 Mbps which support 54 Mbps on fast ethernet. This network provides the great network device mobility in Wireless LAN and it is less secure than wired LAN due to communication take place through air so it can easily intercept by another channel frequency. The wireless LAN switch is EXSW400 is suit to design wireless network which will be central components of WLAN network. This wireless switch can support single and multiple offices which provides an uplink for fast ethernet to connect the wired LAN a four ethernet port for PoE to connect the access point.

The medium size enterprise can use CISCO Aironet 1700 series wireless access point for wireless 802.11ac standard which fulfil the requirements of wireless network to deliver the better network performance than another wireless standard. This access point supports more clients, it supports heavy media application and in case mobile usage increases then it will use multiple wifi devices to support wireless LAN.

WAN connectivity to main head office diagram

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Task -e: Design rules for a computer LAN, WLAN&WAN network

(i) Steps in the network design process

The network design process has to follow the following steps to construct the LAN, WLAN & WAN network

  • Need to get customers' requirements
  • Existing network details to be analysis
  • Define network topology for new network design
  • Network implementation plan
  • Prototype network to be construct
  • Network Design must be document completely
  • Network design implementation
  • Verify and monitor the network implementation.

(ii) Methods used to estimate of network performance

The various methods are available to analysis and estimate the network performance. The Monte Carlo method is best method to estimate the network performance and this method can give accuracy result of the network performance so that we can send data through the network. Other than Monte Carlo method we have cross entropy, Chib, Variance minimization and Markov Chain Importance Sampling.


(iii) Proposed floor plan, assumptions, justifications and calculations.

Date Rate calculation for Wireless LAN and Wired LAN that IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN can transfer the data rate 2000 Kbps and 100 BASE - T Ethernet can transfer the data rate 100,000 Kbps. Similarly, Access rate of the internet can depend on the type of the data sending through the network. So, file size is important to access the internet for example in case sending text and email it requires 1 to 100 KB, in case media type files like graphics, sound, video requires from 10 - 10000 KB.

(iv) Assumptions of backbone connectivity using wired/wireless media

The main assumption in wired LAN is no hidden terminal and packets are not captured and saturation conditions of the queue in non-empty. For wireless LAN we do not have any assumption and wireless signals can achieve through proper antenna.

(v) IP addressing strategy for new buildings

The public transport network can use the class A network type which has IP network address and broadcast address can start from In this network we have five different networks which can allocate different IP address as per business requirements.


The network design plays vital role in communication which share the information and distribute over the large geographic regions. This report discussed the proposal for Return2Fender Transport Company which includes the network design in wireless and wired network. The new network design can support an expand the network size in Melbourne office for both wired and wireless LAN from 200 work station to 1000 workstation. The design of wired and wireless LAN for 10 storeys building to seat for increased employee. The network can connect existing office network through WAN and both office in Melbourne should support both wired and wireless network. The new network design should support business applications such as email and web for staff desktop which has high resolution video conferencing using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wired LAN should predict the peak time data traffic in the network.


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