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Research Project Assignment Help

Discussion 1: Selection of a Statistical Analysis Approach

Discussion 2: Looking Through Different Lenses

Discussion 3: Administration and Culturally Competent Advocacy Research Project accepts instant and short deadlines order for Research Project Assignment Help solution – order today for excellence!

Discussion 1

In the given case, while considering the Chi-Square research study it has to be related in relation to the employment and it has to be also in relation to the incarcerated which is to look upon the given study that can look on the inmates. It can also participate on the basis of the vocational rehabilitation program and it has to be considered in terms of not participated within the given program. This can also be seen to be a successful program that can help to obtain the given employment and considering the inmates that have also been released from jail. From the given study that has also used the 60 inmates which is also related to the 1 and it would not supply with respect to the information, It would be integrating the 30 of the participants that have presumably been receiving the vocational training along with the 29 which did not. From the given study it has to even consider the give percentages with respect to each group ( such as the intervention group vs. in relation to the comparison group) and it has not had employment, and it would not be considered as part-time employment, along with full-time employment (Trochim, 2006). It has not to be compared along with findings together that can also parallel be seen with the given outcomes that can be found with the difference to be significant enough and can make it as per the intervention that would not be effective or not. It would not be as effective as the 60% of the participants that have been undergoing the given training that has extensively been found to be employed full time. It would be also working parallel with the 23% that hold it as the part-time, along with the 17% that are also unemployed which belong to what not to be participate in the training which would be having a 21% considered to be an employed as a full-time, 24% that hold a part-time along with the 55% that are also unemployed. It would be based on the p-value (having a difference) and it has been .003, that would be based on the average of .05 which would be based on the researchers that can use their interventions significance along with the quick that can be found a parallel with the intervention to be held as an effective intervention.


With the given research factors it would also be subjective on the basis of the two main limitations that obliges with the internal validity in terms of the given study and it would be including the

1. No random assignment that can be used,

2. Having a difference (the p-value) existing in between the two groups that can belong to the preexisting differences which can even make the participants that would include the selection bias

It would be a study that can help to see if the intervention would equally be effective or not along with the factors which may not be able to find a way that can measure in terms of the effectiveness along with the outcomes. It would also be base on when you do not think with respect to the belongingness to the potential limitations, This would also be subjective to decrease the validity that would run in relation to the study. It would also be including the participants that have also chosen randomly and it would be made as a part of the control group to the study, It would include the numbers which would help to include the accuracy and validity due to the bias out of the equation along with the impact of the pure study, It even assumes as to no one knows and an obligation to make the person who would not participate in training or not or along with the previous knowledge or experience that would be obliged to participate. It would be similar to the study like and it can also belong to the employed showing an incarcerated, It would be significant to the control group that would be having a group which can make it completely unbiased and would be able to regulate the outcomes done in a more accurate, It is important to also diagnose the measure is including with relation to the different factors not just one that can help to provide an accurate outcomes which can help to determine whether or not it would also be an intervention really is effective or not.

Discussion 2

Two Cultural Lens Selected

In such a case one can approach from the Hispanic communities to help in attaining her healthcare and it would also be limited in choosing alongside with the best health care needs such as with the key requirement of the impatient along with attaining a facility to treat her with the given comorbid problem that is been faced by her while being in the psychiatric facility. Without the insurance, it would be difficult for her to get the Medicaid and also has to take prior approval for it. It would be all about the attainment of health insurance, leading to more choices along with access to faster services (Stocks, 2010).

Being part of the Latinos communities it would be a stigma to be challenging due to the mental health and it would be difficult to stay in isolation. It would be difficult for Paula to sustain with her medication and being unable to over the barriers of mental health such as the public-health precedence agenda along with lack of funding.

Multiple Perspectives

In here the Paula's team should include the extensive HIV doctor, psychiatrist along with the social worker, and OB nurse that are an important stakeholders who are having a different perspectives that would help to develop with the communication along with the given promotion of the inclusion that can help to include the underserved and under-deserved individuals. It would be working differently but working for one common goal and requires educating her and providing proper care for ulcers. In here the OB nurse would have to deal with the pregnancies, along with the psychiatric care for the mental health along with the care of medications.

Discussion 3

Two social strategies

In the given case study, as Paula is suffering from the many needs and being a social worker, one needs to have a holistic approach while treating her. As Paula is also suffering from HIV positive along with the prolong issues of the hepatitis C, it is important to spare some medical attention to treat the multiple foot ulcers, additionally, she is also pregnant, uses drugs, and is currently suicidal. With an account of all this, it also has to consider the cultural lens such as the socioeconomic and mental health which needs to be seen such as Paula is low in financial support as she is not working and it is difficult to sustain her current needs. Also, the fear to relocate as she is living in fear due to the unborn baby's father and she is also an easy target to have the drugs and putting her health and unborn child in the risk. It is also important to remain away from the estranged parents that would be unable to support her natural or any sort of needs.

Two challenges administrators

First challenge is of the lack of financial support, non-involvement of her own family and fear from her own boyfriend. Second challenge is of the dealing with drugs, medical issue such as HIV and ulcer problem along with no insurance or Medicaid facility (Dudley, 2014).

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