Research Design And Data Collection Assignment and Solution

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Research Design And Data Collection Assignment Help

This paper is about research design and data collection. The body of the paper need to answer these questions. Given the hypothesis, high employee satisfaction is correlated with low employee absenteeism, address the following in your paper.

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1. Identify the variables in this study.

The variables involved are the job satisfaction and absenteeism correlations which holds the distinctive minority. The frequency of absence, time lost and the job satisfaction includes the details of work, supervision, payment, promotions, age. This also includes the marital status with education that helps in defining the time for the present positions. The primary source of income and the planning.

The dependent variables are measured through the use of frequency, time lost and then there are measures of absence. This comes with handling the family responsibilities, community activity and the personal illness (Evans et al., 2005). 

The independent variables are the job satisfaction which comes in the modified form of job descriptive index. It makes use of the scales to measure the payment, promotion, and the supervision with the coworkers. The scale is defined for the particular aspect of job with respondents focusing on supervision and coworkers contain the items on the other scales.

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2. What are extraneous variables that might impact your research? How would you control for extraneous variables? 

There are expectations about the noise in dataset which comes from the extraneous various. The variable might be the gender of the male and the female with the different satisfactory perception. According to me, there are accountancy based on performing the different analysis for the females and males. The employees have not worked properly and long enough for the company to understand the level of satisfaction which can be reached in time. Hence, to control this, I will focus on studying the employees only who are working for the company till the time of one year and more. There are absenteeism which is then seen to be varying through a particular time limit, when the person is absent. The absenteeism is found to be over the time of 1-year period. It is important to focus on the experimentation which is designed through the questioning and is imperative for the hypothesis that is tested, and methods are then properly addressed for asking different questions (McDonald, 2009).

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3. Which research design you would use to study the hypothesis and why? 

The well designing has been done for the experimentation with imperative nature to address the different questions which have to be asked. There are variables based on the defined patterns to understand the data collected and analyzed. The hypothesis is worked upon through high employee satisfaction which is then correlated to the lower employee and can be done through the method of linear regression. There are modelling with the line of best fit which could then be modelled in the form of Pearson correlation and calculated accordingly. The performance is based on how independent variable employees measure the variables with different days involved in handling missed per employee methods over the time of 1-year period. I would also like to focus on measuring the numerical scale which is in between the 1-10 in number and 1 is the lower satisfaction. The research is then expressed in the quantitative manner for the analysis. The data set is from the extraneous variables with separate analysis for the male and female. There are companies who need to understand about the levels which are reached. Hence, there are absenteeism which is then handled in a time limit when the person is absent. 

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4. What data collection techniques you would use to study this hypothesis and why? 

The collection of data is through the online computer survey where the anonymity is provided for the people to complete the survey (Van Selm et al., ,2006). It includes the identification of gender and then scaling satisfaction with properly focusing on the equations which are presented. The person completes the survey to select the number and is available for the different time set. The employees also have the time to complete it properly.

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5. Assuming that you get a correlation of r= -.70, what does this tell you about the strength and the direction of the correlation between satisfaction and absenteeism? 

Considering the correlation for r=-.70, there is an indication about defining the strength and the direction where the correlation is set in between the satisfaction and planning about absenteeism. The negative value helps in indicating about the inverse relation like the increase of satisfaction with decreased absenteeism. There are values where when r is squared it becomes 0.49. This means that approximately 50% of the variations are seen to be set in between the variables which can easily be analyzed and read through the analysis which is done above. The suggestion is about the relationship which is not only strong but also handle the neutral sense for the same. The consideration of r =-0.08 would be higher with variables that are showing the stronger relationships.

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6. What are some potential problems you might encounter, and what strategies you would use to minimize these problems? 

The study needs to be conducted to plan about the problems and then handle the encountering of different problems. It includes the forms where the problems need to be minimized and then finding the data which is not completely distributed normally. Hence, this is seen to make it difficult to meet the different assumptions for handling linear regression. The assumptions are made for the data and then they are not even distributed normally. The performance is for the natural log transformation where the data is not normally distributed, and I can also try to work on choosing the non-parametric tests like the Spearman rank. There is other issue where there are tests to run into having the smaller sample size. The increased sample size could lead to collecting the data which is seen to be coming from different offices. This is done through proper research so that there is a pooling of gender data. If this occurs, then one can focus on running the analysis of female, male, female and male.

The results are defined for the study which can provide the credibility to focus on the valuable insights with people handling the employee satisfaction and absenteeism that are completely related to one other. The findings are to understand about the employees and then viewing the workplace which is related to the time to spend in working in the physical manner.

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