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RES-850 Foundations for Research

Original Research 10 Strategic Points

Question : Draft the 10 Strategic Points for a potential dissertation research study based on that identified gap.

Answer : An assessment of the Strategic Role of Managers in fostering the vision of the Company

Ten Strategic Points

Broad Topic Area   


This report will consider viewing the role of the strategic managers in fostering the vision of the given companies by conducting meta-analysis and viewing responses of managers and leaders that are leading their organizations.

Literature Review   

Today, with increased challenges in the external environment, it is noticed that the role of the top-level management is vital as they need to formulate strategies that will not only beat the market competition but will also ensure adhering to the vision and mission goals of the organization (Fliaster& Golly, 2014).

However, it seems that there are companies that are getting diverted from their key aim and hence are facing challenges of sustainability in a given working environment. Researchers have thereby recommended to first formulating vision and mission for the organization as it will provide direction to all the employees and will also provide them with a proper working approach in the organization (Fliaster& Golly, 2014).

In another research, Srivastava and Sherman (2015) state that the role of strategic leaders and managers is important as they will be formulating key strategies for the organization (Fliaster& Golly, 2014). They will be first conducting needs analysis and accordingly will determine the gaps in the current working processes of the organization. Second, they will also consider taking reviews of the employees so that they can understand the challenges faced by them and subsequently will work on communication, strategic approach, and will thereby help them in streamlining the business processes in a given environment (Srivastava& Sherman, (2015).

Third, in the research conducted by Porter and Trifts (2014), the focus is mainly on formulating the vision of the organization and thereby defining the working strategies for the organization. However, there is not much research conducted wherein the focus is mainly on defining the strategies for the organization based on the vision of the organization.

Fourth, Ahearne et al. (2013) adhere that the role of the strategic managers often goes unnoticed and hence it is important to understand their ways and approaches in the present working environment of these organizations. There are gaps found in the literature regarding the role of the strategic managers and their performance in the organization.

Fifth, it is noticed by Lang et al. (2013) that these strategic managers despite formulating key strategies need to focus on alignment with the objectives of the organization. But it seems that none of the researchers have mentioned on the communication between the managers and the senior management in a given working environment. Thus, there is a need to cover these gaps and provide appropriate recommendations to ensure achieving of required objectives for the organization.

Problem Statement   

It is not known why there are issues and challenges faced by the strategic managers in formulating and aligning the strategies with the vision of the organization. It seems that they are lacking in understanding the vision of the organization and hence fail to deploy required strategies in a given environment (Magnusson et al., 2013).

Further, it is also found that the organizations that do not formulate strategies based on their vision and mission fail to perform as per the expectations. Even, there are communication gaps noticed as mentioned before among the ground-level staff and the top-level management (Srivastava& Sherman, 2015).

The middle-level managers are thereby unable to transform the objectives of the organization into the daily work routines; hence, there is a need to conduct research to determine the challenges faced by these managers and thereby devise them with a proper way through which they will be able to align strategies with the vision and mission of their respective organization.


Research Questions   

To achieve the objectives of this research, first there is a need to decide on the research purpose and then on the research objectives. It will thereby allow the researcher to choose the method of research to be conducted in this case scenario.

The gaps found in the literature review are regarding – non-availability of communication channels between the managers and the senior management and also gaps found among the managers regarding deployment of required strategies as per the needs. They seem to lack confidence and also seem not aware of the vision of the organization due to certain unidentifiable factors.

Based on these gaps, the key research questions that should be included in this research study are as follows:

1. How the mangers of the organizations are formulating strategies for the organization?

2. How managers are communicating with the senior management regarding formulation of key strategies?

3. How does the senior management assist the managers in formulating the required strategies for the organization?

4. How does the top-level management of the organization measure the overall performance of the strategies considering the vision of the organization?

These questions will thereby assist in achieving the objectives of this research in a given operational environment.


To conduct a research there is a need to take into account the responses of the managers that are working in different firms. However, these managers need to work with the top-level management so that one can determine the working approach of the entire organization. For the purpose of conducting this research, there will be a survey of around 20 managers of three companies selected in my vicinity area that will allow fulfilling the objective of this research.

They will determine how these managers are formulating the strategies and how it helps them to achieve the desired objectives of the organization. They will also evaluate the aspects that they take into account while formulating the key strategies for the given firms. In addition, the role of the Human Resources (HR) department will be vital (Porter &Trifts, 2014).

They need to deploy performance analysis mechanism to measure the performance of these managers and also the strategies that they have implemented in a given environment (Porter &Trifts, 2014). It will thereby provide an overview about how well these managers are performing in a given working environment.


To achieve the objectives of this research, there is a need to identify the variables that will be taken into account for the study purpose. These include - strategies formulated vision of the organization, role of the managers, and evaluation of the senior management.

To test the objectives of the research and the claims made toward them, the hypothesis that will be tested are as follows:

• H0: The role of the managers is important in formulating the strategies of the organization as it helps in aligning it with the vision of the organization.

• Ha: The role of the managers is not important in formulating the strategies of the organization as it does not help in aligning it with the vision of the organization.

Methodology and Design   

Researches can be conducted in two ways and these include - qualitative research approach and quantitative research approach. It will thereby depend more on the objectives of the research and the purpose of the research to consider these two alternatives.

Now, in this case study, it is necessary to take into account both the approaches and thus a mixed-research design will be adopted in this case. First, it will conduct meta-analysis from the qualitative perspective and determine the gaps in the previously carried out researches in this direction. Second, it will consider taking surveys of the managers as mentioned earlier and will thereby determine the responses in this direction.

It will thereby allow the researches to determine the strategic approach of the managers and will also determine whether the formulated strategies remain aligned with the vision of the organization or not. If they are not, these managers need to take immediate steps in this direction and revise the strategies to achieve desired objectives of the organization in the future (Ahearne et al., 2013).


Purpose Statement   

As mentioned before the strategic managers are lacking confidence in proposing the strategies for the firm based on the vision of the organization and are also lacking in communications with the senior management on this issue. Thus, it is more important for them to first understand the vision and thereby design the key strategies for the organization.

Also, once the vision and mission of the organization are defined, it is the responsibility of the senior management to inform it about them to the Middle-level management. They will be accordingly formulating the goals and objectives in the organization. Based on the goals, they will later frame the working strategies for the daily work routines and accordingly will communicate to the ground-level staff in the organization (Lang et al., 2013).

These strategies will then be transferred into project and other work related activities that are undertaken; it will make sure that the employees working on the different projects will complete them within the given timeframe and as per the expectations of the organization. The purpose statement of this report will thereby focus on how well the strategies are formulated at the top-level to ensure that they are not only aligned with the vision of the organization but will also help the organization to achieve the planned objectives in a given competitive market environment (Magnusson et al., 2013).

Data Collection and Analysis   

It is important for the researcher to focus on data collection techniques so that they can wisely select the data for this research. Based on the research objectives and the purpose of this research, it is important for the managers to frame the strategies that will perform as per the needs and expectations of the organization. It is found in the previous researches that the role of the strategic managers is vital as they not only need to work with the senior management but also help the organization to achieve desired objectives (Magnusson et al., 2013).

Hence, it is recommended to collect the data both in the form of meta-analysis as well as gather responses of the managers through surveys. It will thereby provide a better overview of how the managers are developing strategies in the organization. Also, it will provide details on the communication channels deployed for communicating with the senior management in the organization. The role of the top-level management is equally important as they need to guide these managers on the vision and mission of the organization (Sigurjonsson, Vaiman, &Arnardottir, 2014).



This report focuses on the identification of the role of the strategic managers in first formulating the strategies for the organization and thereby making them align with the vision of the organization. It is observed that there are several internal and external challenges, due to which these managers are unable to perform as per the expectations (Sonmez, Yang, &Fryxell, 2013). In addition, they also get diverted from the vision of the organization and hence fail to perform as per the expectations.

This report thereby suggests conducting a research to determine the major gaps associated with it and subsequently formulate new strategies that will not only be aligned with the vision but will also help these managers to achieve the required objectives in a given working environment. However, they need to deploy performance analysis mechanisms to measure the overall performance of these strategies and make necessary changes wherever required.

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