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Relationship Skill Development Assignment Help

1. Review your personal rating for the three relationship skill areas. Each explanation should be at least one paragraph long. You may use workplace or personal examples to illustrate your rationale.

2. Describe how these skills apply to your current position or a future job opportunity. Determine one skill area you want to improve.

3. Show application of library research that can help with your professional development to improve the one skill area that you would like to work on. You will also need to share ideas and include plan steps on how you can achieve and monitor your skill development progress.

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In the present assignment, three major relationship skill areas have been considered for personal development. The three skill areas include collaboration, coaching and conflict resolution. I have self rated myself on these three broader areas and find that I can rate myself as 8, 6, and 8 in a scale of 10.

Collaboration: Collaboration is extremely essential in different aspects if life and work and the different imaginable jobs which exist in business require joint consultations and activities so that all the members can perform their work in effective and efficient manner collaboration. Cooperation is absolutely necessary and thus marks itself as an important skill in the professional domain. Communication is of the key essential skills for collaboration to be successful (Karakas., 2015).

I work as a trainee nurse in a local hospital. My job profile entails me to communicate with the internal and external stake holders. The ultimate aim is to maximize the interaction and keep the verbal and written communication line so open so that the goal is achieved.
Coaching: It is an essential for maintaining a good relationship. Successful coaching leads to building of trust where the mentee shares their attributes and concerns to be addressed. I feel that a high level of emotional intelligence skill is required in coaching where empathizing with the mentee is absolutely necessary. My job role requires even higher degree of emotional intelligence; however, I feel that there is still a room for improvement regarding the same. I need to be emotionally stable and any level of organizational or work place stress should not affect my functioning, which is currently happening and thus I have rated myself 6.

Conflict management: Conflict management requires flexibility and adjustments along with accommodating others views from time to time. Being in the healthcare sector, it is highly essential that active listening and assertive communication is being practiced for the same. I am very communicative and always like to keep everyone concerned in the loop while undergoing any kind of practice (Prause, & Mujtaba., 2015). While, at certain times, some room of accommodation is required, however, I feel it is my active listening and assertive communication which has helped me in conflict resolution.

These three skills are absolutely required in the current job role as a nurse. Healthcare sector demands a lot of public interactions and performance within strict deadlines as a result of which it is quite impossible if the healthcare providers do not meet the expectations of the healthcare acceptor. I would like to improve on my emotional intelligence which will further help me to strike a better chord with the patients and next of kin. Timely empathy and corrective emotional address will go a long way in providing better satisfaction to my patients.

Emotional intelligence is an essential feature of coaching that is required to counsel my patients before or after a procedure. At times, I feel that I lack empathy or somehow feel stressed with other work as a result of which I do not meet my own expectations regarding coaching. I have gone through numerous literatures and have found that by maintain assertive communication and being positively motivated, it is quite easy to have a better understanding of the mindset of the patient and thus it will help me to ensure that my patients are satisfied. As a result of stress, sometimes I am vulnerable and react to a situation. However, it is essential that instead of reaction, giving response and maintaining a cool head with assertion is important. I will practice them and again self review it and also discuss with my peers to see if I have improved on the same.

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