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Reflecting on Management Assignment Help

Part A:

Complete the CVF ‘spiderweb' activity and write a reflective commentary with reference to the changes (if any) from your first attempt. Be sure to use the literature, participation and learning from your Blogs and the results from both ‘spiderwebs' to support your reflection.

Part B:

Choose either Community Blog 1 (Assessment 2) or Community Blog 2 (Assignment 3) and identify examples of competing values, paradoxical views and complementary models identified by your community of MTLs. Prepare a report on your findings remembering to include the importance of these elements to the function of management within a tourism, hospitality, events, gastronomic, business organisation and from the perspective of a Master Manager.

You should also include reference to the additional question / topic that we covered in the 3rd week of Blog #2.

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Part a:

Standing at the threeashold of professional and personal world, it is essential to assess my ability to become a leader. Along with that, it is also required to have a good understanding of the need for better employee management. For the purpose of understanding the leadership skills this project has been intiated. By using the CVF model, I have analysed my pitentiality as a leader.

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After completing the CVF framework I have come to know about several aspects regarding my and the improvement in my managerial skills. It is observed that there are some areas where major changes taken place. Initially my managerial skills were mostly focused on control, while in this test the focus has shifted to flexibility. The spider web in previous one was expanded towards control and in this one the spider web is expanded towards flexibility. In the previous one the two quadrants that were stronger was collaborate and compete. In this assessment, I have found out that the two key quadrants that have become more potential are collaborate and create. This indicates that my creative skills as a leader are improved. In the ‘compete' quadrant falls two roles that are producer role and director role. The score for reducer role has remained the some while the score for director role has decreased to a little extent. This indicates that my ability and focus on being competitive have decreased but to a negligible extent. The overall spiderweb comparison shows that I have improved my ability as a manager or leader as I have scored high in create that was low in previous test. This indicates that my creative ability as a leader is improved.

While perusing my courses I have come across with various types of people. Being born in India and staying at a foreign soil have thought me the ways to be creative . Due to the huge difference between the culture I am living with now and the culture where I was born, I used to face several difficulties to influence and interact with people and to deal with such problems that is completely alien to me. All of the challenges I have encountered, have improved my creative ability. Working In tourism industry requires the ability to change and deal with unprecedented situations. This might be one of the key reasons that have made changes. The management team learners have different strengths, working with them have also influenced my ability. Some of them were quite innovative and understanding their innovative ways of managing team and solving problems, have helped me improve my innovative and creative skills.

The CVF has helped me understand my ability as a manager. There are 8 values in the model, one complements the next value. The quadrant ‘collaborate' reflects the human relations model. The control quadrant indicates stability as well as continuity (Quinn et al., 2014). Compete, is focused on improving productivity and profitability, while the quadrant ‘create' measures a leader's ability to promote innovation. However I think some areas need better improvement. For example, the liker scale used for answering the questions is sometimes quite obscure. Some questions are answered with using the same liker scale that does not go with question. Most of the questions are designed to understand strengths and might give a little or no idea of the weaknesses.

I would consider interpersonal ability for my own Master Manager competencies. The ability to understand people, the skill to analyze their psychological needs is what makes a great leader (Shen et al., 2014). Therefore I would like to us the interpersonal skills to understand people, to build teams and become and influential leader.

Part B

Chosen Blog: Blog 2


The two articles that have been reviewed in the blog two are "Human resource management and employee well-being: towards a new analytic framework" and "Emotional exhaustion and work attitudes: Moderating effect of personality among frontline hospitality employees." Both of these two articles shed light on the way organizations ignore the need to understand employee perceptions and their mental status. Too much focus is given on the methods of understanding customers and satisfying their needs (Rathi, & Lee, 2016). On the contrary a little emphasis is given to understand the motivational requirements of people. This indicates that organizations are mostly opting for hard measures of HRM which means treating employees like a productive engine. In the hospitality industry, most of the workers who work directly with the customers face the exhaustion mostly. They are always asked to be polite and humble with the customers at any state. This is quite difficult to pretend being nice all the time and sometimes this pretention leads to mental exhaustion.The mental health of such workers is ignored mostly. 

This opinion that is established by the articles is supported by some existing models in HRM. For example, the much discussed Maslow hierarchy of need is a model that indicates the motivational factors that inspires a person to be more attentive at workplace (Lester, 2013). According to the model esteem need and self actualizations that are the two key employee motivators. Therefore, it is essential to stratify their esteem needs, which mostly include understanding the employees, in order to get their better participation at workplace. In tourism industry, workers have to deal with hectic schedule, which sometimes involves traveling to places. For example, a tour guide has to travel and walk with the travelers assisting them all the way. This is a repetitive task for them as during peak hours they have to assist more than one or a group of travelers. Such tasks are tiring and hectic. Understanding their needs and giving more flexibility to work hours may help to improve the managerial approaches and employee engagement.

However, there are some management theories that can contradict to this opinion. For example.. The system theories of management and the X-Y theory of management propagate the idea of strict monitoring (Pierce, & Aguinis, 2013). These models believe that the output is complete depended on the inputs that is labour work. Therefore a strict procedure has to be maintained for ensuring better outcomes.
The importance of understating mental needs and treating them not as a productive engine, is als supported by the model of competing value. The model judges 4 key characteristics of and effective leader. The 4 quadrants are the key parameters that can help to understand how potential a person as a leader is. One of the key quadrants in this model is collaborate. The key component of this quadrant is, ‘understanding self and others', the need for communicating effectively and honestly, the ability to monitor others and helping in their developments, managing teams and constructive conflicts (Quinn et al., 2014). All of these aspects shows the relationship between leader and workers and the role of understanding them. Motivating others, is also a competent in the quadrant "compete". Therefore, all these analyzing indicates to the importance of human element in managerial approaches as well as leadership approaches in an organizations. Amalgamating such approaches may help the company in tourism industry, achieve better role as a leader and better growth.

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