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Queuing Methodology Assignment Help

Queuing Methodology

Prepare a 5-6 page report (excluding the cover page, the reference page, and any tables and graphs), which applies one of the queuing models introduced in Chapter 13. You need to apply at least one queuing model of your choice to a real world example. You are required to use the steps for Montgomery County's Public Health Services case study analysis presented on the top of page 441 in the textbook to present your final findings.You may use hypothetical numbers to illustrate your analysis if you cannot find the actual data. However, you have to use some number to demonstrate your ability to apply your chosen queuing model to a real world situation

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Queuing methodology is one of the widely used methodologies or theories in business operations owing to its ability to generate results which can help in making optimum decisions for the company. It involves mathematically studying the queues in order to predict the wait time for one service channel over the other and finding the preferred one.
According to this method, customers often line up in queues in order to purchase their desired services, and this method initialises and studies their behaviour, by bifurcating the customers in closed systems or open systems (Aaby, et al., 2006).
Furthermore, the next step in this process is to define the arrival as well as the departure of the customers from the queue.

Here, the queue is of special importance since it is the part where the service/product delivery takes place. Queues can be of severing kinds such as:
• FIFO: first in first out
• LIFO: Last in first out
• SIRO: Serve in random order
• Priority queue: serving to people based on their priority

The two queues of extreme interest are of the type LIFO and FIFO. They are of importance since they are determiners of the way service will be given, how long the customers will be in the queue and how the service will be delivered. gives accountability of your time and Money – Avail TOP results originated Queuing Methodology Assignment Help services at best rates!

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