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Publicly Traded Company Assignment Help

Visit the Microsoft Money website (topic material) and enter the name of a publicly traded company in the Search box. When the company information comes up, choose the Analysis and review the statistics and ratios provided. What does this show you about the company in comparison to industry? Reference specific ratios or statistics in your analysis. When replying to the initial post, change the subject line to the title of the company you researched.

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Financial Analysis

Debt to equity ratio of Toyota is 0.53 times, whereas the industry has the ratio 1.03 that presents the lower solvency risk of Toyota as compared to the industry. Toyota has a lower debt than the equity keeping low solvency risk. Current ratio of Toyota is 1.04 times, whereas the industry has 1.22 times current ratio supporting lower liquidity position of Toyota as compared to the industry (TOYOTA, 2019). However, both Toyota and Industry can cover current liabilities with the current assets. Quick ratio of Toyota and the industry is 0.89 times and 0.96 times respectively showing lower immediate payment capacity of Toyota as compared to the industry. However, both the industry and Toyota are inefficient to make the immediate payment of all the current liabilities. Leverage ratio of Toyota and the industry is 2.62 times and 3.06 times supporting the lower performance of Toyota to provide total assets against the equity fund. Book value per share of Toyota is 129.22, whereas the industry has the same 3.56 supporting the higher performance of Toyota against the industry (Gerstel, 2002). Therefore, Toyota has lower performance than the industry. 

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