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Houston has always been a pro-business, pro-growth place, as we studied back in the first chapter of our book. Did Houston''s pro-growth policies make this disaster worse? 

Write our standard 2 - 5 page essay (this will probably need more than 2 pages...) explaining some of the public policy decisions - good and bad - that impacted the flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey. What should we do going forward, and how should we pay for it? 

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According to the analysis, there have been unprecedented amount of the rain which has been falling on the area of Houston in the last few days. The catastrophic flooding event has been related to the major flooding events where the argument is about how the political and the local pressures have been able to dig into hold by flouting the smarter developing policies. There are frequent and the intense rains that are for preserving and restoring the land as much as possible. There have been pavements over the last two decades and the rapid development with the massive influx of the people. It comes with the restoration or the preservation that cannot prevent any flooding. The officials need to focus on the restricting development in the flood plains with buildings that continue to go up over the Harris County. The arguments have been about the purchasing homes that have led to the major damage by the floods. The planning needs to be done for the climate change where the officials need to look for the total rainfall and the weather patterns (Frey et al., 2010). There is a need to understand about how Houston needs to plan for the intense rainstorms with the countries planning about educating the public. There have been standards related to the meeting with the pushback that helps in focusing over the government officials with putting up to the visible flood gauges. 

The county and the city officials are mainly responsible for properly addressing the flooding along with highlighting about not only managing the rapid growth. There have been standards for Houston libertarian paradigm with conservatives nor the antigovernment. The focus is on deciding and understanding about the components for a better growth. This includes the planning regime that helps in the development with focusing on the credits that highlight about flexible planning system. In order to handle the problems, there are great movements of water with environmental effects that calculates the human disaster. The people health in the routine appointments comes with the economy standards (Sebastian et al., 2017). The refining capacity and the oil production makes 2.9% contribution. There are unprecedented storms that cause a major damage where the suggestions are made for the 10% of the US national demands for the products like the petrol and the aviation fuel. The economic damage is not confined to the energy industry but there are reports for the farmers who are working on 24 hours a day. Houston flooding looks for the developers to run the rampant. The Harvey wrought devastation is considered with the development and planning for the regulations. The use of the federal rules are mainly for getting Clean Water Act permit where there are developers who tend to build the protected wetland areas (Arrighi et al, 2017). The analysis is based on the federal regulations and natural wetland infrastructure which has been wiped out. Houston has been storm resistant with destroyed wetlands that are covered with the pavement to accommodate and then handle the population growth as well. Considering the analysis to prevent the Houston problem of flooding, there is a cost for upgrading the systems which included the buy-outs and then widening them or handling the utility re-routing procedures. The city is depending upon how the people are able to work on handling the lack of the proper drainage. Houston taxpayers need to decide about the investments and how the city is able to work on the Texas Water Development board to give it to the Harris County Flood District Control. The money is generally for the payment for the bridge replacements and the extensions which are for the widening the channel in the Brays watershed. The plan is to upgrade the multiple bayous with the cost of $130 million in total.

There have been Texas A&M Coastal Watershed Program where the warning is about the dangerous effects with natural flooding barriers. The mission of the program is for sharing the communities and plan about the sea level in the hurricane industry. According to the analysis, the primary factors are about how the reservoirs do not function but translate the increased risks with the development that tend to continue (Zhang et al., 2018). Hence, there is a need for the potential flood controlling problems which needs to be considered for handling the project magnitude and then work over the increased risks and single storm events.

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