Assignment - Project Management Application Systems
Systems thinking was proposed and articulated by Professor Jay Forrester when he founded Systems Dynamic Group in MIT's Sloan School of Management in 1956. Systems thinking is very versatile process, where in the constituents will be analyzed for their interrelations and also will evaluate the functioning of the system over time and in the context of the larger systems. The key difference in the approach of the systems thinking is contained in the fact that unlike traditional approaches, systems thinking will not fragment the complete systems. Systems thinking believe that the systems behaviour will get stemmed from the fact that the systems functionality will be driven by the reinforcement and the equilibrium forces. Reinforcement works on to strengthen a particular component in the system and the equilibrium drive will curtail the further growth to balance the equilibrium in the particular system. Systems thinking approach can be applied for the evaluation of the project, program and portfolio managements. When compared with the traditional approach, systems thinking can be extended for complex systems and also the approach can provide better insights into the relations between different components in the systems not just in immediate vicinity, but will also provides the interrelationship over time. A key consideration to the stakeholders interests and formulating effective solutions is the key aspects of this thinking process. The following part of the discussion will focus on specific aspects of Systems Thinking.
1. Apply Fundamental principles of system thinking to project, program and portfolio management.
Systems thinking is based on the assumption that the system is made of two or more elements which interact with each other for one or more specific purposes.
Unlike traditional fragmentation approaches, systems thinking is contained in looking at a comprehensive big picture of the scenario. Systems thinking will work for a comprehensive overview of the interconnectedness of the components which will work for providing an unique character to the system.
Further system thinking is based on dynamic modelling, which takes into consideration not the static influences and relations rather the dynamic relations their influences on the system on the long run will be considered.
Systems thinking and inferences evolution can be explained by the underlying model,

- Effectiveness is the key in this approach but not the efficiency
- Will always focuses on the big picture
- Believes that the system structure will generate the ultimate systems behaviour
- Will not come to the quick conclusions also makes explicit assumptions and will work to test them.
- Change perspectives to increase thinking
- Systems thinking contained in defining the problem (Validate As is) - Preparation and application of the (To be Solution) and implementing the same with the confirmation of the (To be solution).
Application of the systems thinking approach to the project, Program and Portfolio management:
- This approach can work on to understand the problem and its context which will enable to define and document and the complete issue in entirety.
- Approach can work on to provide much wider inference to the stakeholders and will also provide greater insights into their involvement and implications to them.
- While implementing the project/Programme or portfolio, the approach can able to identify the problem and will also works for coping up with the complexity which in turn will work for leading it for better status statements.
- With systems thinking approach, it is possible for risk planning and also will work for risk mitigation as well. The approach can be more comprehensive and will increase the confidence in the final forecast.
- Governance can be improved better as the concerns of all stakeholders can be considered in the final management.
- There is much to do with the elimination of the unintended consequences and overall productivity and outcomes can be improved in the system functionality
- It is possible to improve the transition, acceptance and handover procedures which can work for ensuring requirements as well as the features.
Locatelli et al (2014) investigated the implications of the systems thinking to the Governance in the complex projects. Based on the quantitative evidence available in the literature There are several real project successfully implemented the systems approach to improve the governance of the projects. NASA managed to improve the functionality of Goddard space flight operations employing Systems thinking for governance (Locatelli et al, 2014). Rehman et al (2019) indicated that system thinking is versatile tool for project, programme and portfolio managements in entirety. This is due to the fact that the dynamic functionalities and comprehensive coverage of uncertainties will make the system more feasible to meet the expectations. In this connection, Systems thinking as applied to the Flood disaster management for sustainability is evaluated in the context of an Asian Country. A range of factors are considered to evaluate the overall disaster analysis and mitigate the risk of the same successfully (Rehman et al, 2019).

2. Demonstrate use of system thinking tools and techniques to solve complex problems.
As systems thinking is normally applied to solve the more complex projects and their inherent problems. The approach applied by Systems thinking need to be more innovative and should facilitate consideration to the variety of factors of the project. Hence a range of tools and techniques are in use for the evaluation of the operational features of such complex projects. Some of them are like Fish bone diagrams, Rich Pictures, Actor maps, concept maps, Trend maps, Causal loop maps Etc. BOT diagrams(Behaviour over time) diagrams are useful in mapping the relations between the constituents of the components in the system over time. System Archetypes are other commonly employed tools to understand the equilibrium and reinforcements in the systems thinking. Computer based applications are the recent ways of effective systems engineering of the processes and the operations in project/Programme/Portfolio management requirements.
The key feature of any of the systems thinking tools consist of following, synthesis, Inquiry and Analysis. Each of these processes are employed for understanding the system and will provide with keen insights into the operations of the same.

Systems thinking as well as selection and application of a particular systems thinking model will work for betterment of comprehensive evaluation of the overall systems operations and will work for investigation of the actual causal relationship between different stakeholders in the model. The following figure (fig-4) is a typical example to find the causal relationships between different stakeholders in the system and will work for finding the cause and rectification of the objectives i.e., mortality rate.

Health care systems are one such complex portfolio, which underwent radical changes in the recent years. The complexity of the health care systems have got improved tremendously and inclusion of diverse factors like multiple stakeholders, interdisciplinary actors, increased concerns and funding and financial management trends made the system very complex to evaluate and predict the behaviour. In this regard, the Systems thinking outlook is employed successfully for health care systems in the recent times. Causal diagrams and related tools are employed to model these systems. Complex interrelationships between health care systems were drafted by Best et al (2018) and inference are presented to indicate how they can be of use In optimizing the networking relationships between WHO stakeholders and the different agency groups. WHO successfully employed the Systems thinking based models for successful integration of range of stakeholder's interests in formulating a decent operational dynamics model for successful goal orientation. Flight simulator is a recent systems thinking tool developed for successful simulation of the flight operations.
3. Discuss contemporary developments and importance of project, program and portfolio application systems.
Project application management systems in the recent years are being impacted by both the developments in the operational theories and models as well they are also integrated with the latest technological developments. Some of the key tools being employed in the contemporary project management application systems will include Usage of IOTs, usage of Artificial intelligence enabled techniques, usage of analytics exhaustively, working for integration of the variety of remote teams, cyber security models, Hybrid models, Kanban systems, latest PMO office tools expertise etc. All these tools and techniques are integrated in the latest project application systems in general. Programme application systems included in recent years technology enabled co-ordination between multiple projects as well consideration to the diverse aspects like sustainability, triple bottom lines and corporate social responsibility as part of their activities, these are not exhaustive in the past. Portfolio management trends include integration of these aspects at higher level and even here technology enabled outcomes like Analytics etc are making major contribution for better decision making and solution selection requirements. Competency evaluation and development is also a new trend in this domain of portfolio management. As of now there is no any development of the metrics involved in the portfolio management procedures. In the recent years, the competency based models are developed for evaluation of the portfolio management and this in turn is working for further improvement of the project, programme and portfolio management procedures. The key focus of these recent trades is to curtail unnecessary wastage of the resources as well to develop competency in the project outcomes generation. The outcomes are more aligned with the core objectives with these latest developments.
Young and Conboy (2013), provided with convincing evidences to support the fact that the development metrics based project management practices do have considerable implications to the overall improvement in the project management practices. Kloppenberg (2014) has provided with good insightful details of the latest trends in the usage of IOT and Artificial intelligence technologies as well other models developed in line with the theoretical developments of kanban and other relational aspects like effective PMO operational efficiencies etc. Renwick et al (2016) provided sufficient detailing from the real examples which are based on integration of the sustainable practices and green technologies in the project, portfolio and programme application practices.
4. Explain importance of project management application systems to enable knowledge management and decision making.
Project management application system has much to do with information collection and knowledge sharing. When there is inherent functional provision to keep the knowledge accumulated in the project progression, it can be of good use for future reference and for decision making as well. Contemporary project management application systems employs technology enabled knowledge collection systems which will collect knowledge and information from variety of project progress units and this information collected will be stored in the repository in diverse formats. The real-time informatics and the information collected in the form of trends of the knowledge gathered will be employed by the project management application practice personnel for the sake of decision making. Decision making can be done based on the real time data collected from the actual project management practice application. Knowledge accumulated will be shared for the current project requirements, for future projects as well for the other projects in the portfolio as well. A significant illustration of the application of the project management application systems information for the project progression is the usage of knowledge collection procedures in the smart city applications. Smart cities functionality is based on the knowledge and information collected with the usage of project management application systems data collection and employing the same for better functioning. The inherent technology enabled applications like social media; web 2.0 applications etc are contributing for extensive knowledge sharing in the recent project management application practices. Innovation, competitive advantage and sustenance of the organizations has become very much dependent on the knowledge sharing and effective decision making based on the knowledge collected from these aspects (Asrar Ul Haq and Anwar,2016).
IOT and AI enabled analytics are good examples of the flight MRO data, which is an integral part of the digitalized MRO operations in the recent flight MRO project management application systems. The data analytics obtained from them will enable the flight condition monitoring as well for sequencing the appropriate MRO operations. Health informatics data analytics collected from project management application practices are being employed for decision making and trend estimation regarding. Santoro et al (2018) provided with very detailed insights into the application of the IOT and IT enabled AI for recent project application management practices and the implications of the same for knowledge sharing and decision making requirements.
5. Explain importance of project management application systems to monitor performance and manage change the project, program and portfolio.
Project management application system can facilitate a procedure to let the monitoring and the change of the project management and the portfolio to happen more effectively. When compared with the traditional models, the contemporary project management application systems do enable a better introspection of variety of stakeholders in the organization and their relations. Also they will work for an exhaustive interpretation of the operational dynamics in the system. A very detailed and comprehensive collection of the performance statistics of each of these aspects will provide keen insights into the manner and the way the project management application systems do function. Performance monitoring of the same can be done effectively to closely monitor the deficiencies comprehensively as well to estimate the real time systems behaviour accurately. Information collected from these channels can be of good use for taking up right decisions to enable the project management application systems get monitored. Further the project management application systems can also work for realizing a change more effectively. As the insights from the project management application practice can provide in-depth relationship between different components in the system more comprehensively and dynamically, it will enable the study of any changes and implications of these changes more effectively on the system and this will let the overall project function more effectively and the changes can be realized more impact fully. As a whole the project management application systems can contribute by way of their inherent data collection and behavioural integrational models, the exact system dynamics effectively and will make sure the monitoring be done effectively. Monitoring of the progression may include performance at individual, organizational as well domain level effectively. Also the changes can be realized with maximum upkeeping of the system stability and operational integrity as well.
Project application systems can be integrated with both computational and statistical tools for understanding the performance and behaviour of diverse operational parameters in the organization. Hazir (2015), identified several analytical models and decision support tools which are integrated into the project management application practice for monitoring and control of the projects in general. Kerzner and Kerzner (2017) provided a vast collection of tools and methodologies to identify the change management practices in the organizations with integrated effective, efficient and smooth change management practices like resistance estimation, mitigation structured change implementation, follow-up and overall change enabling in the system, expediting and sustaining the same.
A system thinking is suitable for more complex project, programmes and portfolios of recent times. With increased number of stakeholders, their relations and implications to the organizations, the need for more comprehensive approach have evolved for systems behaviour monitoring. The new developments of the systems thinking are enabling more effective mapping of the systems connections and subsequent response identification. Further systems thinking will work for an effective monitoring and change implementation. Even the knowledge sharing and decision making can be done more effectively along with the inherence system sensory units as well as the data analytics and storage provisions available in the contemporary project application management systems. To comprehend the systems thinking approach is very unique and there is considerable scope for the same to apply for diverse project application requirements of the recent times.