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Professional Exposure - Report


Question 1: Technical Skills Developed During Professional Industry Exposure. Write technical reflective journal incorporating the following points:

1.1: Did you have prior knowledge to understand the professional industry expectation? Map all units that was useful during your professional industry exposure and how well did you apply your prior knowledge and skills. Where can you use that exposure in future?

Answer: With the ramified economic changes, I have attended industry exposure where I learned that there is 600,000 ICT workers in Australia with 52% employed in industries outside of ICT itself. I had no prior expectation. However, in the professional industry exposure, this shows me that there is high demand of the ICT workers who have good knowledge of the networking and ICT work implication. I have good knowledge of the coding and data networking work so 2.2 New technical skills or knowledge you gained from industry exposure

I learned various aspects and developed my interest for the networking in the industry exposure which I attended. In the professional industry exposure, I found that an ICT worker is indulged in modelling methods and processes to understand problems, handle abstraction and design solutions. This learning exposure taught me to that I need to focus on the networking ICT problem solving courses which will help me to handle the problematic technical issues by preparing the design and process modelling. In this professional industry exposure, key aspects of the data mining process and data analysis method was elaborated for the technical decisions making. I also completed my prior studies in ICT development program which strengthen my technical knowledge of the data process modelling and handle abstraction and design solutions work.

1.2 What are the new technical skills or knowledge you gained from industry exposure?

Answer: In my future, I could use my exposure to make my understanding better and developing effective future for the ICT development program. In my future course, this knowledge could also be used to strengthen my base to learn new technical ICT program. I could use it when I will work as IT solution worker in the big multinational companies. The new technical skills or knowledge which I gained from industry exposure is related to learning hardware and software fundamentals, data and information management, programming, system development and acquisition and networking[1].


Question 2: Professional Skills Developed During Professional Exposure. Map your outcome to ACS CBOK knowledge key words.

Answer: There are several key words given in the ACS CBOK knowledge which has strengthen my professional exposure more effective and helped me to identify my professional areas of (ICT Professional Knowledge, and ICT Problem Solving.

2.1: Identify the specific skills that your specific practical exposure best matches to and state why that is so.

Answer: I had to encounter several problems and learned technical programs. In my professional exposure, learned technical knowledge of the data process modelling and handle abstraction and design solutions work[2].

Mapping of general ICT knowledge against SFIA Categories


MIT graduates attributes

Justify the coverage based on the capstone project exposure and professional exposure

Ability to communicate

I need to strengthen my ability to speak, communicate, listening and reading skills to make better communication skills. 

During my project professional exposure, I was indulged in handling client. In which I had learned several intents and made good communication with them.

Independent and lifelong learning

To work independently and develop divergent thinking and time management skills.

In my professional industry exposure, I learned independently and develop divergent thinking and time management skills. when I was assigned particular project development program in my industry exposure I did it well.


Sensitivity learning program, social and business practice and setting code of conducts

In my industry exposure, I learned that I need to set up Sensitivity learning program, social and business practice and setting code of conducts to make my curriculum more effective.

Analytical and problem solving

Develop coherent strategic approach and think creative

In the given project, I solved all the complicated issues through my own coherent strategic approach and think creative.

Cultural and global awareness

Equality, social responsibilities and appreciation for the other culture while recognizing the global aspects

While working in the team, I found that I am good in Equality, social responsibilities and appreciation for the other culture while recognizing the global aspects. I made good team with my co-mates

Team work

Integrity and trust

I focused on learning the structural work in the IT performance areas with my team employees

Specialistknowledge of field of study

Focused on the IT development program

In the given projects of industry exposure, I gained good knowledge of Hardware and software fundamentals, Data and information management and Data networking

I am at the stage of my professional learning and focusing on making me more competent in networking work. I would practically solve the issues and problem which I found in my practical implication of the particular ICT problem solving work.

2.2: As you look into the future as a networking graduate, use your professional industry exposure to address the following questions:

i) Based on your professional exposure what changes would you recommend in the way and manner you approach your study? Explain.

ii) What changes would you recommend to those who structure your degree program to to ensure you become a successful networking professional in future?

Answer: The only advice I would give to those who wants structure networking professional degree program in future is that all the networking professional degree should be aligned with the practical exposure for the students who are pursing this course. This will make them more effective to learn networking program and ICT problem solving work program along with their study. This will strengthen their learning process and help them to encounter their networking program work issues at the spot. If they stuck with the bookish knowledge or do not perform the learned networking program then they might get failed or forget the codes and networking program which they learned in the class. Therefore, it is recommended that the practical implication of the knowledge along with the class room program is required to make it more polished and effective[3].


2.3: Your plans for your future as a networking graduate.

i) What types of work environments attracts you the most?

ii) Are there specific networking challenges that you are more interested in for the future? Explain.

iii) Have your ideas about your future career direction emerged during the practical industry exposure? Explain.

iv) Which specific aspects of your professional industry exposure did you enjoy the most? Which aspects did you not like the most? How will these influence how you think about your future as a network professional?

Answer: The work environment which attracts me most is employee oriented culture where employees are considered while formulating policies and work culture. I always appreciate work culture where employees are kept free to work to make the ICT problem solving work and work development program more effective. It will help me to learn more freely and also strengthen my learning program while working in the particular project.

The networking challenges which I have found is related to understanding of data communications and networking fundamentals. This program is more complicated and aligned with the ICT problem solving issues and fundamental information technical development program I found challenges related to the Network concepts, standards and protocols alignment, security network program, distribution system and wireless cyber computing mobile computing. These challenges will be helpful for me to polish my existing knowledge of software fundamentals, data and information management, programming, system development and acquisition and networking. This will also increase my effectives in the ICT networking problem solving work program[4].

When I attended industry exposure, I was more about learning new things and focusing ICT networking problem solving work program. However, during my industry practical exposure, I found the key information and future implication of the networking project. At that time, I learned that if I want to make my future better then I need to join this networking course. Therefore, that time, I realised that I should join the data networking program course to make me more efficient in my ICT problem solving networking work. This will strengthen my wish to learn networking programs and motivated me to join the course[5].

In my experience of the professional industry exposure, I realised that I enjoyed the aspects of the modelling methods and processes to understand problems, handle abstraction and design solutions. This was the most interesting subjects which they address in the professional industry exposure However, while I learned several aspects of the networking and ICT but I was not able to resolve my queries and issues with anybody. They were very clear with the fact that those students who has good understanding of the conceptual understanding of ICT as a broad discipline will be able to learn networking projects more effectively [3].

My future as network professional would be bright as I am having keen interest in this filed and want to excel myself in ICT problem solving program.


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