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Post-traumatic stress disorder Assignment Help

M2A1: Essay: One Person's Personal Story With PTSD
In this brief written essay assignment you will meet a real person who has lived with PTSD by reading their story or watching their video. Utilizing reliable internet sources, locate a video or article in the form of a story published by a person who has experienced PTSD. A search of the Veterans Administration, other PTSD-related websites, and YouTube should help you locate a wide array of stories from PTSD survivors to select from.

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Trauma takes many different forms;however, some of the most common events those trigger are loss and bereavement, domestic violence, emotional abuse, and physical abuse. A 43-year-old veteran name Mick worked in Armed Forces for a period of twenty years. He was a confident soldier throughout his life serving his country. As a part of his duty, he witnessed destruction and death on a daily basis. He was the commander and decision to take action lied with him further placing unduly stress.


Mike had directly witnessed and had been an active part of the traumatic event that exposed him to death and pain of the war victims. He initially believed that he could self-treat himself through alcoholic consumption. The images of the mutilated individuals troubled him and caused mental disturbance. This is a classic symptom of PTSD to re-experience the incidents. His wife had been supportive throughout the episodes of stress. He had increased palpitations. By Mike's description on his condition, he fits in 7 out of 8 criteria of PTSD from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder.

Mike suffered from intense psychological stress, was not aware of the existence of the condition, and denied any form of condition he was facing. He made active efforts to avoid reminders of the incidents those that triggered panic attacks, another core symptom of PTSD(Team, 2015). He sometimes exaggerated his negative emotions. He isolated himself from friends and family. He experienced sleep disturbances and concentration reduced and forced to take leave from his duties.

Early identification and treatment are crucial for the effectiveness of treatment. The initial stages are highly treatable with minimal intervention and medication. The severity of the disorder has many factors such as the type of event witnessed, vulnerable psychology of the individual, previous trauma exposure, genetic factors, environmental factors, stressful living conditions,and time of identification(Qi et al., 2016). There are many types of treatments available for PTSD. The primary objectives of the treatments for PTSD are to reduce the likelihood of early symptoms and to mitigate the recurrence. These treatments work best in combinations. Mindfulness based cognitive therapy reduces the recurrence of the stress disorders and reduces the anxiety. Acupuncture is an alternate therapy used to treat PTSD. In addition, some consider hypnotherapy useful along with the antidepressants. These include hydrocortisone, propranolol (beta-adrenergic antagonist), Morphine, Benzodiazepines (gamma-amino butyric acid agonists).

Acceptance of the condition and approaching friends and family members to discuss the matter is highly recommended to treat the disorder in the initial stages. Family members should consider counselling as a default option post a traumatic event.

In this case, study it is evident that denial and self-treatment do not help in overcoming the psychological challenges and appropriate personnel should be contacted. If I have to interview Mike, I would like to enquire , what were his initial reactions to the destruction he has witnessed? What are the resources available for veterans who often face traumatic situations?

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