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Poor Medication Facilities in Healthcare Units Assignment Help

Research at least two additional published cases (lawsuits) related to the topic you selected. Summarize the cases in your own words and explain how they are related to your topic.

Provide a summary that includes the name of the case, state or federal court, issue, summary of events and ruling. Explain whether you agree or disagree with the court's decision. 

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Comprehensive healthcare facilities are the key approach in providing holistic healthcare environment for patients. It empowers staff members of medical units to properly understand issues of patient other than their physical issues. Similar level of healthcare has been inducted into Australian healthcare system which is also being praised by OECD. It is not enough for healthcare systems to comply with the alternate demands and changes in patient's need. This study has identified some of the issues that are being currently experienced by Australian healthcare facilities in providing better environment to the patients. It has evaluated the legislative guidelines that have been implied to maintain better healthcare in Australia.

Literature Review

Critical summary of articles and their importance in the study

Article 1

The first article has been taken regarding the use of various antipsychotic drugs in hospital units. It has become problematic for aged residents of care facilities to acquire proper removal of mental issues due to the negative consequences related with antipsychotic drugs. Modern medical facilities seeks antipsychotic drug use to reduce emotional burnout among aged as well as normal residents due to related effects such as unintentional falls, pneumonia and strokes for patients and old residents with weak heart. Experts have also advised that antipsychotic drugs have to be utilised in a timely manner or else it might lead to addiction and sometimes death. It has been highlighted by Westbury et al. (2018) that ignorance of staff members due to lack of education in antipsychotic drugs and benzodiazepines results in improper monitoring of patient's need of healthcare. The statement of scholar is an authentic consideration because medication facilities are generally monitored by non-professional staff.

Therefore, it is required by healthcare units to include necessary framework that does not only handles proper education of staff but also allow them to meet specific physical as well as emotional ailments of young and aged patients. Education of staff members can be held as a top priority to improve holistic care within Australian healthcare system (Westbury et al. 2018). The author has pointed out the need to introduce reduction in daily dosage of antipsychotic drugs due to their long term ill-effects. It has been observed that more than 150 residential care unit for aged patients have received the required funding for setting up RedUse (Reduction in sedative usage) platform. However, more number of residential cares has to be included so that necessary amount of attention in medication and behaviour of staff members toward patients can be improved.


The acquired article is relevant to the topic because it showcases the irresponsible attitude of staff members while handling antipsychotic drugs. It has also stated that one of the important initiatives taken by Australian healthcare team to not only train staff but also reduce the application of sedatives for improving healthcare in the country. The set up for reducing antipsychotic drugs resonates with Therapeutic Goods Regulation, 1990 that make sure prescribed medicine are utilised in a regulated manner. As per section 77 of Therapeutic Goods Regulation, 1990 that medicines increasing the chances of negative effect on patients should be restricted from further use (legislation.gov.au, 2019). Adherence to this legislation can be helpful for staff members to be aware while providing medicine to old adults.

Article 2

The second article for this study has been selected regarding the application of healthcare to residents living in remote parts of Australia. There is a growing demand of improved Medicare unit in rural Australia so that facilities available for metropolitan communities can also be provided to rural people. One of the most significant aspects of Australian healthcare is that people rural people has very limited access to healthcare and also score poor in individual health. As per the opinion of Wakerman et al. (2017) the socio economic situation and geological condition are some of the vital factor that restricts proper healthcare facility to rural people. The remark of scholar is a relevant fact because rural people are prone to living in variant communities and are mostly remain isolated from metropolitan healthcare. In order to acquire a professional and advanced healthcare, rural people often have to travel long distance which is basically not available in nearby healthcare unit. It has been seen that rural healthcare system is somewhat dissimilar from metropolitan as there is a combined difficulty in acquiring sporadic medical service from cities.


The inaccessibility of healthcare from rural people is the primary feature of this article that points out one of the flaws in healthcare facility of Australia. It gives an idea about distinctive healthcare approach between urban and rural healthcare. The provision of medical services to remote regions resonates with National Strategic Framework for Rural and Remote Health. This particular framework is devised by legislation body of Australian Healthcare to provide policy planning and delivery of service to remote regions of Australia (health.gov.au, 2019). In order to attend medical service, advisory's council for rural health and commonwealth health department of Australia are being included.

Article 3

The third article is being taken to showcase that budgetary issue and highlights the inefficiency of present healthcare framework of Australia. In order to provide a comprehensible healthcare environment budget issues needs to be resolved from respective healthcare unit so that better care from staff members and medical professionals can be amended. The opinion of Hall (2015) has highlighted that the division between healthcare approach of state and national government have to be overcome for promoting a single approach of healthcare across the country. The division is a probable disadvantage for Australia to promote optimal healthcare system. Reduction of such an approach can provide a capability to increase affordability and avoid complex structure of healthcare in Australia. The article points out the necessary initiative taken by Australian healthcare council to manage commonwealth funding for government hospitals from 2017.

On the contrary, challenges like increase in population and inflation in the country need to be considered while planning out funding (Hall, 2015). These major issues can avoid funding from government's end and also limit the capability of individual states of Australia to imply proper healthcare. The pharmaceutical cost also provides restriction to individual elements in accessing medical care from Australian infrastructure. However, the article pointed out the combined effort from public and private entities in setting up funding facility for including advanced medical unit and healthcare for rural as well as urban public.


The above acquired article is relevant for the study because it points out one of the basic setbacks in providing necessary healthcare facility to Australian healthcare. There is a need for government agencies to seek reduction in inflation of pharmaceutical prices so that necessary setup of commonwealth funding can be implemented for medium and low income families/individuals. The need to implement pharmaceutical cost and healthcare infrastructure requires implementation National Health Reform that is being considered as a national approach of Australia to improve the medical services of Australia. As per Part 5.3 of National Health Reform of Australia accumulation of financial resources is required to manage medical services (legislation.gov.au, 2019). The need to segregate financial reserves for medical services is required to ensure better management of business.

Article 4

The fourth article has been considered regarding the problematic condition of utilising information technology in healthcare facilities. Application of technical equipment such as wearable sensors and IOT infrastructure can help in monitoring the medical condition of patients. It has been stated by Baker, Xiang & Atkinson (2017) that wearable devices are important for making progress in medical condition of patients affected with Parkinson and diabetes. In case of recording blood pressure of a patient, these equipments have failed to make continuous monitoring of blood pressure due to their complex manufacturing process. The recording has to be collected from wearable devices which generally present difficulty in calculating the synchronous manner of systolic pressure and continuous monitoring.
Some of the devices such as PTT (Pulse Transit Time) PBG sensor are manufacturing to collect recordings of blood pressure. There is a lack of clarity among healthcare professionals to make better use of these devices as most of the staff members are not adequately trained and educated regarding new age devices in healthcare. It is also required by healthcare system of Australia to include such facilities in rehabilitation and government hospitals so that necessary services can be recorded and utilised for future purpose.


The article is relatable to the topic because challenges in technological implementation of healthcare can allow Australia to look for sustainable measures. It can also help in understanding the need to include wearable devices for monitoring patient's health thereby resulting in improved healthcare approach. In order to make sure proper amendment of PTT and other electronic equipments are being provided Australian government has signified legislative instruction within Health Practitioner Regulation National Act, 2009. As per section 6 of Health Practitioner Regulation National Act, 2009, use of technical equipments is allowed to measure digital recordings of patient's current health. It could help in implementing technical instrument for not only measuring but also takes necessary action based on the effectiveness of digital recordings. The approach to consider wearable devices by patient is relevant for patients to secure better health and reduce future issues in health.

Literature gap

The literature review has not covered articles from various other challenges that are prevalent in Australian healthcare due to low amount of time and content restriction. Strict deadline has also not allowed the provision of specific issues that are faced by young patient of Australia. There is also less information about patients being mishandled in professional environment healthcare due to unavailability of recently published articles.

Legislative regulations in healthcare

The legal structure of Australia has been amending the issues generally seen in healthcare system. Application of these legal guidelines can allow healthcare professionals to not only maintain the proper framework of health related services and also reduce the negative consequences resulted from poor healthcare facility. It is required by Australia to introduce a draft that could help them in promoting improvement in individual business. As per section 9 of National Health Reforms Act, 2011, healthcare facilities in Australia are expected to provide optimal medical services through continuous recording of progress and training of medical and non-medical staff members (legislation.gov.au, 2019). The legislative guidelines instruct both government and private hospitals to ensure proper amendment of medical issues faced by young and aged patients. There is a need to introduce funding pool for healthcare facilities to increase productivity and also imply technological equipments that can improve healthcare monitoring (Baig, GholamHosseini, & Connolly, 2015). This legislation is basically been guided by administrative agency of Australia for maintaining the synchronicity between healthcare funding and higher management of healthcare.

On the contrary, legislative guidelines for using medicines in a conscious manner and also reduce the irresponsibility in handling strong prescribed drugs. As per section 11 of Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act, 2008, handling of prescribed drugs needs to be monitored by individual healthcare unit so as to avoid any misuse and irresponsible attitude of staff members. It can help hospital care unit to improve their assistance in handling medicines as well as strong pharmaceuticals. One of the significant aspects of this legislation is that it refers to relevant knowledge and training of person handling medication requirement of patients.

The comparison between above stated legislation resulted that National Health Reforms Act, 2011 covers the Medicine, Poison and Therapeutic Goods Act, 2008 because monitoring of patients health can help in stating the right amount of medicines required to treat a patient. It has been highlighted by D'Andreamatteo et al. (2015) that healthcare facilities have to make sure that staff members are trained to handle medication requirement as it influences recovery procedure of patients. However, a healthcare unit have to make empathetic approach to not only understand physical but other ailments of patients so that a holistic approach of healthcare is practiced.

Analysis of Cases

Case 1- Unregistered man convicted of holding out as a pharmacist

The registration process for individual pharmacist in Australia particularly in NSW implies strict reforms to carry out medicine facility in a controlled and government monitored environment. There is a higher chance of misconduct and ill-treatment of patients in unregistered pharmacist. The lawsuit between Mr. Simon and Australian health agency for regulation has turned against Mr. Simon due to lack of proper registered documents and proof that could certify the practicing years in pharmaceutical company. This particular event was recorded in 29 June 2018 and occurred in Randwick region of New South Wales. The retrospection of Mr. Simon's medicine deals have resulted that he has been scheduling the medicines by claiming as a registered pharmacist.

This act of Mr. Simon came in direct clash with administrative guidelines of AHPRA and National Health Reform Act, 2011 that suggests the need to have legal documents before dealing with patients. It has been found that AHPRA along with NSW court has charged more than 10,000 AUD as a fine (ahpra.gov.au, 2019). The registration process for individual pharmacist is a required criterion for making authentic healthcare approach to general public. There is a higher chance of promoting sale of drugs and medicine without any prescription and proper guidance to patients. As per the opinion of Liu et al. (2017), sale of strong medicinal drugs need to be conducted in a restrictive environment so that proper arrangements can be scheduled. The statement of author is relevant for healthcare system of Australia to not only provide better approach towards healthcare but also equip the patients to acquire authentic medicines. It also sends out a strong message regarding stricter reforms and implementation of legislative guidelines in handling medicinal requirements of patients.

Case 2- Tribunal cancels nurse's registration for professional misconduct

The practicing hours of medical procedure is required to be conducted in a professional manner so that minimum amount of carelessness can be inducted. According to the views of Gee, McGarty & Banfield (2016) nurses are at the forefront of providing medication and healthcare facility to patients admitted in medical units. The author has commented about the inclusion of ethical duties while dealing with health issues of patients. The civil court of Victoria along with administrative tribunal has found out that Mr. Mura (registered nurse) was mostly conducting professional duty under the influence of intoxication. Mr. Mura was also found to have been indulged into illegal acquisition of medicinal drugs and also did not pay attention to health requirements of patients.

Handling professional responsibility in an intoxicated manner breached the general adherence to basic principles of work ethics and moral values. The association of midwifery and nurse charged Mr. Mura with 26 more cases regarding mistreatment to patients (nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au, 2019). Above all Mr. Mura was found to have breached several court orders and guidelines given out to conduct duty in a more ethical and professional manner.

However, repeated offences from Mr. Mura resulted in cancellation of nursing license and also devoid him of any further employment in healthcare facilities of Australia for a maximum of two years. The viewpoint of Liu et al. (2017) has stated that breach of court orders does not only attract criminal proceedings but also result in cancellation of permanent responsibility in a professional environment. This remark can be justified as a logical approach for making better decision against professional misconduct and individual responsibility.


From the above acquired study on healthcare facility in Australia, it can be summarised that most of the rural communities are devoid of advanced medical care as applied in urban facilities. Funding pool is being practiced by public and private agencies of Australia to control higher medical charges in public hospitals. Staff members do not have necessary technical knowledge on recordings generated from wearable devices and other IOT implications in healthcare. The inflation rate of the country needs to be minimised so that maximum amount of collective funds can be positively utilised for effective healthcare facility in Australia.

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