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Policy Analysis Assignment -

Task - Outline the significance of the policy problem. E.g. if analysing the breast-feeding policy, discuss the importance of breast feeding to the health of the infant and the mother and any significant rates. Demonstratedunderstanding ofpolicy issues. Evidence of critical discussion and analysis.

Answer - Policy analysis: NSW Refugee Health Policy


WHO has reported that the world is facing a great level of displacement from the last five years? At the end of the year, 2016 around 65.6 million people have been forced by conflict and oppression. Among all these people 22.5 of them are refugees and half of them are below the age of 18 (Unrefugees, 2019). Furthermore, there are 20 million people in the world who do not belong to any state, this sate fewer individuals are denied from their basic right of nationality due to many reasons. For instance, In Syria refugees camp there are people who come to Syria because of different reasons but now their countries are not taking them back and they have to stay in the refugee camp as stateless individuals. Because of this issue, the refugees are being denied from basic rights such as the right of education, employment and freedom of movement. People who are facing such issues have been granted asylum in other countries for many years (Hannah, 2017).

The countries which are accepting the refuges require timely and effective healthcare system. Because refugees affect the host country in many aspects such as social, environmental, political, health and so on. The asylum seekers and refugees are becoming ill by contracting diseases due to travel and living in an unhygienic environment in the refugee's camp. Upon arrival in a foreigncountry, the refugees are often going through a major health issue and their illness not only limited to physical health problem but also experience extremely detrimental mental health because of stress. It has become Utmost important for the host countries to develop strong public health care system to manage the rapidly growing demand of health care among people to protect not only refugees but also native citizen (Stefan, Giacco, & Nagib, 2016). Australia is one of those foreign lands which accept most of the refugees and work for their well-being. Around 13,500 refuges along with humanitarian enter in Australia every year with the constant of the Australian government. The country provides the refugees basic rights and established the health care policies which can assist them in the health-related issue.

Reasons for choosing a policy

The reason for choosing this specific policy is that health care plays an important role in every society, this policy is working for the health care of refugees who end up in Australia. It is quite vital to evaluate the healthcare policy and the areas where it needs to be more effective in order to provide refugees with quality health care (C, Robb, & Green, 2018). The refuges become the part of the country especially in the region New South Wales and \Victoria and their health condition atomically affect the healthcare of the whole state so this problem cannot be taking for granted (Meena, Duri, & Smith, 2019).


Summary of policy documents

After the second world war, Australia has accepted around 685,000 refugees and humanitarian in the country. Over the last 5 years,the largest number of refugees has entered in Australia and have been settled in New South Wales and Victoria. The refugees who entered in this region belongs to highly diversecultures such as different race, ethnicity, age, class religious believes and socio-economic status. The refugees mainly come from Afghanistan, Sierra, Sudan, Iraq and from other African countries. The government of Australia has established The NSW refuges health plan (2011-2016) in order to ensure the fact that the refugees who enter in the state must have access to safe and high-quality health care services.

The basic outline of refugee health care plan is based on a commitment to basic human rights established by WHO, gender equality among the refugees and social justice. The mainly emphasize on mainstream culture, community development, health promotion, linguistic competences, human resource development and so on.

The refugees who arrive in Australia often had experienced violence, war abuse, extreme persecution and huge abrogation of basic human rights. This policy provides these important health care to these people and ensures their well-being. This health care plan gives priority to specific health issues such as immunization, nutrition and food security, torture, trauma and mental health, social connectedness, infectious diseases, preventative health care practices, sexual and reproductive health and oral health, the health care policy gives property to elderly refuges along with ruler settler, youth refugee, families and children and other asylum seekers. This plan is mainly applied to local health networks, community health centres, Dental schools, NSW department of health and so on. This health care plan has been developed under the context of national, international, state refuges, health plans, multicultural and legal framework. The implementation of this policy comes under the responsibility of the department of health which will supervise and will provide the needed support and guidance to the local health care centres to implement the policies mentioned in NSW refugee health plan, the further local health network is responsible to implement the 31 strategic actions.

Policy analysis:

Addressing policy analysis is complex, and it can be costly too, but this process helps that decision makers of the policy to understand the problems, they are informed about the issue and they can choose the best solution from a range of different suggestions.


The issue in Social framework:

Policy is designed in a way, which can look very helpful for solving the issues of the health care system and helping the refugees to maintain their life in all premises, but there is a major issue which can be developed with passage of time, a country is allowing a number of people to enter in their region, which is almost around 13,000 to 17,000 per year, in every 1 minute a person comes in Australia to live here permanent, this is a huge number and that will definitely increase the population ratio, in this situation, it will be difficult for them to manage their policy standards and the facilities which they are offering under this system. This problem can cause the social and economic crisis, increased population means an imbalance in supply and demand of all the services given to people and same will happen in the health sector that the supply of medicine and the other resources can be reduced. This issue can affect the whole health system working in Australia, a number of people will impact on the number of services. In order to cop up with this issue, they have to reregulate their policy in the context of this issue, the policy should clarify that what number of people they are going to provide the services. Cultural and social impacts have a huge influence on the health care services, so allowing fewer people to be a part of this community will help them to reduce this overpopulation issue, other than that, they can increase the number of sponsors and service providers to overcome the needs of such huge population. They can improve their legislation regarding this issue, a new set of rules and regulations allows them to align the services given to people.

Legal framework:

Protection of personal information is not specified in the policy, but this is one of the main issues regarding the health care system, data of the refugees can be distorted, their information and data will be more specific and sensitive and mishandling of data can cause problems for both the service providers and the users of this service(Naser, et al., 2017) Technology is both, the cause and solution of different apprehensions related to the protection of personal health care information. The data collection regarding the system may cause hostile attacks and that can alter or delete the data. They have to make a specific section to overcome the issue regarding, as it will help in developing the trust between the newcomers and the service providers of the country. The policy should contain the regulations which may allow them to use and share the health information regarding payment and provision of care, also, they have to identify some procedures which will guide them to disclose information of any patient without their consent, if required to use in any research or any legal cause. Asking them before using their data will help them to maintain a level of respect which will help to develop the sense of trust on the government. It is estimated that three out of four people are concerned with the safety of their information so this will be better for the service providers to maintain a healthy relationship with people to assure the best possible atmosphere in the country by providing the best health care along with the assurance of safety.


Environmental framework:

Overall, this policy is focused on a number of issues but they have no clause related to the waste management issues in the organizations which are working under this policy. This is a huge issue which can be the reason for creating more health problems for the people who are visiting those hospitals or health care centre, a number of skin or virus diseases are caused because of improper waste management, for example, HIV and types of hepatitis B and C can be caused, so this is important for the policymakers to raise this issue and implement that on related organizations so that they can reduce the risk of any health complication in the people who visited their health centres(J. & Thelin, 2016). For that purpose, they can provide a set of rules to the organizations which they have to ensure that they are following, policy providers can do random monitoring to make that sure about the facilities patients getting. It will help in assuring the quality of services they are providing to them.

Critical discussion and analysis

Objectives and goals

The basic goal of the study is to improve the health care of refugees by initiating a few more policies regarding a social, environmental and legal issue. The refugee health care plan 2011-16 is covering many areas regarding the health of refugees. The plan has set priority in the health section such as nutrition, physical, mental health and so on. While critically analyzing the refugee plan it has been gathered that the overall plan is quite good but there are few limitations. First of all, when the refugee centres in the host country it obviously increases the number of populations in the country and affect the resources. Australia has become the country with accepting most refuges every year. In this situation limitation to health, care access can occur (Michael, Ferdous, Renzaho, Waters, & McQuilten, 2018).

Timely, addressing this issue can make the health services for natives and refuges better and will increase access to health care. Further, the refugees experience health issues due to many reasons in the refugee camp, one of them is the unhygienic environment. While living in the host country it is important to address this issue the neglection in waste management can lead to more health issues such as various of HIV, hepatitis B & C along with skin diseases. In the refugee plan, the absence of this issue can create problems in the long term so before it becomes the fatal phenomena it is important to address it and make appropriate policies to avoid it. After the implementation of this policy, the refuges will be protected from the possibility of adopting such disease (Ebtihal, Saidan, Saleh, Hamdan, & Linton, 2019).

Also, the information of refugees often used by the different authorities in order to make an appropriate plan, but it is vital for the medical staff to be confidential regarding the health information of the refuges. In the health care plan, there was no such part which refers toward this issue while it is quite sensitive (Stacey, Pillai, & Ward, 2019). This certain object will increase the trust level between the refugee and the clinician and they will be able to describe health issues in details consequently, the quality of the heath will increase.



The refugee healthcare plan is developed by the government of Australia, for further implementation of new goals, it is important that the ministry of health provides appropriate resources. The number of the refuges is quite large in the region of New SouthWalesand it is almost impossible to initiate new aspects in the plan without the interaction of Governmental body and related departments. Further, the assistance from the department of the health will also be required since this certain department in charge of providing support and guidance to the refugee's health care policies. The refugee plan targets the huge number of population and is initiated by the governmental body so the main and basic resource will be a department of health along with other local and national departments.


The changes or addition in the healthcare plan do not require any structural change, the only need to be implemented with other policies. To establish new recourse and make policies regarding health care access will require time because it needs a detailed analysis of existing policy, the entitlement system and the location of hospitals, further, the second objective is regarding the confidentiality of the patient information, which require a change in the practices, similarly the waste management issue. It requires to make policy and its implementation in all related medical health care centres, hospitals and related departments. To address all three issues, it will take over all time period of one year.


The first objective, which is access to health care requires utmost priority because it is quite sensitive and can affect the population of a large scale. Further, the issue regarding waste management can become a huge issue in future so the second priority must be given to this certain issue followed by establishing the policy regarding confidentiality. The priorities of the issues are set by their sensitivity and urgency of being addressed.

Search for alternatives:

As mentioned in the value able study of (David & Merali, 2019) the refugees come from miserable place and experience crucial circumstances , and in their new country they face many other consequences like homelessness and lack of facilities regarding health and many more aspects which can impact their life negatively (Shannon, Lyles, Zaheya, Burton, & Burnham, 2016) but health service is one of the most important needs of refugees as they have to survive in the new region and health will play important role in this (R. & Boyle, 2015), safety of their data is important with the safety of their health that will help them to feel safe in new region and be confident about the government.

Expert opinion:

Experts are quite aware of the needs of refugee and their needs they are trying to take effective measure to ensure that their countriesare serving people on the right terms(, 2019), number of health officers are giving priority to these health issues and addressing the people over the globe to reduce the issues regarding to health of refugees.


Lobby groups:

Refugees are a diverse group of people, discipline individuals with unique issues regarding health and risk of diseases. They are mainly those who are going through war conditions and face circumstances which affect their health badly which made them very (, 2018) so they have to be accommodated by all means which can help in improving their health both physically and mentally.


This paper is based on analysis of the NSW Refugee health policy, which is mainly developed for providing the proper health facilities to the refuge and people who are facing consequences like refugees. This policy will help in assuring that, people will get adequate and high-quality service to the refugees incompetent mainstream of health services. And this is also the reason of choosing this policy for analysis so it could help in evaluating the process of health services provided to the refugees living in Australia, as there isa number of people which are moving to this region. This is one of the main social cause which can create issues for this policy to cope with the needs of the whole population. In last few years, a huge number of refugees entered in the region and settled down in NSW and Victoria, as they were from different cultures and they were in a situation which can not be neglected that is why they have to establish health plan for the refugees to make them feel that they are part of society. the social issue which is not clearly addressed in the policy is how to use it in future when the population will be increased than the estimated ratio and how it will affect the organizations working under this policy. Another issue which is not mentioned in policy is, the collection of personal data of the refugee which will get health services and its security, as people are very serious and protective about their information, this will also help in developing the sense of trust in people, this is one of the key goals which has to be achieved through implementation of new ideas, the main objectives of this implementation is to improve the quality of health care and the services provided to refugees, secondly it will assure the safety of their data. Priority will be set according to the importance of objectives; the main focus will be on improving the overall status of health provided to the refugees. Further, this plan will focus on managing waste production and its disposal in relatedorganizations. Resources used in this plan will be provided by the government bodies, as they are the key stakeholder of this project.The number of health care providers and doctors over the globe admits the importance of good health of refugees because they experience very different consequences which are crucial for them, they are admitting the importance of providing them good mental health by developing the concept of trust between people and government by assuring their safety in the region.It will allow them to make effective changes in this segment and make their overall system more effective. As, their health care system is already established way better than other countries and addressing these issues will make it more advanced and developed for the outsiders as well, which will make country's position stronger over the globe.


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