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PMIT Project Management, Victorian Institute Of Technology, Australia


1. Report your assessment of the current project communication plan.

Answer: Project communication makes up the most important aspect of the project management plan. Right from the inception, planning, execution till delivery communication is very essential and infact it has to be very effective to enable the project objectives be met. An effective communication plan not only need to be contextual, it has to be two way and also it is expected to be more effective and as per the needs of the project. The following part of the report is about evaluation of project communication plan of a particular project; the report evaluates and presents a comparative detailing of the current project communication plan with an ideal project communication practices. Subsequent part of the report contains recommendations to improve the current project communication strategies to make them more effective. Recommendations are justified by appropriate reasoning to support the claims made in the report.

Findings from the project case review: The context of the communication plan in the current project is about Communication disease management. The key objectives of the communication include, integration of the stakeholders interests, communication effectively with the TB program representatives, and management of the employees along effective detailing of their job expectations like data base management, analysis etc as per the organizational requirements. The detailing is on the communication plan and related requirements. The project at present is being run by the funding organization Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Institution. The idea is mainly focussed on utilizing the capabilities of the information sources and the capabilities of the same to get the objectives met. The communication plan is drafted considering the interests of both the internal and external stakeholders employing a comprehensive communication plan. The collaborative communication process contained working on to evaluate the existing business processes, redesigning the same as per the requirements and finally working on to describe the requirements(Argenti,2015).

More specific detailing of the project communication plan:

1. Stakeholders of the communication plan

• Clients

• Senior management

• Sponsor

• Project Team members

• Employees

• Sub contractors

• Suppliers

• Unions

• Public stakeholders

• News media

• Community and others

Profile of the communication strategies: In most of the cases communication is more detailed and it has inherent usage of the technology in the form of emails, meetings, face to face correspondence, telephoning and tele-conferencing as well. However the timing of the project will be done as appropriate as per the organization needs.


2. Compare your assessment with sound project management practices.

Answer: Comparison with the best communication models:

2. There is need for the communication to be objective oriented particularly in the context of health domain communication. There is need for epidemic centric and the objective oriented communication plan can meet the requirements of the communication. If there is communication done keeping in view of the focussed epidemic management and the specific objectives are created as per the strategic planning, it will serve the purpose of updating the information to the key stakeholders like government agencies, sponsorers etc(Binder, 2016).

3. There is need for effective health communication based on the results of the project progression. It is very much essential for such health project. Hence consistent evaluation of the results comparison of the same with the expected outcomes and briefing the same to the targeted audience will make up one of the important aspect of the health communication strategy in the current context.

4. Also as part of the organization efforts to outreach the end users the public community, there should be communication of the prevention means, integration of the strategies of mitigation of the disease etc. Though the ultimate project objectives are to employ informatics as part of the organizational strategy to outreach the stakeholders, informatics can also be employed to prepare effective communication strategies to outreach the general public to provide them with information on the latest disease control techniques and strategies.

3. Recommend a communication plan for future project involving stakeholders from different sectors.

Answer: Recommendations: Improving the stakeholder groups to include few more experts who can provide valuable information to the focus objectives of the usage of the informatics and resources as per the objectives of the organization. They can be medical professionals, informatics professionals etc. They can be hired or voluntarily can be made joined in the part of the advisory group. This way inputs for strategic evaluation from internal and external resources will be enabled(Florcel et al.,2016).

Further there is need for the evaluation of the organizational communication channels at present. Social media tools can be an effective tool for informal discussions. Hence corporate communications group can be enabled to use social media for communicating with the classified stakeholders for internal decisions regarding strategy planning and direction at the same time external contributors can be encouraged for advising the operational planning for the organization. Social media posting and informal communication can be encouraged for quick dissemination of information and idea transfer between key stakeholders of the organization (Nelson & Staggers, 2016).

Further the accountability and responsibility of the project can be further improved by enabling timed discussions in the organization. It is possible that the organization can arrange for communication meetings chronically for the sake of stakeholder interactions. They can facilitate interactive communications for specific duration of time like for every month or like any agreed upon duration of time. Such understanding will work for the betterment of the communication among the stakeholder groups. Rather than just moving with the communication at time durations of when and where needed, chronical interactions among the stakeholders can work for betterment of the organizational functionality in terms of information update decisions effectiveness and better alignment with the project objectives (Kerzner, 2018).


4. Justify your recommendation

Answer: Justification: As such there are no any major deviations seen in the communication practices of the current organization at present from the ideal communication strategies. However the effectiveness of the organizational communication strategy can be improved further by making them more effective by improving the plan by including the following. There is need for improving the stakeholder of communication plan. There is need to increase the frequency of communication and chronical communication can be better at least with stakeholders like experts and community. Also the channels of the communication can be empowered by using social media tools etc for more effective and spontaneous response.

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