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Assignment - Personal Philosophy of Nursing Reflection Paper

Define, describe and explain your personal beliefs about the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm and their inter-relationship to one another as they guide your current nursing practice.


Answer -

Before penning down my views and philosophies of nursing, I would like to highlight the actual meaning of a nursing philosophy. As per Dahnke, & Dreher (2015), the philosophy of nursing encompasses the overall attitude shared by one towards the realistic aspects of life and the beliefs of each and every nursing professional. Basically, it is an attempt to address all the core values and beliefs that are associated with the practices of nursing.

Initially, when I had just joined this course of nursing, with my limited knowledge and exposure, I had thought that my philosophy of nursing was to provide care and treat my patients in a way that I would like others to treat me, thereby always showcasing a positive attitude towards everyone. However, after going through a series of theories and all other in depth research articles which have been authored by numerous renowned authors, I have slightly revised my philosophy of nursing and it is currently more precise and relatable to the aspects of nursing practice.

The altered philosophy which I have developed is not only to provide assistance to my patients but also provide care and support towards optimal health and look forward to enhance the overall quality of life. This is possible to be achieved through individual and personalised care regimen through maintenance of professional decorum and regulations.

Before going further into the nursing philosophy, I would like to firstly mention about the four most important concepts of nursing meta-paradigms. These meta- paradigms include person or the client, the surrounding environment, overall health and the nursing care. I am a firm believer of the fact that any person belonging to any strata has the basic right to be treated in a dignified manner and has worth to receive the best quality care for health and well-being. In order to provide people with the best of care, it is essential to consider them as complete or whole human beings. In order to achieve the same, it is extremely essential to understand and closely link the different aspects of psychological, sociological, spiritual, physical and cultural well-being of these people. The care plan customised for patients should be able to identify and related with the key attributes of the aspects discussed in the preceding lines.

Aspects of environment could be the factors which influence people externally. There could be aspects related to socio economic levels, demography, overall access to healthcare and attributes of social support which might prove to be the determining factors. It is essential to understand and remember at this point that any individual patient is always interacting with the nature and the presence of a positive and comforting environment shall definitely lessen the recovery period coupled with adherence to the regimen of treatment.


The third concept regard good health, I feel is related to the absence of any kind of illness. It is supreme for a nurse to focus on the different health complaints which have been raised by the patient and try to look for other signs or symptoms which could be interfering with the overall aspects of maintain good physical health. Nursing basically refers to the process or the protocols and standard procedures which are to be followed for providing care to a patient. It basically entails the assessment of conditions being presented by the patients and diagnose and implement the same after careful evaluation so as to restore the health by address the complaints presented by the patient. The four meta-paradigms as discussed share a very dynamic relationship and coordination with one another and are interdependent with one another.

Being a nurse, it is essential for me to devise out strategies through which I can address the aspects of optimal health and well-being for my patients. One of the most important features of nursing services is the quality of care being mated out to the patients. It is possible to show respect, love and appreciation for the clients or patients through nursing care (Edwardsson et al., 2017).

Whenever, care is being practiced by us, the patients increasingly become more connected and feel special. Some level of trust and goodwill gets established as the patient feels confident to confide their issues, concerns and worries. This serves as an additional mental support for the patients apart from the physical treatment protocol being followed. The anxiety level for the patient diminish and there is a fair chance that now the patient shall be more cooperative and would provide all necessary feedback so that the recovery time is less.

In this connection, I would like to consider the example of theory of interpersonal relations by Hildegard Peplau (Peplau et al., 2015). This was given in the year 1952 with an aim to develop a productive and personalised relationship between the caregiver (nurse) and the patient so that the aspects of mutual aspects help to aid the therapy and the patients bounce back to good health within a shorter period of time. The development of the connect with the individual patients, and showcasing behavioural attributes to make them feel at ease, or let them feel important are one of the chief aspects of nursing care and must be followed. It is very essential to go for active listening and being patient so as to evade any form of anxiety or depression from the mind of patient.

It is thus essential to understand that good health is not only restrictive of absence of disease, rather, it entails the aspects where one is at their personal best, both physically, mentally and socially so that the emotional self can help to achieve the optimal health. My nursing philosophy is thus to provide an all-round holistic care giving schedule to the patient so that the development and recovery happens at a faster pace.


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