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Performance Improvement Plan, Southern New Hampshire University, USA

IHP 604 Healthcare Quality and Improvement


Question: A. Explain the purpose of implementing a quality plan. In your explanation, consider how accreditation standards drive an organization's patient safety and quality initiatives.

B. Determine the healthcare organization's commitment to patient safety and quality. Consider the mission statement and policies of the organization to guide your answer.

C. Describe the various stakeholder groups that have a vested interest in the performance-improvement process (e.g., nursing leadership, departmental directors). Consider utilizing an organizational chart to depict these stakeholders.

D. Develop a quality statement that outlines the objectives of the quality plan.

Answer: The paper will help in presenting my views regarding the topic of the Performance-Improvement Plan used by the Adeptus Health Inc., organization of the United States. During this project, I have gained several positive experiences and also facedsome issues, and that will be discussed in this context. Furthermore, the paper will also demonstrate my knowledge regarding the measures, process improvements, benchmark and other reporting sections that have described within the project. 

AdeptusHealth Inc. is a medium-sized healthcare organization of the United States that provides high-quality medical services to their patient(Leeman, Birken, Powell, Rohweder& Shea, 2017). As it is a medium-sized firm, so I have faced some issues in collecting the appropriate information regarding the commitment of the firm towards their patient. Organization commitment is necessary for implementing the quality plan that should be required for the healthcare centre(Birken et al., 2015). I have also faced some problem in understanding the role of the stakeholder groups that are related to this healthcare center. Besides this, I have gained positive experiences while working on the project because it helped me to understand the way that the healthcare firm follows for improving their treatment procedures. I have understoodthat the senior managers used proper techniques to manage and control the staff members and improve the quality of treatment of the firm. Hence this has helped me to gain a positive impact as it influences me to know the manner of managing the staff members in a healthcare organization. However, some questions aroused while doing the project, and they are provided below:

• What are the ways of implementing the quality plan in Adeptus healthcare centre?

• How the status of quality standards and tools changed after implementing the quality plan?

• How should the recommendations be applied to the firm?

Another positive experience that I have gained during this project is that I have gained immense knowledge on information management systems that should be used by the healthcare organization. Hence it will help me in future to use the appropriate management system while working in a healthcare center. I have gained proper medication knowledge too from the project which can help me to understand the ways of implementing a quality plan for a healthcare firm in the coming days without facing any problem. From the measures and benchmark procedure, I have analyzed the current performance improvement initiatives and those data that which be used by the chosen healthcare organization. In order to understand this, a comparison has been drawn on the critical safety measures, and a brief demonstration of metrics analysis has also been demonstrated (Balasubramanian et al., 2015).

It also described the importance of leadership, reimbursement dataand policies to the firm. The process improvements part defines the goals and leadership strategies that should be useful for the business to make the quality plan for their healthcare firm. Besides this, in this part, I have provided some recommendations based on the current situation of the firm, policy change as well as on the new technology that should be used by the healthcare organization for providing a positive impact on their business procedure. In the evolution and reporting section, an evaluation plan is provided by using Plan-Do-Study-Act along with its timeline that should be necessary for implementing the quality plan in the Adeptus organization(Goodman et al., 2016). Moreover, in this part, I have also discussed the role of technology and the changes that should be implemented for managing the data of the organization.


The paper concluded that I have faced several issues while doing the project that helped me to generate a few questions to the instructor regarding the project. However, by evaluating all these parts, I have gained immense knowledge regarding the quality plan properly that are essential for any healthcare organization.

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