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Organizational Staffing Assignment Help

What knowledge, skills abilities, and other human qualities (i.e., KSA and O's) should we look for among potential candidates? Will this be complete today?

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Organizational Staffing Case Study


Objective of the current strategy is to recruit in appropriate number of sales people for the sake of growth of our company. About 150 sales personnel are being recruited to cater the needs of about 36,000 customers. This is tentative and can be changed based on the actual scenarios.

Hence considering the projected work load and as well as the operational requirements and competition, the following should be the minimum knowledge, skills and abilities criteria for selecting the staff for our new operations.

Knowledge requirements:

The staff recruited to be knowledged of their functional duties; they need to know the basics of the call center operations, management and other related informative knowledge like MIS reporting, grievance reporting or resolution etc. Further proficient knowledge needed in terms of sales negotiations, deal closure. Also knowledge relevant to the organization product and services and other industry inputs are needed (Cesario and Chambel, 2017).

Skills requirements:

Since all employees are expected to possess sufficient skills in dealing with the customers, customer relationship management, convincing, negotiating skills. Also they need to possess the skills of pleasing personality and convincing characteristics(Cottrell,2019).

Abilities Requirements

Ability to reach and outpass the sales targets on daily basis, Ability to take up the unexpected workloads. Capacity to face the pressure and challenges on work are needed from the new recruitee employees. Hence any focus on these features can enable recruitment of right candidates for the profession. New Recruitees should able to adapt the new technologies (Walker and Craig, 2017) in accordance with the job requirements from time to time(Anstey et al.,2017). Since the job demands 24X7 working as per the needs, candidates need to have ability to work in any shift as per the needs.

Other human qualities:

Since the profession is a sales person, the people recruited need to possess the qualities of passion and empathy. They need to have the necessary patience to take up the job responsibilities (Mantey and Naidoo,2017). Another important aspect of the job is the fact that the people recruited for this profession should have the quality to commit for the profession for long time. They should not leave the job in short time, a long time commitment and drive to excel and reach the target should be some of the qualities of the sales people being recruited for this profession. Another important ability is to shoot up the potential in accordance with the organizational requirements, Since the organization is a growing organization, as well as there is need for accommodating more and more work load, it is very much required for the new employees to meet these competency requirements and should able to excel themselves as per the needs. Continuous learning and growth should be characteristic qualities of the personality.

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